Join us for VBS! It is all about Twists and Turns. We are celebrating how following Jesus changes the game. Spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, and play to win! We will jour ney with Peter and his relationship with Jesus. Don’t miss the fun. Plan now to experience our Twists and Turns.
• When: Monday, June 19-Thursday, June 22
• Meal in Fellowship Hall at 5:45 PM
VBS 6:30 – 8:00 PM
VBS Volunteers Needed: Will you volunteer to make a difference in our children’s lives at VBS? Please contact Donna Fulmer or Sherrie McTeer to let them know how you will serve. It is all about the Twists and Turns and how following Jesus is a game changer.
Bible Study Archive
Posted May 25, 2023 By adminSolid Rock Day Camp
Posted May 20, 2023 By adminThis June, St. Jacob’s is partnering with St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Chapin, and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Little Mountain to bring summer camp to Chapin. The Solid Rock Day Camp (June 11-16) is for elementary school aged children (grades 1-5). They will have the full camp experience of games, fun, food and make plenty of new friends, all in a Christian atmosphere. This is a great experience and blessing for our families. Please take advantage of this day camp opportunity which is sponsored by the NALC Carolinas Mission Region. Cost of the camp is $50.00 per child payable at St. Jacob’s. Anyone requiring assistance to cover registration fees should contact Pastor David Nuottila to make these confidential arrangements. By the way, the Solid Rock Camp Counselors will be worshiping with us at St. Jacob’s on June 11, so your camper will be able to meet them. Contact Pastor David for registration information as it is done via email. Hurry, the camp will fill up quickly.
From the Pastor’s Heart
Posted May 15, 2023 By adminAnd behold, Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” Matthew 28:9-10
I don’t mind saying that as I sit down to write this month’s installment, I’m stuck. I’m stuck because we are in the midst of the Easter season where it is our Christian endeavor to share the Good News of Christ’s resurrection, but by the month’s end, we will have celebrated Jesus’ ascension into heaven, and the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. There is so much liturgical and theological fruit to be gleaned from the fields of faith that I cannot possibly think of a way to cover it all in one page of the newsletter. So, let’s stick with the chief purpose for all Christians and continue the proclamation of the resurrection.
As we navigate our current times here in Chapin, we soon see a community that is growing by leaps and bounds. Our small community is one of the fastest growing areas of the state. As we learned during our Fresh Eyes for Mission Summit, we can expect greater housing development and economic expansion in the times ahead. “What has this got to do with the resurrection” you may ask? Well, again as we found out during our Fresh Eyes Summit, over 63% of the people who live within fifteen minutes drive time from St. Jacob’s are not affiliated with any sort of church or religious entity. That’s a lot of people, approximately forty-eight thousand!
As Jesus told the women who came to the tomb on that first day of the week, he tells us also. “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” The key to this verse is that Jesus is sending his people into the world to share the Good News of God’s saving grace through Christ our Lord. Hear again the first four words Jesus says, “Do not be afraid.”
It is common knowledge that the reason Christians today are not very good at evangelism (sharing the Gospel) is because they are apprehensive in speaking about faith issues with others, especially strangers. But this is exactly what Christ calls every Christian to do. And since God calls us all to be evangelists, we need not be afraid. Even if someone turns you away, you have still planted the seed of God’s Word. Imagine how it would have been if those women who first encountered the risen Lord Jesus kept the news to themselves. We might not be here at St. Jacob’s or even have a church at all. We might not have the fellowship of other believers, or dear friends whom we enjoy seeing each week in worship. We might not be sharing the Sacrament of Holy Communion, or participating in our Sunday schools, Bible studies, and VBS.
Well, if we are not sharing the Good News of Jesus with our community, then there are over forty eight thousand unchurched people who do not realize these blessings that many of us take for granted. If we don’t share the Gospel with others, we also are not following Jesus’ command to tell others. Faith, love, and hope we have in our Lord compel us to tell others, not just during the Easter season, but during all times and seasons.
As Pastor and Shepherd for St. Jacob’s, I am working on developing ways that we might learn together how to be more effective in the mission of evangelism. It begins with knowing the story, and then developing confidence in telling the story to others. As St. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 4:7, “…we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.” The treasure is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The clay Jars are our fragile and imperfect human bodies. God has entrusted to us the mission of His Gospel and will not allow us to fail, so there is no reason to feel apprehensive, uncomfortable, or afraid. Yes, it is awkward at first, but it doesn’t take long to realize that you can do this with God’s help, and He will help you.
Once we embark on this mission, the “stuckness” will soon fade. When we become more proficient in our evangelism, our congregation, as a whole will become energized and refreshed by the power of the same Gospel which we share. So hear again the words of Jesus on the first day of the week. ““Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers…” Invite them to St. Jacob’s and here they will encounter the power of the risen Christ,
Grace to you and peace,
David Nuottila
Confirmation Public Examination Day – May 21
Posted May 10, 2023 By adminIn preparation for her public Affirmation of Faith (Confirmation) Isabelle will have her Public Examination on Sunday, May 21 during a congregation luncheon immediately following worship. Everyone is invited to share a time of fellowship and good food and support Isabelle as she demonstrates what she has gleaned from her study of the Scriptures and Luther’s Small Catechism. Public Examination is a traditional Lutheran practice for confirmands just prior to making their public affirmation of faith on their confirmation day, which this year will happen on Pentecost Sunday, May 28th.
This is a very important step in a young Christian’s life as they take their place among the adult membership of congregations. It is also an important event for congregations as confirmed youth are invited to serve the church in new and important ways. Isabelle’s confirmation day is an important part of her faith life and an important day in the life of St. Jacob’s as we share in the promise to grow in faith and life together. Please consider attending the luncheon on May 21st in support for Isabelle and celebrate with her this milestone in her young life.
Posted May 3, 2023 By admin22 members and guests gathered at 10 am on Thursday, April 13 in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy a Chair Yoga class led by Ms. Cindy Smith. For 30 minutes, she relaxed our minds and strengthened our bodies. She taught us new techniques and reminded us that stretch techniques learned long ago can easily by converted into chair exercises rather than floor exercises. All enjoyed our chair yoga class. Devotions were given by Helen L. Lindler. They were based on Psalm 51- “Create in me a clean heart”. She read this writing by Henry Van Dyke. “Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. Business was conducted. Thanks were given to all from Lutheran Hospice and SC Hospice for the beautiful Easter Bags. They were distributed by Hospice workers to Hospice patients as a tribute of God’s love for them.
Lunch consisted of a variety of salads, with lots of side dishes and delicious desserts. The next Up and Going Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 11th at 11am. We will meet at the Cha pin Community Theater for a tour of the facility, then go to the Fellowship Hall for Lunch. Lunch will con sist of sandwiches, side dishes and desserts. Bring whatever you would like for sharing. Time for additional planning for the August 4 Churches Meeting, hosted by St. Jacob’s. Bring your ideas. Please pray for our members as many are sick or have family sickness. Thank you.
Pastoral Devotion for May – The Emmaus Road
Posted May 1, 2023 By adminRead Luke 24:13-35
The road to Emmaus, as traveled by two disciples, was one of abandoned hope and broken hearts. Early in the week they greeted Jesus as their king. Days later, Jesus was crucified. Instead of their King’s triumph, they witnessed a horrible defeat. And so they walked home heartbroken, yet they were not alone. Many of us have experienced such a road. We know heartbreak and grief. Some can recall wondering if they would ever again experience joy. This is precisely the point when we ought to recognize that feeling that we too are not alone. Jesus is near.
As the two disciples walked together, the risen Christ joined them and taught them that God’s intent went far beyond the pain of the present day’s cross. Jesus helped them recognize that out of darkness, God brings light. Out of despair, God gives hope. Through the risen Christ, God raises the dead to life. Then finally, as the reach their destination, Jesus is revealed to them in the breaking of the bread.
For us today, Jesus is revealed in the very same way. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ opens our minds that we might encounter him. Through the bread that is broken and the wine that is poured, the risen Lord Jesus comes to us with God’s forgiveness and love. At some time, we all experience the grief of the Emmaus Road. Yet, we know Christ is near. This is the Easter message, the resto ration of hope, the forgiveness of sins and the joy of salvation. It is the assurance that in Christ, life conquers death and we are never alone. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
Prayer: Holy God, we thank you for your grace, which comes through Christ our Lord. Amen.
From the Pastor’s Heart
Posted April 9, 2023 By admin[Peter and the other disciple] were running together, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. John 20:4
Recently while looking through some old Bible study material, I stumbled upon a video that made me pause for a while. It is a video of a skit portrayed by two men called “The Skit Guys.” In the video, they are enacting the events of the first Easter morning. Peter and John (The Skit Guys) are told by some women that they have seen Jesus. In response, they run to the empty tomb. John runs much swifter and much more sure footed than Peter. Their faces display the anticipation and even perhaps a bit of fear concerning what they might find. John reaches the tomb first, but he won’t look inside or enter. Then Peter arrives, huffing and puffing, but he enters the tomb without stopping to think. As I replay this video in my mind, this is the point where I have to hit the pause button.
I wonder to myself, upon hearing the reports of the women saying they have seen Jesus very much alive, would I be bold enough to charge into Christ’s tomb? Even as I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jesus was beaten, whipped and crucified, would I have the where with all to enter the tomb where they laid his body only to find it empty? Thinking about that for a while, I finally decided that, yes I would. Having walked with Jesus for three years as a disciple, having witnessed his many miracles, and having come to believe Jesus is who he says he is; I would have to enter the tomb.
I suppose the question I have for you, my church family, is much the same that I faced when watching this video. If someone came to you early in the morning, excited and out of breath, and told you that they had seen Jesus and he is very much alive, you would run to the tomb in order to see for yourself? Would this amazing news of Christ’s resurrection stir your emotions so deep that you would simply have to wit ness the event with your own eyes? I suspect that it would. I suspect that given such extraordinary news, you too would run to the tomb of Jesus in wondrous expectation. We would likely do this because of the same reason Peter and John did; we are his disciples and we love him.
Through the reading of Holy Scripture, worship and prayer, we are witnesses to the many amazing miracles of Jesus. We are students of his teaching and recipients of his grace. Following Jesus through out his mission and ministry, we too have come to know Jesus as Messiah and Lord, through whom we have forgiveness of sin and the hope of eternal life. Throughout the past twelve months, since Easter of last year, I pray that in my preaching and teaching, you have heard the gospel of Christ and the reports that Jesus is indeed alive!
Even as we have traveled the Lenten Road once more, even as we are about to once again mark the event of Christ’s Passion, and come to the realization that yes, Jesus did give up his life for our sake. Soon, the sun will rise on yet another Easter morning. Yes, we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jesus died and was buried, but still the reports of his resurrection persist. Jesus is alive! We have seen him! How sweet this news is to the ears of the people of God.
At the conclusion of the video, Peter finally emerges from the tomb to meet John who is still standing outside. Peter, holding the burial garments of Christ in his hands, can only look at John with a stare of complete amazement. As the two disciples take in the meaning of what they have witnessed, all they can do is laugh through their tears of joy. Jesus is alive. He is risen! It happened just as he said it would.
People of God, as Easter Sunday is upon us, I invite you to run to the empty tomb and see for yourself. Come hear the good news of Jesus’ resurrection once more. If you have not been in worship for a while, what a great time to come! I invite you to run to the tomb, charge right in and behold the glory of God in the resurrection of our Lord. It happened just the way Jesus said it would. I invite you to be a part of the Easter story and to be a part of the celebration among your church family. Come hear the good news of Christ Jesus. He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila
Join Us for The Celebration of Easter
Posted March 31, 2023 By adminHoly Week Schedule
Palm Sunday April 9 – 10:00AM
Maundy Thursday April 6 – 7:00PM
Good Friday April 7 – 7:00PM
Easter At St. Jacob’s
Sunrise Service April 9 – 7:00AM
Easter Breakfast Following Sunrise Service
Resurrection Festival Service April 9 – 10:00AM
Pastoral Devotion for April – Receive the Lord
Posted March 31, 2023 By adminRead Luke 22:14-23 In the hours before Jesus was lifted up upon the cross, he gathered his closest friends around the table and poured out the Spirit of God’s love. In the meal they shared, Christ made himself truly available to them, filling them with the hope of God’s kingdom.
The disciples could not yet understand, but Christ’s assurance was there; “This is my body which is given for you.” On the eve of Christ’s victory over sin and the grave, finally, reconciliation between God and man was at hand.
Today, we live as God’s redeemed people; through Christ, sin no longer has power over us. Nowhere is this made more visible than as we share the meal of our faith. The same assurance, the same spirit of love, the same Lord Jesus is present with us as he was present with the twelve.
As we approach God’s table of grace, we bring only that which we can truly call our own. With extended hands, the nakedness and shame of our sin is laid to bear at the foot of Christ’s cross. Yet, our Lord welcomes us to the feast. Our sin stained hands are extended – seeking refreshment, fulfillment, forgiveness. And like the disciples, we receive our Lord as we hear the words of Christ, “This is my body given for you.”
Prayer: Thank you Lord, for this bread and this cup, through which you fill us with your grace. Amen.
Announcing! 2023 South Carolina Mission District Men’s Retreat
Posted March 5, 2023 By adminAll St. Jacob’s men are encouraged to participate in the first annual South Carolina Mission District Men’s Retreat. The retreat will take place at Camp Longridge in ridgeway, SC on the weekend of April 14-16. The cost for the weekend is $125.00 per person and includes meals and lodging.
The theme for the retreat is “Becoming Fishers of Men.” St. Jacob’s and St. Peter’s Lutheran Churches in Chapin are the host congregations for the weekend. Registration brochures are available in the narthex.
Fathers and sons are especially encouraged to attend. More information will follow in the St. Jacob’s Newsletter and South Carolina Mission District Facebook page.
Jesus said “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19