Fellowship Archive

And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

Posted February 2, 2024 By admin

In a desire to help the children of St. Jacob’s grow in their faith and discipleship, our choir director, Angela Nuottila has equipped the youth handbell choir members to lead worship services here at St. Jacob’s. Our older youth members have also been a part of this ongoing act of discipleship.
Each month with a fifth Sunday, our youth will be leading our services of worship. This is not to be confused with having a “Youth Sunday”, but it is a means to incorporate our younger church family members in the weekly worship of St. Jacob’s. Growing such faithful leaders for the church helps to ensure our youth remain engaged and connected to their faith throughout their lives. Please support these young Christians by attending and participating in weekly worship.

Midweek Bible Study

Posted February 1, 2024 By admin

Our Midweek Bible study is back in full swing with a study of Psalms. Each week we are taking a close look at a selected Psalm so the topic is new every time. The purpose of our study is threefold:
• To know God through the world he created, through his Word, and through our experiences with him.
• To gain assurance that God will sustain us throughout our life.
• To help us hear God’s message every time we read Scripture. It is possible to read without hearing.
Through this study, we want to learn to listen for God speaking very personally to us as we read the Psalms.
Please plan to attend and study the Psalms with members of your church family. There are no special materials required and there is always room for more at the table. Midweek Bible study meets each Wednesday morning at 9:30 in the church office conference room.

Up And Going News

Posted February 1, 2024 By admin

Up and Going’s January meeting was held on Thursday, January 11th with 21 members and guests present.

We had a short business meeting. Helen L. Lindler gave the devotions from the book “God’s Little Devotional Book for Women” on turning kindness into love. This was a very thought provoking devotion and ended by using John 3:16-17 for prayer.

BINGO was played until all had won several times. This is always one of our most fun activities. The Soup Pot had simmered and was enjoyed by all. Delicious Soup, sandwiches, cornbread and various desserts were enjoyed by all.

The February meeting will be held on the 2nd Thursday, February 8th at 11:00 AM in the fellowship hall.
Lunch will be a covered dish meal.
Team Leader

Choir Notes

Posted January 31, 2024 By admin

Psalm 92:2-4 Let Us Sing to the Lord For His Steadfast Love
It is good to give thanks to the Lord, 2 to sing
praises to your name, O Most High; to
declare your steadfast love in the morning,
and your faithfulness by night, 3 to the music
of the lute and the harp, to the melody of
the lyre.
4 For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work;
at the works of your hands I sing for joy.

February brings us Valentines Day and Ash Wednesday all on the same day. How fitting that we should come together to remember that God loves us so much that he sent Jesus to die for us. Though Lent is a time of remembering our sinfulness and need for a savior, it is also a time to thank God for his steadfast love in prayer and in song.
During Lent, we will begin a new psalmody that includes an antiphon. Antiphons are a rich part of traditional sacred music in liturgical churches and are used in many Lutheran congregations. Antiphons are short passages of scripture sung at various places in the service. During the psalm, the antiphon is a verse from the psalm of the day sung as a refrain. To introduce the antiphon for the day, the choir will sing the antiphon once and then the congregation will repeat the antiphon. The cantor and congregation will then sing the psalm responsively including the antiphon at designated places throughout the psalm. It will be a little different, but I think we will all catch on quickly. The psalm helps tie the message of all the readings for the day together. I hope this use of antiphons will enrich our worship and our understanding of the message for each Sunday.

New Congregational Bible Study

Posted January 15, 2024 By admin

Throughout 2025, Pastor David is inviting the congregation to join him and Angela in a new Bible Study. This particular study is written by prominent Christian author Max Lucado. The study is called Experiencing the Heart of Jesus for 52 Weeks. The study is meant for people to grow in their knowledge, understanding, and relationship of our Lord.  Anyone who would like to participate can do so by first purchasing the book. It is available online from Amazon for less than $15. The plan will be for each person to participate in this study on their own, or with a friend. The group will meet with Pastor David once per month to simply discuss what they have discovered along the way. Again, all are invited. Youth members of our congregation are also encouraged to make the journey with us. Everyone who joins in should contact Pastor David to let him know they will be part of the group. Once the group is established, everyone will be contacted and alerted as to when to begin.

Christmas Morning Worship

Posted December 15, 2023 By admin

We’ve all seen the signs, billboards and bumper stickers: “Keep Christ in Christmas!” The truth is, without Christ, it simply isn’t Christmas. Christians everywhere urge others to remember The “Reason for the Season.” But you know, even some churches find it difficult to “Keep Christ in Christmas”. Just take a look at the many churches standing idle and empty on Christmas morning.

St. Jacob’s offers everyone an opportunity to “Keep Christ in Christmas” beginning December 24 at 5:00P.M. with our annual candlelight service. The service will certainly be beautiful and inspiring. Then all are encouraged to gather on Christmas morning at 10:00 for an informal family Christmas celebration. Children are welcome to come in their pajamas and are invited to bring a gift they received for Christmas. Each child may share with all of us the joy this gift brings. Adults may “come as you are” and enjoy time for family and fellowship. Plan to attend these wonderful services of worship with your church family. Join us and “Keep Christ in Christmas.”

Up and Going

Posted December 13, 2023 By admin

The Lord blessed us with a perfect Fall day for the Up and Going members and guests to enjoy our annual
Thanksgiving luncheon. Twenty people excitedly gathered in the Fellowship Hall carrying wonderfully tasty
Thanksgiving dishes for our Enjoyment; and Enjoyed we did! The food was delicious. Helen Lindler, Team Leader, gave the devotions from the booklet entitled “God’s Little Devotional Book For Women”. The Bible Reading was from Psalm 77 and we closed with prayer and the Blessing of Thankfulness for Our meal.
After Lunch, Lynn spoke to us about the “Mercy Bags” project. He graciously answered our Questions and Informed us about “WE CARE” and the urgent need the “Mercy Bags” provide.
Lynn spoke of the needs and benefits of “Mercy Bags”. Relating to neighboring communities. There is a big request for helpers to assemble bags and shop for needed items. Please check your schedule and see if you can help out. Let Lynn know if you can help.
Up and Going made a contribution to the “Mercy Bags” Project as our Thanksgiving Project. A Special Thank you to Lynn Shealy for graciously taking the time to inform us of this most worthwhile project.
The December meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec 14th at 11am in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be party foods so bring a favorite for sharing. As our Christmas gift, please bring paper goods, cleaning supplies, and/or Personal hygiene items for WE CARE. A sign-up sheet will be posted on our Bulletin board.
Helen, Team Leader

Life-to-Life Discipleship Experience

Posted December 11, 2023 By admin

The North American Lutheran Church Life to Life Discipleship Team has developed a resource for congregations to engage in life-to-life disciple making. All Christians are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ. To begin this experience at St. Jacob’s, an initial informational meeting will be scheduled for January. All who are interested in exploring a deeper faith are encouraged to contact Pastor David to make plans for participating in the Life-to-Life Discipleship Experience.

Mid-Week Bible Study

Posted December 8, 2023 By admin

Our Mid-Week Bible Study has resumed with the topic of Scriptural Retirement. Join us as we explore what retirement means for life in the church. The Study is adapted from a Bible study written by Pastor Brad Hales, Director of the NALC Aging Ministries. All are welcome. Mid-week Bible study meets at 9:30 a.m. On Wednesdays in the Church Office.

Choirs Notes

Posted November 17, 2023 By admin

Oh come,
let us sing to the Lord;
Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
Let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

King David’s words in Psalm 95 tell us how we are to come into the presence of God, with thanksgiving and making joyful noises to him with songs of praise! Each Sunday as you come in to the house of God, sing out boldly, making a joyful noise. This is a sacrifice and gift that is pleasing to God. Let us make this advent and Christmas season a time of true thanksgiving to our God. There is still time to join the cantata scheduled for December 17 during the service. We are rehearsing from 5:30-6:15 each Wednesday evening in the choir room. Every voice is needed. Please consider if this is a gift you are willing to give God this holiday season.

December 17th
10:00 am