We are in need of Sunday School teachers for our Pre-K Class and Elementary Grade Class. Please see the schedule on the bulletin board in the Narthex and sign up if you are able to use your talents and gifts to help train up our children.
Lutheran Church Youth Archive
Sunday School Teachers Needed
Posted September 27, 2019 By adminYouth Director & Family Ministries
Posted September 27, 2019 By adminI have been learning a lot this month about identity. I have heard that word over and over in sermons and Bible studies, but it never really resonated with me until recently. During a time of major change in my life, I want to remain rooted in who I am regardless of my changing surroundings and circumstances. I know this is the case for most of us when we have a lot going on. We often push ourselves to the backburner because we simply don’t have the time. But what we don’t realize is that from who we are comes everything else.
Since our identity comes from God, we can only find it in Him. Jesus says in Matthew, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it.” Sometimes we let life speak louder than truth by letting our circumstances define who we are and how we’re doing. It’s a form of idolatry to let things matter more than what matters most, our relationship with Him and who He says we are.
We hear the words “die to self” and it seems intimidating, but it really is a gift. There is nothing greater than fullness of union with Christ: when we are fully surrendered and a walking sacrifice. His joy becomes our joy; His love, our love; His peace, our peace; His strength, our strength. From this place of identity, we no longer chase after the desires of the flesh but rather, seek to glorify God in all areas of our life. From this place, we no longer fear the future or provision. Lastly, we don’t have to suffer without confidence that our circumstances will produce things of eternal value. Just as Jesus’ sufferings were not wasted, neither will ours be. Praise God that He loves us enough to take us from brokenness and rebellion to a new identity in Christ because of the sacrifice of His Son. There is no life apart from Him and we can experience this fullness of life when we lay down ourselves, our schedules, and our control in order to step into who He says we are and who He calls us to be.
Our youth will meet at 5 PM on Sunday, October 6th in the fellowship hall. Due to the fall festival, we will not have a meeting on Sunday, October 20th. Grace and peace, Rachel
Ventures In Youth Ministry Symposium Report
Posted August 28, 2019 By admin“For you were called to be free, brothers and sisters, only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love.” – Galatians 5:13
The most profound thing I learned at the Youth Symposium last week in Indianapolis was that it is not about youth ministry at all, it’s about youth doing ministry. I had the honor of attending Lutheran Week-where the first two days are set apart for NALC directors, pastors, and church staff who have a vision of raising up the youth of their congregations not only to know who Jesus is, but to have a mission for others to know Him too. The meetings were led by Gary and Laurie Pecuch, who have dedicated their lives to the youth of not only their congregation but to train others to lead the youth of every NALC congregation. During our time together, we shared resources, ideas, goals, and a vision for the future of the Church that will be placed in the hands of our youth. We covered topics such as biblical-self-esteem, outreach to our communities, spiritual disciplines such as scripture study and prayer, and building strong cross-generational relationships within our church family. I enjoyed learning from others and making connections with many who have been on the front lines of youth ministry for much longer than I have, sharing the wisdom that they have gained over the years. It really is a family of people who are all on the same team to lead the youth to put their faith in action and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Thank you for the opportunity to attend the Convocation and trusting me to faithfully report back to the congregation what I have learned.
Youth Director & Family Ministries
Posted August 28, 2019 By admin16 So say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
As a continuation of my last newsletter article; the importance of implementing daily time in prayer and in scripture study during the slow season that will carry us into the next with joyful hearts. It’s no secret that there is a lot going on in our world today and sometimes it seems that our only option is for our face to meet the ground time and time again and pray. This is where we are to press in, instead of letting the flesh lead us, we must rediscover the preeminence of the Word of God and value truth over feeling and emotion; let us hold on even tighter to the anchor of the living Word of God and to our church family also.
We need to pray in boldness, faith, and declaration in order to raise up our youth amongst the craziness of the world around us. This is done by impressing the importance of discipleship, church attendance, and Godly living as no optional- but commandments we are to obey as Christians. It is essential that as we continue to grow our youth program at St. Jacob’s, we do so as a team. One body, made of different parts, with different gifts; all committed to seeing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth be a reality for our young people. I look forward to growing in these spiritual disciplines alongside each of you for in the months to come.
All for His glory, Rachel
Posted April 30, 2019 By adminIf you are making your summer plans, don’t forget to leave the dates of June 17th-20th open for VBS. Continue to watch your worship folder for more details and how you can help this year.
Posted April 30, 2019 By adminOn Sunday, June 2nd the confirmation participants will have their public examination at 4 PM with a dinner to follow at 5 PM in the fellowship hall. The confirmands will be confirmed on Sunday, June 9th during the worship service.
Posted April 30, 2019 By adminOn Sunday, May 26th, we would like to recognize all of St. Jacob’s high school graduates during the service. Please contact Sherry in the church office no later than May 12th or email ChurchOffice@st-jacobs.org if your graduate will be attending. Thanks in advance for your quick response so that we don’t miss anyone and they are included in the worship folder.
Posted April 30, 2019 By adminPrepare to set sail with the children’s choir on Sunday, May 19th. The children’s choir is ready for choir robes so we are holding a fundraiser spaghetti dinner on May 19th beginning at 5:30 PM. We are asking for donations at the door to cover the cost of the dinner but most especially to allow us to buy choir robes.
As entertainment for the dinner, our children have been working hard preparing to present the story of Noah, from a musical written by Tom Long and Allen Pote, The Sailor’s Bible.
Please come help us celebrate the end of our first choir season and help the children raise money to purchase their choir robes. It’s sure to be a great evening.
Blessings, Angela
Posted March 28, 2019 By adminAre you making Summer plans? All of us need time away from our routine to refresh and recharge! It is the same for our faith life! Doing more than the routine can really ignite our spiritual walk with the Lord, especially with the young Christians.
Plans for Vacation Bible School at St. Jacob’s will soon be underway.
Please do the following in preparation of this year’s event:
1) Pray for the attendees and leaders
2) Prayfully consider serving as part of this year’s VBS team
3) Go ahead and mark your calendars for June 17th—June 20th
4) Watch upcoming worship folders for more detailed information.
Calling all St. Jacob’s Youth Members
Posted January 9, 2019 By adminIn January, we will begin meeting once again on the first and third Sundays each month. Our first meeting will be Sunday, January 6th at 4:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. There are several things to begin planning for, including a spring Carolinas Mission District Youth Retreat in March and a summer mission trip. Pass the word and
plan on attending! See you then!