Missions Archive

Mercy Bags Ministry

Posted July 14, 2024 By admin

Your continued support of the Mercy Bags Ministry is making a difference in our local community. In May, 45 meals were provided to rural communities. Cleaning supplies were also provided. Please continue to support this ministry through a designated monetary donation, shopping for meal items or helping to pack food for the Mercy Bags after worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. A list of meal items can be found in the Narthex.

Welcome Pastor Gary BloBaum

Posted July 8, 2024 By admin

Pastor Gary Blobaum will serve as our supply Pastor while Pastor David is away on his mission trip to Congo. Pastor Blobaum is a retired Pastor of the NALC. He previously served as Pastor for Immanuel Lutheran Church in Sumter, SC. Please welcome him as he brings the Gospel message to St. Jacob’s on July 14 and 21.

From Your Pastor’s Heart

Posted July 7, 2024 By admin

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
The time has finally come when Pastor Kalonji and I must begin packing bags, confirming reservations and making final preparations for our flight to Kinshasa. As usual, there have been several tense moments worrying about travel visas and working with embassies. At this writing, all the paperwork is finally in order. I have received the necessary visa to enter the country, flights have been arranged and I am ready for my visit with our good Christian friends in Congo.
Looking back on all the preparations that have to take place each time we travel to Congo, I am truly amazed at the goodness of God as he blesses Pastor Kalonji and I with the privilege to do his work in such a place. Before meeting Pastor Kalonji in 2014 and hearing his presentation to our Mission District Convocation, I would have never dreamed of traveling to such a place.
I was just a young boy, when in school I first heard of the Congo. We learned about jungles, rain forests and also the regions of the hills and plains. But the thing I was most fascinated with was the Congo River. Since that time as a child, I was intrigued with the thought of seeing the Congo River, but I never dreamed it would actually happen. Many years later, all of that changed; I saw the river I had learned about as a child. I ministered to people whose life and livelihood are closely intertwined with the river. They depend upon it for food and transport of basic supplies.
Now, God has blessed me with another opportunity to see this great river and to reconnect with friends I’ve made throughout my several missionary journeys. I remember the first time I traveled to Congo I was a bit apprehensive. The country is not one that is on the well-traveled path of tourists and commerce. I didn’t speak the language of its people back then, and I still don’t today. Back then I wondered how easily we would be able to find food to eat and water to drink. All these years later, I still struggle with this. Back then, for me, Congo was simply a great unknown in a place called the “Dark Continent.” But these days it’s not so unknown to me. I have friends there, people who are eager for my visits. I have fellow pastors whom I work alongside proclaiming the Gospel and ministering to men, women, and of course the many children we will encounter. From the time we are met at the airport to the first prayer that is said, it becomes quite evident that, even in such a far off place, I am not alone. God is with me…and so are all of you.
In preparing for this trip, many of you have taken part in the ministry we are called to share. You have adopted Bibles to share with people who have none. You have made donations to help us free mothers and their babies from detention in hospitals and clinics. And you have provided funds to feed malnourished children who wake up each morning wondering if they might have a meal that day.
A central part of our ministry in Congo is showing compassion toward caring for children. In this same compassion, our children here at home have embraced those who are far away. Through noisy offerings and their children’s offerings on Sundays, they have raised money to purchase food for kids they will likely never meet. Last year, they made cross necklaces to remind the children of Congo that they indeed have a Savior in Jesus Christ, and they have children in the United States who pray for them. I am pleased with the relationship that has sprung up between our kids and those so far away. One day, in the kingdom of God, there will be a meeting of these children and all of heaven will sing in thanksgiving.
Thank you to everyone who has made contributions to this year’s mission trip. Thanks also to those in neighboring congregations who have offered funding and prayers. But most of all, thanks be to God for his grace that comes through Christ Jesus, and for the opportunity to share the Good News with the people in Congo. Even as I go, I do not go alone. God is with me, and so are you.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila

Congo Mission Update

Posted June 15, 2024 By admin

With the posting of this month’s newsletter, my annual mission trip to Congo is just a little more than a month away. My mission partner Pastor Stephane Kalonji and I are making plans for the Gospel ministry we will accomplish while we are in the country.
One of the projects we began last summer is the building of the first Lutheran Church Facility in the region of Kasai-Oriental. There are no Lutheran congregations in this region that have a church building or permanent structure in which to hold services or other gatherings.
Through the generosity of several congregations within the NALC and LCMC, we have been able to provide funding for this building project. Land has been purchased and the foundation has been laid for the construction of a multi-use building on the outskirts of Mbuji-Mayi.
There is still a long way to go in completing this building, but with God’s provision it will become a reality and a place where Christians can worship, families can gather, children can learn, and women can learn skills through which they may generate income and provide for their families.
Thank you to all who have supported the Congo Mission with your donations and your prayers. Thank you also to everyone who has adopted a Bible for us to distribute to church leaders and Pastors in Congo who do not have access to Bibles in their tribal languages. It is humbling to know that so many people throughout our congregation, Mission Region, and NALC are prayerfully active in this mission together.
This year’s mission trip commences immediately following worship on July 7 with my travel to Houston, Texas. From There, Pastor Kalonji and I will travel to Congo on July 8-9. My return to Chapin is scheduled for Sunday, July 21. In total, I will be away for 14 days.
Pastor Gary Blobaum will be our Supply Pastor on July 14 and 21. Pastor David Tholstrup will be on call for the congregation in case of emergency pastoral ministry needs. Please pray that we have safe travels and that we accomplish all God has called us to do.

Congo Mission Adopt a Bible

Posted May 24, 2024 By admin

One of the joys of my mission work in Congo is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with so many people who have not had the opportunity to worship or learn of God’s saving grace through reading the Scriptures. Bibles are hard to come by for most people living in the outlying and remote areas surrounding Mbuji-Mayi. For this reason, I am encouraging everyone at St. Jacob’s to participate in this year’s mission in a unique way. I invite you all to “adopt a Bible” that would be provided to church members in Mbuji-Mayi and Merode.
Bibles printed in the tribal languages in Congo are available in Kinshasa (the capitol city), but not in the remote areas in which we serve. Pastor Kalonji hope to fill a suitcase with Bibles to take to the Lutheran congregation in Mbuji-Mayi and have them distributed to families by local pastors. Each Bible printed in the local languages cost about $25 each. If you would like to provide one for a family in Congo, simply add that amount to your church offering and designate the amount given “Congo Mission Bibles” on your envelope where it says “other.”
Thank you so much for your consideration and generosity as we continue to minister to God’s people in such a far-off place. This year’s mission trip is scheduled for July 8-21.

Mercy Bags Ministry

Posted May 15, 2024 By admin

Your continued support of the Mercy Bags Ministry is making a difference in our local community. In March, we were able to provide 22 Mercy Bags to We Care for their mobile delivery in Newberry, Whitmire, Prosperity, and Jenkinsville. Please continue to support this ministry through a designated monetary donation, shopping for meal items or helping to pack food for the Mercy Bags after worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.

Our Congregational Care and Discipleship Team are committed to help and assist our members with any needs that they may have. As Jesus shared in Matthew 25:40, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me”. As disciples and members of the Congregational Care and Discipleship Teams, we are here to serve, to assist, and to care for one another. Have you had these thoughts?

I wish I had someone to call to pick up and deliver my medication today.

It would be great to have someone to drive me/us to my/our doctor appointment or to another appointment.

I need an errand run, who can I call?

I wish I had someone to talk to.

I would love to have someone from the church visit me.

You can call the church office at 803-345-2309, Billy, or Lynn! Our church ministry teams are here for you! If you have any special requests/needs, please do not hesitate to ask. We all need help at some time in our lives. We are a phone call or text away. Let us help! Let us serve!

Worship at Generations

Posted April 8, 2024 By admin

Every other Sunday, Pr. David leads worship for the residents of Generations Assisted Care of Chapin. This ministry has made a great difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church. The congregation is invited and certainly encouraged to share this experience with our friends just down the road. Our next worship opportunities will be on Sunday, April 14th and April 28th at 1:00 PM. Join us in the lobby at Generations.

NALC Disaster Response Shed

Posted April 5, 2024 By admin

Our NALC Disaster Response shed (our former bus shed) is up and running. So far, we have received flood buckets, Health and Hygiene kits, Kitchen kits, and School kits from neighboring congregations. Glenn Shealy has taken on the role of “warehouse manager” and is standing by to schedule drop off times and dates for those church groups who would have materials for us to store. Many thanks to Gerald, Robert, and Billy who constructed the necessary shelving for the response shed.

South Carolina Mission District Youth

Posted April 2, 2024 By admin

Pastor David Nuottila has been meeting with and working with the pastors of St. Peter’s, St. Paul’s, and Holy Trinity Lutheran Churches to establish a new Youth Ministry initiative among the NALC congregations for South Carolina. Such collaboration has proved beneficial for NALC congregations in North Carolina and we hope to replicate their success here. Gathering our youth members in grades 6-12, we will share the Gospel, grow in discipleship, and have loads of fun together. Our first project is to support We Care of Chapin. Each youth group is challenged to collect jars of peanut butter and jelly to donate to We Care. This is meant as a fun competition among our youth groups, but primarily we want to tend to the needs of our neighbors. The first gathering of our South Carolina Mission District Youth will be on April 28 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Pomaria. All youth members in grades 6-12 are encouraged to attend. More information will be given as the date draws nearer.