Council noted Good Things at St. Jacob’s this month included the Lutheran Women’s fund raiser was a success, the Children’s Choir did a great job singing on Mother’s Day, and the St. Jacob’s Church High School graduates reception went well.
The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed and approved.
Pastor’s Report- The Pastor’s Report was reviewed and approved. Pastor thanked Kathleen Pierce for her time and dedication she has graciously given to the St. Jacob’s Church Youth Group. Five Confirmands will be attending Camp Lutheridge – June 24th -30th.
Staff Support- Nursery Director, Kelly Smothers was recognized on her birthday. The job opening for a Director of Christian Education and Youth Minister is being extended and discussed.
Spiritual Life- The Altar Guild met with Pastor David to discuss ways to become better stewards of the sacramental bread and wine.
Worship and Music– Laurie Lackey met with Pastor David, Gloria Ziemer and Marie Slice to assist with selecting hymns and planning special church services. Those interested are encouraged to join the Music Team.
Short Term– The Lutheran Women, Lutheran Men and Up and Going books were all audited. This completes audit of all church treasurers’ books.
Witness– May activities for Lutheran Women and the Up and Going Group appeared in the Chapin Times newspaper.
Parish Life– The Mother/Daughter Brunch has been finalized and tickets are for sale. The Lutheran Women’s Group has also made plans to visit shut-ins during the month of July.
Up and Going took a trip on May 10th to The Charleston Tea Plantation, 21 members and guests attended this fun-filled day. On May 17th a picture from the Charleston trip, along with a large write-up appeared in the Chapin Times newspaper. A June 21st Up and Going trip is planned for Saluda and Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Support of Ministries- A work day was successful in the church cemetery cleaning out a drainage culvert.
Membership status: 360 Total as of June 6, 2018.
Digital sign funds update: $14,449 as of 6/3/18.
Other Church Business
The position of Christian Educator and Youth Minister was discussed. Updates are on the way for this position. Sherry has received a new office computer and Brandon is in process of installation.
Brandon is still investigating recording the church services and experimenting with various recording equipment. These recordings will be available for St. Jacob’s Church shut-ins when established.
Additional copies of the church cemetery maps are being created to ensure we have backup copies.
Our Church Delegates, Larry and Bob, will be attending the NALC convocation in Denver, CO.