Lutheran Men Archive

Lutheran Men Update at end of 2016

Posted September 7, 2017 By admin

Specific goals accomplished and/or activities supported for 2016 are noted below. (Some activities were combined efforts of the LM, Property, and/or other church team and/or our church family.)

(1) Supported workdays and/or work-lists during the year; assisting with general maintenance items around the church, Fellowship Hall, bus shed and office; see Property Team’s report for specific accomplishments

(2) Supported grass cutting needs of the church grounds and cemetery

(3) Assisted in litter pick-up along our “adopted” section of Columbia Avenue (Road 48)

(4) Made time & “talent” donations to our church family, i.e. supported the SJY Chicken BBQ (March 19, 2016), a gift certificate for a member in need, assisted in the LW’s Mother Daughter Banquet (portion of food purchase, preparation & serving); provided congregational support/other where needed

(5) Monetary, labor, and/or other contributions to our community and beyond, participated in joint community LM (Carolinas Lutheran Men) meetings at Holy Trinity, donated $50 per child resident at Newberry Boys Farm for Christmas

(6) Held Catfish Stew & Country Sausage fund raising events as well as our annual July 4th BBQ; these events raise funds for our church, LM and community efforts

(7) formally dedicated our BBQ facility on July 31 during the service followed by a meal of hot dogs & hamburgers and trimmings; meal expenses shared by the Fellowship Team & LM, our facility was dedicated in memory & honor of all LM of the congregation

(8) Supported this past year’s outdoor, 8:00 a.m. Homecoming service; preparing breakfast for all in attendance (for all our breakfast events, LM make the sausage)

(9) Constructed a deck for former Pastor Kevin & family at their new home in North Carolina

The LM continued their annual participation and efforts for the Shrove Tuesday pancake and sausage supper, a Lenten meal, Lutheran Men’s Sunday, Easter Sunrise breakfast, and general assistance (when needed) for church members, and others in need. We assisted in the erection and disassembly of the Easter crosses and Church’s manger scene.

This past year Pastor Kevin’s last Sunday at St. Jacob’s was on LM Sunday, and he provided a timely and final message to the congregation. LM handled all parts of the service. Laurie Lackey graciously supported our “all men’s” choir efforts. We appreciate their efforts on behalf of the LM.

The LM’s traditional Ladies Night hamburger cook-out in May was a combined effort with the SJY & LW. A great evening of fellowship & fun was enjoyed. The annual Ice Cream Social with added hot dogs & trimmings was held in July as a joint effort with the Christian Education Team’s opening night of Vacation Bible School, with SJ Youth & members of the congregation participating. In December the LM with LW assistance sponsored the annual evening, congregational Christmas meal catered by Farm Boy’s BBQ. The LM assumed a portion of the cost of the meal and LW provided many wonderful deserts and a beautifully decorated Fellowship Hall. The Christmas dinner was a success with 75+ (members & church family) enjoying dinner and fellowship.

Our group invites men of the church (young & old) to participate and join our unit. Devotions, periodic programs, fellowship, and good food are “main courses” served at our meetings. The LM makes every effort to return our monetary gains to our church and extended community family. We appreciate the opportunity to provide support to our SJY, LW, and Up & Going groups along with our church family in general. We likewise appreciate the support these groups & our church family provide us. We are proud of our accomplishments in 2016 and look forward to serving our church and community in 2017.