Missions Archive

The Great Chili Cook-Off

Posted November 2, 2022 By admin

Who is the champion chef at St. Jacob’s? We will find the answer to that question as we enjoy a Chili Cook-off after we finish assembling health kits for the NALC Disaster Response Warehouse.

Anyone may enter their favorite pot of Chili, (with beans or without). Matt and his select panel of Judges will crown the 2022 St. Jacob’s Chili Master. Who will take home the trophy? Come and see and be a part of the fun and fellowship.

NALC Disaster Response

Posted October 31, 2022 By admin

Due to response to Hurricane Ian, both Carolinas Disaster Response Warehouses are empty and in great need. As such, St. Jacob’s is collecting blankets and assembling Health Kits. A list of items for health kits is provided below.

Men, women, and youth members of St, Jacob’s are encouraged to participate in the assembly of health kits on Sunday, November 6th in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 5:00PM.

DISASTER RESPONSE HEALTH KIT CONTENTS 1 bath towel, 1 wash cloth, 1 travel size shampoo (3 oz), 1 bar bath soap, 1 tooth brush, 1 tube toothpaste (2 if travel size), 1 comb, 1 hairbrush, 1 deodorant, 1 nail clippers (optional), 1 dental floss

ITEMS ALSO NEEDED: Trough November 20th, we will collect Blankets, Adult disposable underwear, And children’s and infant disposable diapers

Operation Christmas Child

Posted October 14, 2022 By admin

Joining with several local congregations, St. Jacob’s will participate in this year’s Operation Christmas Child. Please see the bulletin insert included this week for all details on how you can participate. Our goal is to supply 50 completed boxes.

NALC Disaster Response

Posted October 14, 2022 By admin

Due to response to Hurricane Ian, both Carolinas Disaster Response Warehouses are empty and in great need. As such, St. Jacob’s is collecting blankets and assembling Health Kits. A list of items for health kits is provided below. Men, women, and youth members of St, Jacob’s are encouraged to participate in the assembly of health kits on Sunday, November 6th in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 5:00PM. Our Chili Cook-Off will immediately follow.

Disaster Response Health Kit Contents
1 bath towel, 1 wash cloth, 1 travel size shampoo (3 oz), 1 bar bath soap, 1 toothbrush, 1 tube toothpaste (2 if travel size), 1 comb, 1 hairbrush, 1 deodorant, 1 nail clippers (optional), 1 dental floss We will also collect disposable diapers and disposable adult under garments. Blankets and these other items may be dropped off on the stage in the fellowship hall.

Mercy Boxes

Posted September 14, 2022 By admin

St. Jacob’s is continuing to make Mercy Boxes for We Care. If you would like to participate, please take one of the yellow flyers off the table located at the Narthex doors which shows you what needs to be purchased to fill the box.
We appreciate all that you do to support our community.

We appreciate all that you do to support our community.

The time is upon me when I am preparing for my mission trip to the Congo with my friend and mission partner Pastor Stéphane Kalonji. There are so many things racing through my mind at the moment that it is difficult just to simply sleep at night. This being my fourth trip to the Congo, I have a good idea what to expect in my travels. It’s the not knowing what to expect when I get there that seems to be the issue, for we will be traveling to a part of the Congo where I have never been before.

Our first several days in the Congo will be spent in the capitol city of Kinshasa where I will have a phone, electricity, and plenty of hot running water. There will be plenty of good food, prepared by Pastor Kalonji’s sister-in-law, Yevette. But then we will be going off to the province of Kasai-Oriental. He tells me that life in Kasai (in the central part of the country) is much different than what I have experienced in Boma or Matadi (in the western part). We will fly from Kinshasa to the city of Mbuji-Mayi and remain there for about three days, then travel to the village of Badibaswa where we will serve a small mission congregation. I’m told that in Kasai, water is not something that is plentiful. As a part of the daily amenities, the hotel we will stay in for about 9 days provides each guest with one free bucket of water. Bucket? Yep, no running water to be had. Once on the ground in Kasai, the first order of business will be to purchase plenty of bottled purified water.

Another difference will be that the churches we will visit and work in have no buildings or shelters. Everything they do is outside exposed to the weather. If it rains during worship, they get wet. If the sun beats down in the heat of the day, they sweat. Truly, there is nothing like a mission trip to the Congo to make one appreciate all that God blesses us with here at home. There is one thing; however, that I do know what to expect in Kasai. The people will be overjoyed that we have come to visit them, bringing them the Good News of Jesus Christ.

In Mbuji-Mayi, Pastor Kalonji and I will be leading three separate seminars. There will be a gathering for the women of the church, then the pastors and lay leaders, and finally, we will have a day with the youth and young adults. Our focus for teaching will be a seminar we have written together concerning the Holiness of God and Living as God’s Holy People. As usual, there will be time for the people to ask plenty of questions regarding faith and life in the Church in America. In Badibaswa, I would anticipate much of the same, although I expect there will be many more questions about life as a Christian and Pastor in the United States. The women will want to know about my wife and children, our home and what a typical day is like.

The people of the Congo are always amazed to find out that Christians in America face many of the same difficulties as they do in Africa. Truly, sin and evil know no boundaries. Thankfully, God’s mercy and grace transcend all boundaries and obstacles the devil attempts to place between God and his people.

While I am away, I would ask that you keep Pastor Kalonij and I in your prayers. Pray that God would use us in mighty ways and that our proclamation of his Word will be bold and well received. Finally, pray for all to whom we will minister, for it is through your generosity that we are able to make this trip. God has blessed us in this mission, and through your prayerful support, hungry children will be fed and mothers and their babies will be welcomed home from detention in hospitals. Pastors and other church leaders will have Bibles to read, learn, and teach from. Those with impaired vision will have eyeglasses to help them see, and children will have beautiful multi-colored bracelets to wear as a reminder of the love we all share in Christ Jesus.
I will be departing from Columbia on Monday, August 1st and returning on Friday, August 20th. As always, I will do my best to keep everyone updated while I am away. I hope to be able to send Angela daily text messages with news of our activities that she can pass along to the church. But again, I don’t know if that will be a possibility when I am in Kasai. Thanks be to God for all who have supported our mission to the Congo. I look forward to sharing stories of St. Jacob’s with the people there and I’m sure I will have plenty of stories to share with you upon my return. Until then, Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Pastor David Nuottila

Wednesday Services

Posted July 28, 2022 By admin

While Pastor David is in the Congo, we will not be having a Wednesday Evening Service on August 3rd, 10th, or 17th. We will start back on August 24th. Please mark your calendars.

Countdown to Congo

Posted June 10, 2022 By admin

Looking at the calendar, it’s hard to believe that my mission trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo is but a month away. I want to thank all who have donated used pairs of eyeglasses for me to take to the people of Congo who have such need but do not have access to eyecare. We have collected plenty of glasses, and I have no more room for additional donations. Everything that has been donated must fit into my luggage, along with clothes for three weeks, Bibles to be distributed in churches, and donated clergy attire for pastors in the Congolese Church.
This trip will be unlike those I have made previously. My mission partner, Pastor Kalonji and I will travel to a region in the Congo where I have never been before. It is somewhat exciting to imagine seeing new places and experiencing new customs as we minister to the people of God. The congregations where we will accomplish the bulk of our mission work are unique in that they do not have any church buildings. These congregations gather outside all year round. No matter the weather, the gospel of Christ is preached to all who would hear it.
I am looking forward to seeing several of the friends that I have made over the years, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic prevented me from making my regularly scheduled trip last year. It has been three long years since my last visit and much has changed within the church. Still, the mission is the same. We will preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, minister to men, women, and children, feed orphans, and free mothers with their newborn babies from hospitals where they cannot afford to pay their out-standing balance due.
Pastor Kalonji and I ask for your prayers as we travel to this far off place. We ask your prayers for safety in travel and for success in our mission work. More than that, we ask that we would bring glory to God’s name as we share this important mission work with you and so many others who have supported us through the years.

Everyone at St. Jacob’s is invited to attend a special Fellowship and Mission Event of the Carolinas Mission Region at the NALC Disaster Response Warehouse in Kings Mountain, NC. The event takes place on Saturday, May 21st. The plan is for congregations to collect items to assemble Disaster Response Hygiene Kits to resupply the warehouse before hurricane season. This event is perfect for Youth groups, Men’s groups, Women’s groups and Senior’s. ALL ARE INVITED! There will be plenty of food and fellowship provided by Advent Lutheran Church in Kings Mountain. As a part of this project, St. Jacob’s has been collecting travel size bottles of shampoo and nail clippers. The response has been wonderful and generous. Thank you to all who have donated to this project. Now we simply need your presence to help assemble the hygiene kits. See you on May 21st!

Countdown To Congo

Posted April 29, 2022 By admin

By: Pastor David
There are only three full months until my trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo. This trip will be quite unique as Pastor Kalonji and I will travel to a region where I have not been in the past. Still, there will be opportunity to minister to some congregations that I am familiar with and I’m looking forward to seeing those pastors again and hearing their stories and experiences since I saw them last.
Of course, the opportunity to preach the Gospel of Jesus will be the main highlight of our trip. God is so gracious as to allow Pastor Kalonji and I to travel and share the good news of Jesus with others. Upon my return, I will provide plenty of photos and stories with you so that you can see the many ways through which St. Jacob’s comes to the aid of our neighbors across the ocean. They certainly live a different way of life than we do, but it is the same God who provides all they need. It is also the same God who sent his Son Jesus Christ into the world so that our sins will be forgiven. We are all united in Christ Jesus, the people of St. Jacob’s, the people of God in the Congo, and all Christians around the globe. To God be the glory now and forever!