Council Reports Archive

Council for July 9, 2018

Posted July 31, 2018 By admin

Council noted Good Things at St. Jacob’s this month which included the Mother/Daughter brunch was a success, the noisy offering ($624.00) was generous, the trip to Lutheridge with four confirmands was great, the Sunday sermons are inspiring as well as timely………. and the nursery group coming upstairs for communion and the blessing of the children is a joyful site.
The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed and approved.
Pastor Report- The Pastor’s Report was reviewed and approved. Pastor David shared that he enjoyed the trip to Lutheridge and being with the four confirmands. Pastor believes that Sunday School is going well and he is also seeing more visitors on Sunday mornings.
Staff Support- The church continues the search for a Director of Youth and Family Ministry.
Spiritual Life- Children’s choir will resume the 3rd Sunday of September (September 16th). There will be a meeting with the Homecoming Committee to work out details for the service and meal on August 26th.
Thank you to Frances Slice for donating a new Altar Guild candle lighter. The new lighter uses oil and wick (no paraffin) which means no more wax dripping on the Altar cloths. A huge thank you Frances!
Short Term- The donations for the digital sign are going very well. Donations through July 8th are $14,524.00.
Witness- Two articles on St. Jacob’s church activity appeared in The Chapin Times Newspaper in the month of June. The Mother/Daughter brunch and the Up and Going trip to NC.
Parish Life- The Lutheran Women has purchased 15 round tables to be used for future church events. The tables seat 8 people each and are a welcomed addition to the St. Jacob’s fellowship hall.
Thank you extended to the Lutheran Men for helping set up tables for the Mother/Daughter brunch in June.
The Lutheran Men’s BBQ was a huge success. Congratulations on another successful St. Jacob’s BBQ!
The Up and Going Group enjoyed a wonderful trip to Hendersonville and Saluda, NC. Thank you to Sandra and Davis Brown for supplying the great snacks on such a warm day of travel. And thank you to Gerald Lindler for driving the St. Jacob’s bus! It was a fun and enjoyable trip for everyone.
Support of Ministries – Additional church cemetery maps have been made.  Back-up copies were needed by the church to keep our records secure.
The church office & pastor has another email address!
Administrative – Either e-mail addresses can be used at this time.
New e-mail address:
Present e-mail address:
Pastor David Nuottila’s new e-mail address:
Pastor David Nuottila’s present e-mail address:

Old Business
Brandon Slice is working to develop a YOU TUBE channel for St. Jacob’s. The sermons will be posted on this channel each Sunday for our shut-ins to access when they become available.
Homecoming preparations are being made. Pastor David has secured a guest Pastor (Rev. Dr. David Wendel) and is also sending invitations to our past supply Pastors. Pastor David hopes some of these Pastors can attend. Please continue to reach out and invite all to this annual event. We pray for a great St. Jacob’s Homecoming on August 26th that will be enjoyed by all.
New Business
There will be a safety meeting planned soon. This meeting will address proper safety procedures for St. Jacob’s Church.

Council Briefs

Posted June 26, 2018 By admin

Council noted Good Things at St. Jacob’s this month included the Lutheran Women’s fund raiser was a success, the Children’s Choir did a great job singing on Mother’s Day, and the St. Jacob’s Church High School graduates reception went well.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed and approved.

Pastor’s Report- The Pastor’s Report was reviewed and approved. Pastor thanked Kathleen Pierce for her time and dedication she has graciously given to the St. Jacob’s Church Youth Group. Five Confirmands will be attending Camp Lutheridge – June 24th -30th.

Staff Support- Nursery Director, Kelly Smothers was recognized on her birthday. The job opening for a Director of Christian Education and Youth Minister is being extended and discussed.

Spiritual Life- The Altar Guild met with Pastor David to discuss ways to become better stewards of the sacramental bread and wine.

Worship and Music– Laurie Lackey met with Pastor David, Gloria Ziemer and Marie Slice to assist with selecting hymns and planning special church services. Those interested are encouraged to join the Music Team.

Short Term– The Lutheran Women, Lutheran Men and Up and Going books were all audited. This completes audit of all church treasurers’ books.

Witness– May activities for Lutheran Women and the Up and Going Group appeared in the Chapin Times newspaper.

Parish Life– The Mother/Daughter Brunch has been finalized and tickets are for sale. The Lutheran Women’s Group has also made plans to visit shut-ins during the month of July.

Up and Going took a trip on May 10th to The Charleston Tea Plantation, 21 members and guests attended this fun-filled day. On May 17th a picture from the Charleston trip, along with a large write-up appeared in the Chapin Times newspaper. A June 21st Up and Going trip is planned for Saluda and Hendersonville, North Carolina.

Support of Ministries- A work day was successful in the church cemetery cleaning out a drainage culvert.

Membership status: 360 Total as of June 6, 2018.
Digital sign funds update: $14,449 as of 6/3/18.

Other Church Business
The position of Christian Educator and Youth Minister was discussed. Updates are on the way for this position. Sherry has received a new office computer and Brandon is in process of installation.
Brandon is still investigating recording the church services and experimenting with various recording equipment. These recordings will be available for St. Jacob’s Church shut-ins when established.

Additional copies of the church cemetery maps are being created to ensure we have backup copies.

Our Church Delegates, Larry and Bob, will be attending the NALC convocation in Denver, CO.

Council Briefs

Posted May 30, 2018 By admin

Council noted Good Things at St. Jacob’s this past month: youth confirmation classes are going well, Easter services and Sunrise service attendance were both up from previous years and the children’s choir did an excellent job singing on Easter Sunday. A special thank you to Frances Slice for taking care of the church office duties while Sherry Floyd enjoyed a vacation.

Ministry Teams – Thank you to those that submitted monthly reports. A few highlights of the monthly reports are included below:

• Staff Support – Sherry Floyd was recognized on Administrative Assistant Day. The deadline has been extended for accepting applications for a Director of Christian Education/Youth Minister.

• Spiritual Life – The Worship Planning Team is scheduled to meet with Pastor David on May 1, 2018. Volunteers are needed to assist with children’s choir.
• Short Term – Modifications are still being made to the church constitution. The church audit was completed on May 4, 2018.
• Witness – The Lutheran Women fundraiser meal was written up in The Chapin Times for two consecutive weeks.

• Parish Life –

• Up and Going – A total of 19 St. Jacob’s Church members and guests attended a fun-filled day ofwonderful fellowship. They enjoyed a BBQ lunch at the Schoolhouse Restaurant in Scranton, SC. After lunch the group traveled to the “Pearl Fryar Topiary Garden” in Bishopville, SC. Mr. Pearl Fryar and his garden are internationally recognized. The garden draws visitors from around the globe. Davis Brown provided the devotion for the group. A special thank you to Gerald Lindler for graciously driving the St. Jacob’s bus!

• Lutheran Women are making preparations for the Ladies Brunch on June 23, 2018 at 11 am. Lutheran Women’s Sunday went well and June Lindler did an outstanding job presenting the sermon.

• The Youth Group was not able to attend the zoo trip due to bad weather. They did enjoy a Bible study on April 15th at Sonic.

• Support of Ministries – Technology Team has updated the St. Jacob’s website and the Communication Team reports the total church membership is 360.

Old Business – Defibrillator pads have been ordered. Additional copies of the cemetery layout are being created for the church. Larry will attend the Carolinas Convocation in May and also the NALC convocation in August. A list of the ministry teams and members was presented and reviewed by council.

New Business – Applications are still being accepted by St. Jacob’s for a Christian Education Director/Youth Minister.

Council News

Posted May 1, 2018 By admin

Council noted Good Things at St. Jacob’s this past month included that the Lenten services and meals were well received, Holy Week services were good and even had better attendance than last year.

Ministry Teams – Thank you to those that submitted monthly reports. A few highlights of the monthly reports are
included below.

Staff Support – Staff Support team members were received.

Spiritual Life – A long range plan is being put together for the new children’s choir. Adult volunteers are needed to
rotate during the practices for the children.

Altar Guild met on March 11, 2018. Feedback from the congregation was discussed and reviewed.

Prayer Team – Leaders and members were received and recorded.

Short Term – The St.Jacob’s Youth treasury books were great. The church treasury books were audited.

The Constitution Team is working to make the constitution information in the report booklet consistent.

The Building Team is working with the Long Range Planning Team on the goals for the church.

Parish Life – Lutheran Women are currently planning the May 6th congregational meal as well as the June 23rd
Mother-Daughter Brunch.

The Fellowship Team planned a bowling trip for April 5, 2018.

Up and Going had 13 members and 1 guest at their monthly meeting, they meet in the fellowship hall to enjoy a “Brown Bag Items” lunch. Each member brought an item of food that you would find in a lunch bag. Helen provided a devotion on how to deal with bad news media. An April 12, 2018, event is planned. The group plans to visit Bishopville, SC for a BBQ lunch.

Youth – The Youth BBQ raised approximately $2,500. Thank you to all that helped with this successful event! The next Youth meeting was planned for April 15th at 5pm. The group plans to attend Sonic for a Bible Study. There is a need for a Youth Leader to begin the month of May and lead this group until a Youth Minister can be hired.

Support of Ministries – The Technology Team members were received.

The Cemetery Team cut brush along the wooded area in the cemetery.

St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Congregational

Posted March 22, 2018 By admin

Council noted Good Things at St. Jacob’s this past month included that the Lenten meals went great, worship services have been very good, the improved and revamped church bulletin is a great new change, youth choir has been successful thus far and the Gideon offering was very generous.

Ministry Teams- Thank you to those that submitted monthly reports. A few highlights of the monthly reports are included below.

Staff Support- Members have been selected for the Mutual Ministry Team and they plan on meeting with Pastor David in the near future. St. Jacob’s job (Christian Education Director / Youth Minister) opening/description has been officially posted. The staff birthdays of Bryan Metze and Sherry Floyd were recognized.

Spiritual Life- Robin Lindler has prepared announcements and order forms for Easter Lilies. The storage cabinets in the Sacristy and the Worship and Music cabinets have been re-arranged and organized. Altar Guild is meeting with Pastor David on March 11, 2018. Ash Wednesday Service was planned. Laurie Lackey is working with Pastor David to plan and
prepare for Holy Week and Easter. A parent or youth assistant is needed for Children’s choir every Sunday morning at 9:15am. Sandra Brown meet with all Team Leaders, which would be affected by changes, met to discuss revamping the church teams. It was a very productive meeting. Thank you to everyone that helped with the Lenten meals. They were all covered and very successful. A special thanks to John Wallace family for graciously providing GREAT food from “The Mellow Mushroom” to our church! A reminder to keep team members advised on the condition and needs of those on the prayer list.

Short Term- A March 17, 2018 audit is planned on the church and youth treasure books. Robert Lindler met to communicate with all team leaders by March 31, 2018 to discuss various changes to the Ministry Teams. Council approved for Robert to draft these changes to the Constitution/Bylaws were reviewed for approval by Church Council. and approved.

Witness- St.Jacob’s appeared in “The Lake Murray Times” in their February edition. Planning is taking place for the spring yard cleaning with the St.Jacob’s Youth.

Parish Life- Fund raising is taking place for the Youth BBQ on March 17, 2018. Up and Going meet on February 9, 2018 and traveled to Brooklyn Banquet Facility in West Columbia for a seafood buffet. They also enjoyed “Free Friday” at the Riverbanks Zoo and the judging of the “Orchid Show” at the Botanical Gardens. Special thanks to Gerald Lindler for driving the bus! Hospice Easter bags will be prepared in March. Lutheran Women have planned an Easter Egg Hunt for the morning of March 31, 2018. Plans are being made for the Mother/Daughter Tea on June 23rd at 4pm. A congregational meal fundraiser is planned for May 6, 2018.

Support of Ministries- Total membership is 360 as of 03/05/2018

Council noted Good Things at St.Jacob’s this past month included the installation of Pastor Nuottila went well, the
write up in the Chapin Times newspaper concerning St.Jacob’s new Pastor was exciting, the Congo presentation
along with the love offering was a success and Youth Sunday on February 4th went well.
Ministry Teams- Thank you to those that submitted monthly reports. A few highlights of the monthly reports are
included below.
Staff Support- St.Jacob’s is actively looking for a part time Christian Education/Youth Minister.
Worship and Music- Currently preparing for Lenten meals, working to finalize Holy Week and Easter services.
Children’s choir will kick off on February 18th at 9:15am. The children will work on preparing their songs for Easter
Altar Guild- Altar vases were refurbished and returned. Gluten free waters are now available for communion.
Prayer Team- Completed the year end report.
Constitution Team- Several change request have been submitted for the constitution.
Audit Team- Plans to audit the church books and the youth books are set for March 2018.
Building Team- Meet and reviewed several ideas for the church. Looking forward to working with the Long Range
Team as well as the church congregation on the future vision for St.Jacob’s.
Nominations- The list of team leaders for 2018 was finalized. Team leader responsibilities were distributed to each
team leader. We have an open position for a Long Range Planning team leader. The annual report was submitted to
the church office.
Up and Going- 185 bows for hospice bags were made at the last meeting. Members gathered and enjoyed a pot of
soup together. Helen Lindler gave devotions on “new beginnings” which our baptism gives us everyday. Friday at the
Zoo was planned for February 2nd, weather permitting.
Youth- Youth Sunday was great on February 4th! Over $400 was collected for “We Care” in Chapin. Youth provides
the Lenten meal on February 21st. Barbecue tickets are also being sold by all of St.Jacob’s youth. The youth
barbecue will be on March 17th.
Communication/Membership- 361 total membership as of February 5, 2018.
314 baptized confirmed and 47 baptized only.

Worship and Music News

Posted February 26, 2018 By admin

Our group has been and continues to be busy. Several events have been planned, so go ahead and mark your calendars:
1. Annual Easter Egg Hunt on March 31, 10-11:30 AM. Children need to bring their baskets and see how many eggs thay can find. We will also have crafts and a light lunch will be served.
2. Lutheran Women Sunday is April 8.
3. Congregational Meal Fundraisers will be held on May 6 and September 23 which will be held immediately following church services. These fundraisers are held in order for our group to help those in need. As
Jacob’s Ladder
We have an exciting opportunity available for the youngsters at St. Jacob’s. All children from Kindergarten through the 5th grade are invited to sing in the newly-formed Children’s Choir. We will begin by preparing music for the 10:30 service on Easter Sunday.
From now until Easter Sunday, we will practice approximately 10 minutes at the beginning of Sunday School. Please bring your children to the sanctuary at 9:15 for the practice. Once we are finished, your children will be accompanied to their respective classrooms for Sunday School.
Between now and Easter, we will be working
on setting a schedule for the children sing on a regular basis and we will be asking for input from the parents to establish a more permanent practice time.
Also, if any of our 6th – 12th graders would like to be a ‘singing buddy’ or mentor for the younger ones, please consider joining us as well.
In other news, the choir workshop has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 3 from 9:30 to 12.
Lunch will be provided.
I always enjoy working with the adult choir members and I am looking forward to working with the children of St. Jacob’s as we build the foundations for future musicians in the church.
Soli Deo Gloria,

Council Briefs for January 2, 2018 Meeting

Posted February 5, 2018 By admin

Council noted Good Things at St.Jacob’s this past month included Marie liver transplant was a success, church attendance seems to be improving, advent services all went well and the messages in these were appreciated. Everyone seems to be enjoying Pastor’s devotions in the newsletters. He will continue to post these and looks forward to it! The Christmas Eve service was great along with the bells doing a wonderful job. The congregation seemed to like the one Christmas Eve service verses the two individual services. Thank you to Robin and Gerald for finding the candles!

Ministry Teams- Thank you to those that submitted monthly reports. A few highlights of Monthly Team
reports are included below.

The Building team will meet again in the next several weeks to discuss future plans. At the moment they are
visiting other church kitchens to research building ideas.

Communication/Membership Secretary– Our current statistical information includes 355 total membership.
Robin is working to prepare all required reports and information for the 2018 Annual Report Book.

Up and Going met on December 14th for a Christmas celebration. 19 members and guests were in
attendance. 90 lbs. of canned goods were donated to We Care! They all enjoyed a delicious meal and took part in
singing Christmas carols. A Christmas story reading was provided by Gloria and Bob.
Publicity Team- Thanks to David for helping out temporarily with the church sign.

Staff Support Team will continue to touch base with each staff member to determine any requests or
concerns for 2018.

Youth- The youth went to Generations and to nine individual homes on December 3rd singing Christmas
carols. They enjoyed playing a fun game at the youth party afterwards. Thanks to Gerald for driving the bus.