The annual convocation of our mission region will be held on Friday, May 3rd and Saturday May 4th at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Little Mountain. The Friday session will focus on the various missions and ministries of the NALC and Carolinas kicks off at 6:00PM with presentations given by Awakening Lives to World Mission (video), Carolinas Lutheran Women, Carolinas Lutheran Men, Lutherans for Life, The Spiritual Orphans Network (SON), Lutheran Military Families and Veterans Ministries, India Transformed, and the Malawi Orphan Care Project.
Following a break for mission district meetings, presentations will be given by Carolinas Mission region ministries including; NALC Disaster Response, SMI Mission to Haiti, Congo Mission International, and Addis Hiwot Ethiopian Ministries. The Friday session concludes with the Compline (worship at the end of the day) at 8:45PM.
The convocation reconvenes at 8:00AM Saturday morning to welcome NALC Bishop Dan Selbo, conduct Mission Region business, reports on elections, and participate ion breakout sessions. Supper and Lunch are provided for those registered for the convocation and the worship services and Mission presentations are open to all. St. Jacob’s attendees are Pastor David Nuottila, Larry (Mission Region Council Rep) and delegate Brandon.
Fellowship Archive
Carolinas Mission Region Convocation
Posted April 26, 2024 By adminSolid Rock Day Camp
Posted April 25, 2024 By adminThe summer Solid Rock Day Camp will once again be hosted by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and St. Peter’s Lutheran Church beginning Sunday, June 9th and running through Friday, June 4th. Registration for the camp will be the same as last summer, $100.00 per camper. As we did last year, our Youth Fund will subsidize each camper $50.00 in order to encourage participation and keep costs down. The camp is open to youth members and their friends completing grades K-5. Those interested should contact Pastor David for registration information.
Can I Pray For You?
Posted April 20, 2024 By adminDid you know …”Can I pray for you?” is one of the most powerful questions that you can ask someone? Prayer is the source of our Christian life – building and growing our relationship with our heavenly Father. What better way to get to know another church family through the power of prayer too? As we prepare for our Lenten Journey, we want to kick off our Family Prayer Partner ministry. What do you need to do? Complete the Family Prayer Partner sheet for your family. Place it in the offering plate. If you completed a Family Prayer Partner sheet and placed it in the offering plates, please pick one up on your way out. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a prayer partner, a prayer warrior, with another family. Creating and building relationships strengthens our faith and our church family
Up And Going
Posted April 15, 2024 By adminThe Up and Going met on March 14, 2024, with 23 members and guests attending to enjoy the St Patrick’s Day and Easter decorations. Helen welcomed everyone and gave an Easter devotional with Bible reading and prayers. Gary gave the treasurer’s report and comments. Get well cards were signed for Betty Ann, Frances, and Joan. Please include these ladies in your prayers.
A wonderful covered dish feast was enjoyed by all. Time for the business of the day…Preparing Easter Hospice Bags. We may be older Lutherans but we know how to set up an assembly line and efficiently prepare Hospice Bags. The work accompanied with laughter and conversation was precious to behold. Each bag was tied with a beautiful and skillfully made bow and attached with a handwritten love note from someone at St Jacobs. Thank you to all who prepared notes and a special thank you to all who made our project a great success. Many hands truly made light work.
April meeting will be a Gospel Song Fest led by Tommy on Thursday, April 11th at 11am in the fellowship hall. Please let Tommy know if you have a favorite hymn that you want to sing.
Lunch will be a Homecoming Picnic. Please bring Your favorite Homecoming Food to share.
See you then!
Music Notes
Posted April 10, 2024 By adminPsalm 150
Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens!
Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his excellent greatness!
Praise him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with sounding cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Teaching our children and youth to use their voices and instruments to praise the Lord is one of my favorite things. I think we can all agree that our youngest choristers did a wonderful job on Palm Sunday sharing the message, Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! We learned again the story of Palm Sunday as we got messy with paint and sang. They even started ringing bells. We look forward to them helping to lead worship through song in the future.
Our youth handbell choir are hard at work as well. We have been invited to participate in worship at the annual Carolina’s Mission District convocation the first weekend in May. The 2024 convocation
is being held at Holy Trinity in Little Mountain. Our youth handbell choir is playing the prelude for the Saturday morning worship service.
We are also gearing up for our summer handbell camp which will be held on Tuesdays this summer. There will be more information in the May newsletter
NALC Disaster Response Shed
Posted April 5, 2024 By adminOur NALC Disaster Response shed (our former bus shed) is up and running. So far, we have received flood buckets, Health and Hygiene kits, Kitchen kits, and School kits from neighboring congregations. Glenn Shealy has taken on the role of “warehouse manager” and is standing by to schedule drop off times and dates for those church groups who would have materials for us to store. Many thanks to Gerald, Robert, and Billy who constructed the necessary shelving for the response shed.
Women’s Bible Study
Posted April 3, 2024 By adminThe Women’s Bible Study meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7:00-8:15 PM in the church office building. If you’ve been wanting to join us, now is the perfect time as we will begin a new study at our next meeting on April 8th. Mandy will be leading the study. Contact Susan if you have any questions.
The book we will use for our next study is: He’s Where the Joy is: Getting to Know the God of the Trinity by Tara-Leigh Cobble.
If you want to find that true JOY and see the many dimensions of the Triune God, join St. Jacobs Women’s Bible Study as we take a deep dive into this beautiful Bible study of the doctrine of the Trinity. Through this study we will come to know each other and the capacity of our faith, study God’s amazing Word and know God and love Him even more than we thought possible.
From author, Tara: “If you had to describe God’s personality, what would you say? Not what He does, but His demeanor. Not what He’s capable of, but what He’s like. Here’s how King David described God: ‘in your presence there is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.’ (Psalm 16:11) He also said God’s presence brings gladness and joy (Psalm 21:6)!
God is infinitely joyful!! And because He’s so delighted, that’s how HE can be delighted in us – by sharing who He is with us. If JOY is your goal, knowing the Triune God will be supremely useful to you. In fact, this is the only path to true JOY!”
He’s Where the Joy is!!
Bible Study Book can be purchased online from either: Lifeway Press or
Lutheran Men
Posted April 2, 2024 By adminThe Lutheran Men have recently provided financial support for two families who have lost their homes to fire in our local community. They are planning the Easter Sunrise Breakfast to be held immediately following the Easter Sunrise Service.
The Lutheran Men will celebrate Ladies Night with a meal and guest speaker, Al Koon, who will provide an update on recent Chapin developments and future plans for Chapin.
South Carolina Mission District Youth
Posted April 2, 2024 By adminPastor David Nuottila has been meeting with and working with the pastors of St. Peter’s, St. Paul’s, and Holy Trinity Lutheran Churches to establish a new Youth Ministry initiative among the NALC congregations for South Carolina. Such collaboration has proved beneficial for NALC congregations in North Carolina and we hope to replicate their success here. Gathering our youth members in grades 6-12, we will share the Gospel, grow in discipleship, and have loads of fun together. Our first project is to support We Care of Chapin. Each youth group is challenged to collect jars of peanut butter and jelly to donate to We Care. This is meant as a fun competition among our youth groups, but primarily we want to tend to the needs of our neighbors. The first gathering of our South Carolina Mission District Youth will be on April 28 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Pomaria. All youth members in grades 6-12 are encouraged to attend. More information will be given as the date draws nearer.
Lutheran Women
Posted March 28, 2024 By adminOur annual Easter Egg Hunt was held on Saturday, March 23rd from 10:00 am-12:00 pm.
It was a huge success. Thanks to everyone for preparing the food, helped with crafts and hiding the eggs.
The children had so much fun and the event was enjoyed by all.