From Your Pastor’s Heart
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
Each and every one of us has been there at some point. We have all experienced moments of disillusionment at one time or another. Sometimes we are just plain weary or feel disappointed and we cannot put our finger on the reason why. It’s at times such as these when your relationship with God might even feel cold or distant. You try to pray but you just can’t find the right time or the words. Sometimes your love for God’s Word might give way to doubt. So, you don’t read it as much as you used to if at all.
So many Christians simply go through the motions of spiritual activity, hoping to rekindle their passion for faith, yet much like the long cold winter months, this dreary season hangs on until you wonder if you’ll ever feel close to God again, to feel the awe of the burning bush or to yearn for the sound of God’s still small voice.
Because we live in a world fallen into sin, there are so many things that might contribute to such feelings, all of which can slow down a Christians drive to greater faith and desire for Christ. The weight of the world is more than enough for us to bear, in fact, it is too much! God knows this and that is why he sent his only begotten Son into the world to bear the burden of our sin.
As we come to worship, fresh on the heels of the Christmas and Epiphany celebrations, Christians find themselves immersed in the early stages of Jesus’s earthly ministry. This month we will read of Jesus’s calling his first disciples. We will hear of his first miracle and the beginning of his teaching on the Kingdom of God. Yet, as Christ’s fame grows, so too does his opposition. Why? That’s simple. The devil doesn’t want the world to know about God’s plan for salvation made possible through the presence and faithfulness of the long awaited Christ.
Instead, the devil would rather we focus on the flaws in our churches, or perhaps the failures of civil leaders who were once admired. It might even be the infighting and arguing between family members whom God would rather they be known for the love they share instead of the jealousy and envy so frequently displayed. Then there is the devil’s favorite trick, attacking you personally. “No, you don’t measure up. You aren’t good enough. No one really likes you.”
No, in all of these there is but one remedy, one cure for the sin-sick soul. Pray. Even if you cannot find the words, pray. Even if you feel that it won’t help, pray. It doesn’t matter if the words don’t come, the Holy Spirit will intercede for you, as scripture says, “with sighs too deep for words.” (Romans 8:26). God loves you so much that he will certainly hear your prayer.
Rekindling the flame of faith is as easy as that. Like the slogan for Nike points out, “Just do it.” If you want words to say but can’t recall any, turn to the old spiritual hymn found in our WOV hymnal #777 and pray the title: “Give me Jesus.” Surely there is no better prayer. God, I feel down today. Give me Jesus. Father, I feel lonely today. Give me Jesus. Lord, I feel like I let you down. Give me Jesus.
As the month of February gives way to March, the season of Lent will quickly follow. No time is the perfect time to rekindle the flame of faith that was started within you at the time of your baptism. Look to God’s Word for reassurance. Gather with the congregation for worship. Feel the closeness and love of God as we give Him thanks and praise for all He has accomplished for us through Christ. Come join your church family as we pray with one voice of faith. “O God, give me Jesus.”
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila