Bible Study Archive

Vacation Bible School

Posted May 22, 2024 By admin

VBS, Breaker Rock Beach, is coming in June! Our dates have been set! They are Monday, June 24 through Thursday, June 27. A meal will be served at 5:45 pm and VBS will be from 6:30-8:00 pm. Classes for all ages! If you are interested in helping out with VBS, please contact Sherrie.

Read Luke 24:36-53
The Easter narrative makes us fully aware of what happened on the first day of the week. Women went to Jesus’ tomb and found he was not dead; he was raised. The news spread throughout that first day of the week with Jesus appearing to his disciples and two people on the road to Emmaus. Easter changes lives, but for our world today, what are we to make of Easter on the second day of the week?
On Easter Sunday, churches were filled with worshipers. On the second day of the week, with the chorus of Jesus Christ is risen today!” fresh in its ears, the world returned to work. With images of the resurrection still vivid in the minds of believers, how long is it before doubt once again creeps back into the forefront?
Throughout the succeeding Sundays of the Easter season, the daily struggle of earthly life has returned in force. For so many, worry returns, grief remains, relationships are still broken, and death looms on the horizon. Living in the midst of brokenness, some forget that because of Easter, these things no longer have power over God’s people. In the face of such sin and death, we have the promise of life in God’s kingdom.
The events of the first day of the week set the tone for life in the face of death, forgiveness in the face of sin and certainty in the face of doubt. We are several weeks beyond our Easter Sunday celebration, but one thing remains true and certain: through his death and resurrection, Jesus conquered the powers that defy God. On the first day of the week, and everyday here after, God’s people are witnesses to these things. To quote an Easter hymn, “Christ is alive, let Christians sing!”
Holy God, as we worship you on the first day pf the week, fill our hearts with Easter joy all the days of our lives. Amen

From Your Pastor’s Heart

Posted May 9, 2024 By admin

When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:1-4

On the day of Pentecost, the church celebrates God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. We also celebrate the birth of God’s Church. In our worship, our learning, and our serving, we see God’s Spirit in action. We feel the power of God’s love as the Spirit comes like the rush of a violent wind, stirring our hearts and minds to faithfulness. Such is the theme of Pentecost; it’s the power of God’s Spirit blowing through the lives of His people.
It isn’t about wearing your red dress or shirt to church on Pentecost Sunday. It’s about the mighty breath of the Holy Spirit, rearranging the furniture of our lives and filling us with all the confidence, strength, excitement, and assurance the disciples had in order to share the good news of God’s redemption.
Think about the world around you. Think about the things you have heard and seen. Think about all the times in your life when you thought you were at your wits end. Don’t’ you think the world needs to hear this good news of great joy? In so many ways and in so many instances, God makes his presence and power known in ways so clear that no matter what, people can know and understand His mercy and grace are real and that His love lasts forever.
This is exciting stuff folks. This is the stuff movies are made of…good movies!
The gospel of our Lord is the best news you are ever going to get in your lifetime. The times you first realized God’s grace is for you, that you have been rescued from the consequences of sin forever, well, these are as good as it gets.
When you are young, prom is a big moment. Some of us know kids who have recently gone to or will soon go to their first prom. Guess what, as good as prom is, God claiming you to be his child is better. When you get older, graduation comes with all its pomp and circumstance. Guess what, it can’t compare with all the glory of heaven. There are still bigger moments ahead in your lives. College, your first real job, engagement, marriage, the purchase of a home, and the birth of a child. You know what? All of these are blessings from a loving God, yet because of Christ Jesus, the best is still yet to come.
People of God, all these are wonderful events; they are milestone moments, times of great joy. But if these are the most important times in your life, you’ve missed the boat. None of these can even compare with the fact that through Christ Jesus, God has saved you from sin and death, made you holy in his sight and prepared for you a heavenly home. Nothing can compare with the fact that through Christ Jesus, God has saved your life for all time. That’s good news, that’s exciting.
At Pentecost, as we celebrate God’s gift of the Holy Spirit, let us pray that God stirs us into such faithfulness that we cannot help but tell others the good news of salvation through Christ. As we strive to follow the example of our Lord Jesus, may we continue to love others as we are loved, feed the hungry, care for the sick and minister to those who are least of all.
Come Holy Spirit, kindle in us the fire of your love!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila

Music Notes

Posted May 8, 2024 By admin

2 Chronicles 5:12-14 (…it was the duty of the trumpeters and singers to make themselves heard in unison in praise and thanksgiving to the Lord), and when the song was raised, with trumpets and cymbals and other musical instruments, in praise to the Lord,
“For he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever,”
the house, the house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud, 14 so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.
When Solomon had completed the temple and the Ark of the Covenant was brought into the temple, the singers and musicians praised God with voice and instrument, and the temple was filled with the Glory of God.
Throughout the bible, God gives us examples of worship. In the Old Testament we see the directions God gave for worship first in tents as the Israelites wandered in the wilderness and then in the temple. In the New Testament we see John’s vision of the worship that we will one day join in God’s kingdom. Music is always an important part of this worship, and it is so important that we raise up our children to make music to the Lord.
This summer we will again have a bell camp on Tuesday mornings, starting June 18th, from 9-12:30 in the fellowship hall and music room downstairs.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to provide lunch for the youth each Tuesday. And to be present to assist with set up, leading devotions, monitoring the youth and handling surprises that always seem to pop up. If you are willing to assist in any way, please call Angela.
It is almost time for our chancel choir to break for the summer. Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard this year to bring us a cantata, lead worship and share their talents in praise and worship of God. The choir will lead worship again this summer from the pews giving them a chance to sit with their friends and family. We will reconvene at the end of the summer.

Solid Rock Day Camp

Posted May 5, 2024 By admin

The summer Solid Rock Day Camp will once again be hosted by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and St. Peter’s Lutheran Church beginning Sunday, June 9th and running through Friday, June 4th. Registration for the camp will be the same as last summer, $100.00 per camper. As we did last year, our Youth Fund will subsidize each camper $50.00 in order to encourage participation and keep costs down. The camp is open to youth members and their friends completing grades K-5. Those interested should contact Pastor David for registration information.

Up And Going

Posted May 2, 2024 By admin

Nineteen members and guests gathered on Thursday, April 11th at 11:00am in the fellowship hall for the regular Up and Going Meeting. Rain greeted most of our members but soon the sunshine appeared.
Helen Lindler, team leader, greeted all and welcomed them to the meeting. Devotions were from Portals of Prayer Entitled “What Kind of Love Is This”? These words are from that devotion. “Jesus was on the most critical mission known to existence as The Kingdom of God warred against the Kingdom of the Devil. Bible reading was from Psalm 22; words that we have heard many times during the Easter Readings. Words written by David hundreds of years before the crucifixion of Christ. Devotions ended with prayer.
Tommy Faulk lead us in singing many of our favorite gospel songs. The group joyously sung with Tommy as he played his guitar and led the singing. This was a most enjoyable program. A special lunch followed the meal Blessing.
Ann Lindler prepared and served Liver Nips, a Dutch Fork favorite. They were accompanied by many delicious side dishes and desserts. We all enjoyed this special meal.
Our May Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 9th at 11:00am in the fellowship hall with guest speaker, Mr. Travis Goodman, from Thrivent Services. He will speak to us about scams and how to protect ourselves. Lunch will be a covered dish meal so bring a favorite dish to share. Prayer concerns for Mrs Letha Sites, Mrs Betty Ann Shealy, Miss Frances Slice and Mrs Joan Marco were expressed.
Helen O’Neal Lindler
Team Leader for Up and Going

Solid Rock Day Camp

Posted April 25, 2024 By admin

The summer Solid Rock Day Camp will once again be hosted by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and St. Peter’s Lutheran Church beginning Sunday, June 9th and running through Friday, June 4th. Registration for the camp will be the same as last summer, $100.00 per camper. As we did last year, our Youth Fund will subsidize each camper $50.00 in order to encourage participation and keep costs down. The camp is open to youth members and their friends completing grades K-5. Those interested should contact Pastor David for registration information.

Worship at Generations

Posted April 8, 2024 By admin

Every other Sunday, Pr. David leads worship for the residents of Generations Assisted Care of Chapin. This ministry has made a great difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church. The congregation is invited and certainly encouraged to share this experience with our friends just down the road. Our next worship opportunities will be on Sunday, April 14th and April 28th at 1:00 PM. Join us in the lobby at Generations.

Women’s Bible Study

Posted April 3, 2024 By admin

The Women’s Bible Study meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7:00-8:15 PM in the church office building. If you’ve been wanting to join us, now is the perfect time as we will begin a new study at our next meeting on April 8th. Mandy will be leading the study. Contact Susan if you have any questions.

The book we will use for our next study is: He’s Where the Joy is: Getting to Know the God of the Trinity by Tara-Leigh Cobble.

If you want to find that true JOY and see the many dimensions of the Triune God, join St. Jacobs Women’s Bible Study as we take a deep dive into this beautiful Bible study of the doctrine of the Trinity. Through this study we will come to know each other and the capacity of our faith, study God’s amazing Word and know God and love Him even more than we thought possible.

From author, Tara: “If you had to describe God’s personality, what would you say? Not what He does, but His demeanor. Not what He’s capable of, but what He’s like. Here’s how King David described God: ‘in your presence there is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.’ (Psalm 16:11) He also said God’s presence brings gladness and joy (Psalm 21:6)!

God is infinitely joyful!! And because He’s so delighted, that’s how HE can be delighted in us – by sharing who He is with us. If JOY is your goal, knowing the Triune God will be supremely useful to you. In fact, this is the only path to true JOY!”

He’s Where the Joy is!!

Bible Study Book can be purchased online from either: Lifeway Press or

April Pastoral Devotion – The Emmaus Road

Posted March 31, 2024 By admin

Read Luke 24:13-35

How many times have you traveled the Emmaus Road? How often have you considered the pitfalls and disappointments of earthly life and wondered, “How did these things occur?” The two disciples walking along the road, in the midst of despair asked this same question; “How did the crucifixion of Jesus come about?” The next question was even more difficult; “Where is his body?” “Can it be true, what the women said, that he is alive?”

Each of us walks the Emmaus Road in our own way. Earthly life has many toils and snares. Among many simple pleasures, sin, doubt and sorrow also make their presence known. Yet, as we make our way to Emmaus, the stranger comes alongside. Walking with us, stride for stride, he assures us of God’s love, mercy and grace. The stranger joins us in our story and welcomes us into his.

And finally, as the stranger stays with us, this invited guest serves as host for the most wonderful feast of all, making himself known in the breaking of the bread. It is true! Our Lord Jesus, who once was dead, is alive! And because he lives, we shall live also. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Walk with me, O Christ, in the joy of my salvation which comes from you. Amen.