Our current Mid-week Morning Bible Study centered on the Passion of our Lord will conclude on Wednesday, April 6th. Bible Study will resume following Holy Week and the Easter Celebration. Wednesday Morning Bible Study will resume on April 27th. In response to the sample survey sent out earlier in the year, Pastor David will also offer a new Bible Study on Monday evenings beginning on Monday, April 25th at 7 PM. The topic for our study will be “Walking Together: The Importance of Fellowship for Disciples of Christ.”
“Walking Together” will include nine lessons presented in a “come as you are” level requiring no previous study or homework. Each lesson will be presented in such a way that it will be easy to invite a friend or neighbor to join in for a single lesson or for the entire study. Each lesson will cover a primary reading from the Bible and ask open ended questions concerning our life together as the people of God. All are welcome to participate. No special materials are required. Just bring your Bible and a willingness to study God’s Word together.
Outreach Archive
Monday and Wednesday Bible Study
Posted April 5, 2022 By adminUp and Going News
Posted March 31, 2022 By adminHelen has agreed to be the interim leader of the Up and Going until we can get a new leader. We will have a May Day Gathering on Monday, May 2nd, in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30 AM. All Up and Going, guest, and members of the congregation are invited to attend. Chapin Chirpers will provide the entertainment. A light lunch will be served which will be provided. Come dressed in your pretty May Day colors.
Easter Egg Hunt
Posted March 31, 2022 By adminThe Lutheran Women are sponsoring our annual Easter Egg Hunt for children ages infants to 12 years of age on Saturday, April 9th from 10 AM—12 PM. There will be crafts to do and plenty of eggs to hunt. Also, a light lunch will be served. PLEASE BRING A FRIEND! A special appearance will be made by the Easter Bunny!
Supporting We Care / We Care Urgent Supplies Requested
Posted March 22, 2022 By adminDon’t forget we are still sponsoring We Care and appreciate all donations you are able to supply them to help our neighbors. Following is a list of needs: cornbread mix, grits, chili beans, pancake mix/syrup, canned potatoes/yams, tuna, canned peas, jello, canned tomatoes, and cereal. Also, ALWAYS need dish and laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, paper products, and personal care items. (Please leave all donations in the Fellowship Hall.)
Donations of all food items are appreciated.
Listed below are some of the things that are also needed.
•Canned potatoes
•Pancake mix/syrup
•Canned potatoes/yams
•Soup – all varieties
•Pasta, Spaghetti Sauce
Ministry Team Leader Meeting
Posted January 31, 2022 By adminPastor David is calling all St. Jacob’s Ministry Team Leaders to a meeting on Saturday, February 12th from 9AM-12 Noon in the Fellowship Hall. There will be several important items to be discussed concerning ministry team functions, financial responsibilities, communications, and record keeping. Please plan to attend. If you are not able, a member of your ministry team should be in attendance.
From the Pastor’s Heart by Pastor David Nuottila
Posted January 17, 2022 By adminTrouble with the Church
Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. 1 Peter 2:12
It’s obvious; the world has trouble with the church. In virtually all aspects of human life, two messages prevail. The first message seems to be “Get what you can and keep it for yourself.” The second is like it, “Do what you want, when you want.” Of course, these messages are contrary to the gospel; therefore, the world has a problem with the church.
Sadly, it seems Christians also have trouble with the church. Often, someone will make the statement, “I don’t need to go to church to be a Christian.” Others say, “I experience God in my own way.” Such statements are contrary to scripture. It’s for this reason I say even Christians have trouble with the church.
A common reason people remain unchurched is because they don’t see any appreciable difference in the way Christians live their lives. Too often, Christians, especially those who go it alone, fall into the worldly pattern of living according to worldly expectations rather than God’s calling. We do what we want, when we want. We get as much as we can get and keep it for ourselves. We only give to those whom we deem “worthy.” It is no wonder the world has trouble with the church.
All people are sinners and face temptations. Even the most devout and spiritual Christians need to be encouraged in their faith. Thinking you can remain faithful on your own is perhaps Satan’s most potent weapon. Keeping our faith “private” and not gathering for worship with other Christians causes many to believe they are living according to a higher standard, when in reality, they are living according to a worldly standard. By ourselves, lone Christians become easy prey for the powers that defy God.
Peter exhorts Christians to live as people who are freed from sin in Christ Jesus, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, selfish attitudes, and behaviors, but living as true servants of God. The community of faith is a Christian’s sure defense against the powers of sin. The very nature of being Christian means we worship together, have fellowship with one another, and strengthen one another in faith. We study the Holy Scriptures together, learning more of the ways of God. Just think of what it might look like if the church was known for its faithfulness, love, and compassion, rather than having the world characterize it as a gathering of hypocrites. That’s the kind of trouble I would love for the world to have with the church.
How great would it be if the powers that defy God looked upon St. Jacob’s saying, “Look at those Christians and how they love their God and show mercy and compassion to their neighbor.” To have our community see St. Jacob’s as a living, breathing, example of the power of God’s love within our community and wanting to become a part of who we are is just the sort of trouble with the church that I would love to encounter.
Am I just dreaming? Perhaps, or perhaps not. I believe our congregation is quite a collection of God’s people blessed with many gifts and talents to become known as just such a place. All we need is prayer and commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many who were here before us built St. Jacob’s while living in the face of similar doubts and challenges. My prayer going into this New Year is that we would become just the sort of congregation the world would have trouble with, trouble understanding how we can find such joy in serving our neighbor through the love and compassion of our Lord Jesus. Yes, that is the sort of trouble with the Church I believe the world needs to experience.
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila
Pastoral Devotion For January
Posted January 3, 2022 By adminA PLACE AT THE TABLE
Read – 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10, Luke 16:19-31
As baptismal waters washed over his head, the stain of sin was erased forever, and he was made a new creation. At long last he became a child of God, refreshed, and brought to new life. So it was for a homeless man living on the streets of Charleston who happened to become friends with this particular pastor. Truly, Greg became the best friend I ever had.
It seemed that at every turn, fortune never seemed to smile upon Greg. He was homeless, friendless, and trusted no one. Yet, tired of being alone, he entered the church. There he found compassion. In time, the compassion he discovered taught him to trust; his trust led him to love. Life remained difficult, but through his newly gifted faith, Greg would begin to understand this earthly affliction would one day pass, and the kingdom would be his forever. That day came for Greg soon after I left Charleston to serve a congregation in North Carolina.
As Lazarus longed for food from the rich man’s table, not a crumb would fall within his reach. Making a distinction between rich and poor, the rich man failed in his calling to feed the hungry, thus he lived contrary to God’s mandate to love his neighbor. Upon his death, the rich man was denied the mercy of God. In short, he received his reward for his selfishness and refusal to care for those in need. Many in this world continue make such distinctions, only helping when they feel the recipient “deserves” to be helped. They make distinctions between people according to appearances. Thus, the lost and hungry often go ignored. But just as God smiled upon Lazarus, all who call upon the Lord will find compassion and take their place at the table of heaven.
Father God, give us hearts for love alone, that we might love and serve our neighbor without distinction. Amen.
Reaching Out With Worship
Posted November 30, 2021 By adminBeginning on Sunday, December 5th, Pastor David will be leading a brief worship service in the lobby at Generations. This service will take place at 1:30 PM. every other Sunday. Several St. Jacob’s church family members reside at Generations and it will be good to share a time of Word and Sacrament with them and the rest of the residents. Several have remarked about how much they enjoyed our singing for them in October and are looking forward to Sunday worship. Volunteers to assist in singing familiar hymns and distributing communion would be appreciated. If you would like to help out, please contact Pastor David.
Advent Bible Study
Posted November 30, 2021 By adminOur Advent Bible study will be titled “A Reunion of Grace” and will take a peek into the family history of our Lord. We will see how God chose to save humanity from sin, not through strength, but through humility and weakness. We will look at the lives of four ancestors of Jesus whose scars from human life are important factors for us to know about so that we can become more reliable witnesses to God’s amazing grace. Advent Bible study begins on Wednesday, December 1st, starting at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall and is open to anyone who would like to participate.
Thanksgiving Eve Worship
Posted November 1, 2021 By adminIt’s hard to believe but it is time once again for our Thanksgiving Eve worship service. In years past, St. Jacob’s participated in a community project to supply families with traditional Thanksgiving meals provided by The Hub. Last year in the midst of the pandemic, The Hub ceased providing such meals and so we turned our hearts to support We Care. This year, it is hoped that we will find a way to expand our ministry to those in need who are our neighbors in the surrounding community. Please keep an eye on the weekly bulletin announcements and also the mid-month Grace Notes for further details.