Council noted Good Things at St. Jacob’s this month which included the Mother/Daughter brunch was a success, the noisy offering ($624.00) was generous, the trip to Lutheridge with four confirmands was great, the Sunday sermons are inspiring as well as timely………. and the nursery group coming upstairs for communion and the blessing of the children is a joyful site.
The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed and approved.
Pastor Report- The Pastor’s Report was reviewed and approved. Pastor David shared that he enjoyed the trip to Lutheridge and being with the four confirmands. Pastor believes that Sunday School is going well and he is also seeing more visitors on Sunday mornings.
Staff Support- The church continues the search for a Director of Youth and Family Ministry.
Spiritual Life- Children’s choir will resume the 3rd Sunday of September (September 16th). There will be a meeting with the Homecoming Committee to work out details for the service and meal on August 26th.
Thank you to Frances Slice for donating a new Altar Guild candle lighter. The new lighter uses oil and wick (no paraffin) which means no more wax dripping on the Altar cloths. A huge thank you Frances!
Short Term- The donations for the digital sign are going very well. Donations through July 8th are $14,524.00.
Witness- Two articles on St. Jacob’s church activity appeared in The Chapin Times Newspaper in the month of June. The Mother/Daughter brunch and the Up and Going trip to NC.
Parish Life- The Lutheran Women has purchased 15 round tables to be used for future church events. The tables seat 8 people each and are a welcomed addition to the St. Jacob’s fellowship hall.
Thank you extended to the Lutheran Men for helping set up tables for the Mother/Daughter brunch in June.
The Lutheran Men’s BBQ was a huge success. Congratulations on another successful St. Jacob’s BBQ!
The Up and Going Group enjoyed a wonderful trip to Hendersonville and Saluda, NC. Thank you to Sandra and Davis Brown for supplying the great snacks on such a warm day of travel. And thank you to Gerald Lindler for driving the St. Jacob’s bus! It was a fun and enjoyable trip for everyone.
Support of Ministries – Additional church cemetery maps have been made. Back-up copies were needed by the church to keep our records secure.
The church office & pastor has another email address!
Administrative – Either e-mail addresses can be used at this time.
New e-mail address:
Present e-mail address:
Pastor David Nuottila’s new e-mail address:
Pastor David Nuottila’s present e-mail address:
Old Business
Brandon Slice is working to develop a YOU TUBE channel for St. Jacob’s. The sermons will be posted on this channel each Sunday for our shut-ins to access when they become available.
Homecoming preparations are being made. Pastor David has secured a guest Pastor (Rev. Dr. David Wendel) and is also sending invitations to our past supply Pastors. Pastor David hopes some of these Pastors can attend. Please continue to reach out and invite all to this annual event. We pray for a great St. Jacob’s Homecoming on August 26th that will be enjoyed by all.
New Business
There will be a safety meeting planned soon. This meeting will address proper safety procedures for St. Jacob’s Church.