Outreach Archive


Posted April 30, 2019 By admin

With so many people on the go these days, there are times when Sunday morning worship is not a possibility. This is true of our community, and it is true of our congregation as well. In an effort to provide a weekly opportunity for worship and receiving the sacrament of Holy Communion, Pastor David has informed the church council that he will begin leading a mid-week worship service.

The service will commence on Wednesday, May 22nd at 6:30 PM. This will be a weekly occurrence in which the surrounding community, friends and family mem-bers may come and worship in a relaxed atmosphere.

Please share this information freely with those whom you meet. Invite others into our midst so that we may share the treasure entrusted to us, the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Up and Going News

Posted April 30, 2019 By admin

April 11th was a bright and beautiful Spring Day. Eighteen Up and Going members and guests gathered for a busy meeting. The tables were beautiful with bright green table cloths and white Easter Lilies, compliments of Joan and Gary. Helen conducted the business session. A gift of $60 for the Flood Mission Project was received by donations. Helen gave devotions, reading from Luke 24:50-53 and the story behind the hymn, The Old Rugged Cross. We sang together the first verse and refrain and verses 2, 3 & 4 were read. Prayer and the Blessing for lunch was given. Everyone contributed to our Easter Brunch and the food was delicious and the fellowship was a treasure. Hospice Easter Bags where prepared as Joan gave directions and each person took their place in the assembly line and work began. Cello bags were opened, stuffed with Easter grass, candy, nuts, more candy and more candy. When filled the bags were tied with beautiful bows attached to handwritten notes. Bags were then placed in carry-bags for distribution. Joan and Gary delivered 80 bags to PRISMA Hospice, 65 bags to Lutheran Hospice and 5 bags were hand delivered to Hospice Friends for a total of 150 bags. This was a wonderfully blessed Up and Going Easter Meeting. Special thank you to each of you for your contributions.

The May Up and Going Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 9th at 11 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be a covered dish meal so bring your favorite dish to share. Nicki will be here to teach us Art Appreciation. Please bring an old shirt, smock or apron that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Please make plans to attend our congregational meal after the church service on Sunday, May 5th in the fellowship hall. All proceeds will go to Congo Missions. The meal will be grilled chicken, baked potato, salad, dessert and drink. The cost will be $8 a plate and children 3 and under are free.
Sign-up sheet is now available in the Narthex.

Children’s Choir Musical Fundraiser

Posted March 31, 2019 By admin

Mark your calendars.

Prepare to set sail with the children’s choir on Sunday, May 19th.

The children’s choir is ready for choir robes so we are holding a fundraiser spaghetti dinner on May 19th beginning at 5:30 PM. We are asking for donations at the door to cover the cost of the dinner but most especially to allow us to buy choir robes.

As entertainment for the dinner our children are working hard to present the story of Noah, from a musical written by Tom Long and Allen Pote, The Sailor’s Bible. The children will be working hard for the next two months to learn the music and present the story.

Please come help us celebrate the end of our first choir season and help the children raise money to purchase their choir robes. It’s sure to be a great evening.



Posted March 28, 2019 By admin

Are you making Summer plans? All of us need time away from our routine to refresh and recharge! It is the same for our faith life! Doing more than the routine can really ignite our spiritual walk with the Lord, especially with the young Christians.

Plans for Vacation Bible School at St. Jacob’s will soon be underway.
Please do the following in preparation of this year’s event:
1) Pray for the attendees and leaders
2) Prayfully consider serving as part of this year’s VBS team
3) Go ahead and mark your calendars for June 17th—June 20th
4) Watch upcoming worship folders for more detailed information.

Up & Going News

Posted March 28, 2019 By admin

Our group had an awesome time on March 14th making bows for the hospice bags. It took awhile but we thoroughly enjoyed our sandwich luncheon and fellowship time with each other. Go ahead and mark your calendar for the next meeting on April 11th at 11 AM in the fellowship hall with a surprise luncheon. Please remember to bring candies and goodies for the hospice bags as we will be putting them together to be taken to the patients.
Anyone that would like to participate is welcome to come.

Congo Missions Congregational Meal

Posted March 28, 2019 By admin

Make plans to attend our congregational meal after church services on Sunday, May 5th.
All proceeds will go to Congo Missions.
Meal: Grilled Chicken, Baked Potato, Salad, Dessert and Drink
Cost: $8 a plate (Children 3 and under eat free)
Watch the worship folder for more details and when to sign up.

The Resurrection of Our Lord

Posted March 28, 2019 By admin

The Festival worship service for the Resurrection of Our Lord will be held on Easter Sunday, April 21st beginning at 9:30 AM. Our annual Easter congregational breakfast will be served prior to worship at 8 AM. Notice, there will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday. Sunday school will resume on April 28th. With shouts of “Alleluia!” we look forward to the celebration of Easter and Jesus’ conquering of the grave. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us and hear again the gospel truth that Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again!

Easter Egg Hunt!!!

Posted March 28, 2019 By admin

Please note the change in the date for the Easter Egg Hunt.
Date: Saturday, April 13th (Saturday before Palm Sunday)
Time: 10 AM
Ages for Egg Hunt: 12 years and under
Where: Fellowship Hall
There will be crafts, egg hunts, and snacks! Bring a basket and a friend! Come join the fun!

Youth Group Food Drive

Posted March 28, 2019 By admin

St. Jacob’s Youth is continuing their collection of non-perishable foods for We Care of Chapin. Each week donations will be collected at the beginning of the Children’s sermon during worship. A youth group member will pull a wagon down the aisle in which you may put your gifts of non-perishable items. Thank you for your help with this youth group service project