Outreach Archive

From Your Pastor’s Heart

Posted January 2, 2025 By admin

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” Matthew 2:1-2

I recall hearing a story about a family embarking on summer vacation. After driving for many hours, everyone in the car, except for the father, began to wonder if they were indeed lost. It seemed they were traveling in wide circles, noticing some of the same landmarks over and over again. Finally, his wife suggested they stop and ask directions. Of course, the man balked at the idea but noticed a car passing them by at a high rate of speed. “Let’s follow that person,” said the father, “he seems to know where he’s going.” The trouble is, where he was headed might not be a place where the family wanted to be.

How easy it is to be led astray when one simply follows along. When we are lost, it is good to have someone to follow. But unless we know something about the person we are following, we could be led down a path from which there is no good outcome.

As we begin a new year in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we do so as the Holy Spirit and the tradition of our faith inspires us. We look to the account of the Magi visiting the boy Jesus. They came to pay him homage. They came to worship him. They came bearing gifts fitting for a king. Having completed their two-year journey, they reached the place where God would have them go.

There were no road maps, no GPS, no handy cell phone app to guide their way. They simply followed a star. Called by the Holy Spirit, they followed the star faithfully. Nearing the end of their journey, and not being members of the Jewish faith, it became necessary to ask for directions. “Where is he who has been born King of the Jews?” With clarity and knowledge of the direction they must go, these three wise men finally beheld the glory and wonder of the boy child who would grow to be a man and save humanity from sin, death, and the power of the devil.

Like the wise men, we too, upon our Baptism into Christ, have embarked on a journey of faith. But unlike the Magi, we have directions. This year, the Gospel according to Luke serves as our road map which will lead us to the destination of Christ our Lord. We will learn more of his public ministry, his teaching, and his compassion for those whom Jesus said “are wandering as sheep without a shepherd.”

In the months to come, I invite you to worship regularly, to join in on the several learning opportunities provided here at St. Jacob’s, and to share the Good News of Christ, beginning with those who are nearest to you, and extending outward. Truly, the light of Christ shines in this darkened world and there are many who continue to wander like sheep without a shepherd.

As our Lord calls us to be his disciples and to grow his Church, we can offer clarity and point those who wander in the direction of Christ our Lord. For as sure as someone notices the difference faith in Christ makes in this fallen and broken world, they will begin to follow you along the path of faithfulness. For be certain, where this path leads is surely a place where others will want to be.

Grace to you and peace,

Pastor David Nuottila

Prayer for the New Year

Posted December 28, 2024 By admin

God of our yesterdays, our todays, and our tomorrows.
We praise you for your unequaled greatness.
Thank you for the year behind us and for the year ahead.
Help us in this new year, Father, to fret less and laugh more.
To teach our children to laugh by laughing with them.
To teach others to love by loving them.
Help us, Father, to hear your love song in every sunrise,
in the chirping of birds in our backyards,
in the stories of our old folks,
and the fantasies of our children.
Help us to stop and listen to your love songs,
so that we may know you better and better.
We rejoice in the world you called into being.
Thank you for another new year and for new chances every day.
We pray for peace, for light, and for hope,
that we might spread them to others.
Forgive us for falling short this past year.
We leave the irreparable past in your hands, and step out into the
future of an unknown new year knowing you will go with us.
We accept your gift of a new year and we rejoice in what’s ahead,
depending on you to help us to love others as you have loved us.
In Jesus’s name we pray,

Youth Retreat

Posted December 28, 2024 By admin

Youth Bible Study

Posted December 27, 2024 By admin

The Youth Bible Study learned about the Church Year that begins with Advent. We spent some time in the sanctuary and learned about the significance of the Chrismons and other Christian symbols found throughout the church. During Advent, the youth are reading an Advent devotion together that Cora Wallace is sharing with them daily via their text group. Please encourage these youth as they continue to grow in their faith and enjoy time spent together!

Youth Christmas Party

Posted December 27, 2024 By admin

On December 8th the youth had a Christmas party. In addition to lots of pizza, snacks and Christmas movies, they baked cookies and made treat bags for Christmas caroling.

Music Notes

Posted December 27, 2024 By admin

Christmas Caroling

Christmas caroling was lots of fun this year. We had 26 carolers! We filled J.L. and Janet’s house. What fun. The youth baked cookies and made treat bags to take to each person we visited. We gathered for a soup lunch after church on Sunday and set out to sing to 9 people. We were all a little hoarse by the time we arrived at Todd and Joanie’s house to sing to Papa Joe and enjoy a delicious spread of Christmas treats and fellowship. Maybe next year we can have 36 carolers!

Read Isaiah 9:2-7

It is difficult to imagine living in a world of peace. From the time Adam and Eve took a bite from the forbidden fruit, the world has been anything but peaceful. The struggle of human disobedience brought with it conflict between families, communities and nations. Everywhere we turn we see the result of sin and the powers that defy God. The only cure for this sickness is God’s divine mercy and grace. When the kingdom of God is fully revealed to believers, only then will we understand what it means to live in a world of peace. This does not mean, however, that God’s people cannot receive His peace while living in a fallen and broken world.
Long before the birth of Christ, the prophets of God announced the coming of the Messiah who would rule God’s kingdom with power and might, bringing justice and righteousness to those who believe. The prophet Isaiah says his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. When he comes in his fullness and glory, his kingdom will have no end. Yet, even as the people of God await the forever coming of their king, God entered our earthly realm born as a human child unto Mary and Joseph. This Prince of Peace would first take upon himself human flesh, live among his people and offer his life as sacrifice to atone for the sin of the world.
Throughout our history, the Church has longed for the peace of God’s kingdom to be revealed in all its glory. Until such time when Jesus comes again, the Church has the assurance of God’s mercy and grace. We live with the peace of knowing that through Christ our sins are forgiven. As followers of our Lord and Savior, we strive to share the good news of the gospel with all whom we meet. We hear Jesus’ command to love one another, to feed the hungry, care for the sick, bring shelter to the poor and welcome the stranger into our midst. As we do these things, we ask our Father in heaven to continually strengthen us in faith and give us the will to do them, so that all people might one day live in the peace of Christ.

O Prince of Peace, come to your people and fill our hearts with gladness. Bring your peace to our world forever. Amen.

From Your Pastor’s Heart

Posted December 1, 2024 By admin

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone. Isaiah 9:2
Amazingly, there are a number of little things that go unnoticed until you can see them with new eyes. Small things, insignificant things. They surround us and cast off a beauty all their own. Until very recently, I have missed so many of these, but thanks be to God, I have been afforded “new eyes” with which to see. Not that I couldn’t see before, but that I simply didn’t notice the wonder of such insignificance.
As we begin the season of Advent, we do so with the opportunity to notice the insignificance of some of God’s smallest blessings, things we most often don’t think about, things we take for granted. The reminders of God’s sovereignty and majesty are all around us. They declare the glory of the One True God who chooses to save his people from sin, death, and the power of the devil. All it takes to see these simplistic icons of grace is to look with new vision, theological vision, having an awareness of God’s presence.
During my first night home following surgery, I was lying back in my recliner trying to fall asleep, but there was a brilliant light shining that just would not let my attention go. It was a small light, insignificant, as I said earlier. It was the little green LED power indicator on my laptop charger lighting up the room. In this instance, I saw this little light in a completely new way. The fact that it was shining meant there was power available. Even as I was weakened after a lengthy surgical procedure, the power of God’s love was lighting up the room.
Lying in that recliner, I could feel something that I had taken for granted for a long, long time. I could feel each beat of my surgically repaired heart. It is much stronger than I remember it ever being. The continued rhythmic thump, thump, thump, played a new song over and over again in thankful praise to our heavenly Father who has the power to save his people.
In Advent, we once again have the opportunity to look with “theological eyes” and see the wonder of God’s mercy and grace made manifest for all believers. It comes to us in a most insignificant way, through most humble means; a baby born into the poverty of a fallen and broken world. A Savior
born into a world in need of saving.
Like that little LED that lit up my room, this Babe of Bethlehem casts a light into the world that commands attention. People who walk in the darkness of this world, seemingly blind to the insignificance of this one child, would one day be gathered into his brilliance simply by seeing him with new eyes. Witnessing his compassion, his teaching, and his love for all that God created, for it was all created through him.
As we complete one more liturgical year exploring the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus, and prepare to embark on the journey once more, I would invite you to take notice of the humble means through which God gets your attention reminding you of his ever-present love. These “icons of grace” as I have called them are all around us. I invite you to enter into a deeper, closer, more intimate relationship with our Lord and God. His is a beauty and wonder that draws us into the brilliance of the light that shines through even the darkest moments of our lives.
This Advent, take time to slow down, pray, and notice the presence of Christ walking alongside as he fills your life with the blessing of his power and love. See the icons of God’s grace with new eyes and enter into the wonder and mystery of the God who takes upon himself human flesh and dwells with his people. He came to save us. He continues to come to love us. His power and glory are made manifest even in the most insignificant ways. He is there for us to notice with every heartbeat and breath we take. To God be the glory forever and ever.

Mercy Bags for We Care

Posted November 15, 2024 By admin

Mercy bags are packed on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. Please come to the Fellowship Hall immediately following worship to help pack bags.

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Posted November 10, 2024 By admin

Our annual Thanksgiving Eve service of worship will be held at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, November 27th. Our church family, neighbors and friends are invited to attend as we worship and give thanks to our loving God for the many blessings he pours out upon us. Gather with your church family for this special evening.
Following our service, as is our custom, we will prepare 300 pound cake slices for distribution at the annual community Thanksgiving meal provided by The Hub. Please contact Billy McTeer for more information concerning how you might help.