Outreach Archive

Morning Bible Study

Posted March 28, 2019 By admin

Morning Bible Study continues to be held each Tuesday at 9:30 AM in the fellowship Hall. Our topic is The Mission and Ministry of Paul. Bring along your Bible and a willingness to learn more about the most prolific writer of the New Testament. Our last class will be Tuesday of Holy Week, April 16th.

Up and Going News

Posted February 28, 2019 By admin

Twenty-one members and guests gathered on Feb 14th in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy a Valentine’s Day Party. Lunch was Turkey Stew with lots of trimmings, sandwiches and desserts. Lunch was delicious. Assistant Team Leader Ann lead the business session. Ray gave the devotions on loving and forgiveness and reminded everyone to daily wear our Faith on our sleeves. The program on Spring Gardening was given by Ray, who is a member of the Laurens County Master Gardeners. Each person was given a tomato plant or aloe plant to take home. Many thanks to Ray for an interesting and timely program.

March Meeting will be held on March 14th at 11AM in the Fellowship Hall. Betty Ann is in charge of devotions. Gloria and Joan will direct us in making bows for Easter Hospice Bags. Lunch will be a festival ofsandwiches, trimmings, and desserts. Please bring items to share. A sign up list will be posted.

5th Family Fun Fellowship

Posted February 28, 2019 By admin

Watch your worship folders for more information on this event. Details have not been confirmed yet.

Lutheran Women

Posted February 28, 2019 By admin

The Lutheran Women met on Feb. 17th with 11 members present. Discussed: Helping package sausage for LM Sausage sale, assisting if needed on Shrove Tuesday, finalizing plans for our Lenten meal on March 13th, and starting plans for LW Sunday on April 28th. Welcomed new member Ann Slice, so glad to have her join our group. News will be coming next month for our Congregational Meal Fundraiser on May 5th. Our group is looking forward to another good and busy year. We will continue to collect items for We Care. The collection box is located in the Fellowship Hall. If you know of anyone in our church or neighborhood that is in need of help, please let Pastor David or one of our LW members know. Names will be kept confidential.

Ash Wednesday Service

Posted February 28, 2019 By admin

Make plans to attend our Ash Wednesday Service on March 6th at 7 PM.

Morning Bible Study

Posted February 28, 2019 By admin

Morning Bible Study will resume on Tuesday, March 5th at 9:30 a.m. in the fellowship Hall. Our topic will be the Mission and Ministry of Paul. Bring along your Bible and a willingness to learn more about the most prolific writer of the New Testament. Bible study will meet weekly each Tuesday morning through the Tuesday of Holy Week, April 16th.

Lutheran Men Schedule

Posted February 28, 2019 By admin

The Lutheran Men will be serving pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, March 5th with the assistance of the Lutheran Women. On March 17th, we will have our monthly meeting at 6:30 PM in the fellowship hall. Gerald has devotions. The cooks for this meeting will be Gerald, Richard, Jake, and Robert. Also, the LM will be serving the Lenten Meal on March 20th. All LM mark your calendars for these upcoming events.


Posted February 28, 2019 By admin

Shrove Tuesday, the day before the beginning of Lent, is a favorite church tradition. Mardi-Gras in New Orleans has its Fat Tuesday and King Cake, but pancakes, bacon and sausage are the stars of Shrove Tuesday. The Lenten Fast calls Christians to abstain from sweet and fatty foods and instead focus on Christian discipline such as worship, prayer and reading scripture. Thus, pancakes with sweet syrup are the highlight of Shrove Tuesday.

For centuries, Shrove Tuesday has had many traditions. One such tradition is the Pancake Day Race at Buckinghamshire, England. Legend has it that on Shrove Tuesday 1445, while cooking pancakes, a woman heard the shriving bell which summoned the townsfolk to confession. In her haste to get to the church, she ran through the town still wearing her apron and carrying her skillet of pancakes. Today this is reenacted with a race through the town by women wearing dresses and aprons, carrying skillets with a cooking pancake. Each person must flip her pancake three times before reaching the church. The winner is the one who gets to the church fastest, having three flips of the pancake.

Folklore says that it is bad luck to drop a pancake while flipping it. It is said that Napoleon blamed his failure for victory in Russia because of a pancake he dropped during the French Candlemas. So beware, and don’t drop your pancakes
on Shrove Tuesday. On this eve of Lent, it is also tradition that many Christians take a good long look at their lives and examine just what it is they need to confess. After all, the act of acknowledging and confessing sins is what “shriving” is all about. Having confessed their sins, a traditional practice is to burn the palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday to prepare ashes to be imposed on Ash Wednesday.

This year, Shrove Tuesday falls on March 5th. Join your church family and enjoy a wonderful Shrove Tuesday pancake
supper as we prepare for Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent.

Up and Going

Posted February 4, 2019 By admin

The January Up and Going Meeting was our annual “Soup Pot Lunch”. Eighteen members and guests gathered at 11AM on Thursday, Jan 10th to cook and enjoy a pot of soup. Each person brought something for the soup pot or sandwiches, cornbread, crackers, pimento cheese or a dessert. Once the beef and vegetable soup was ready, the business was conducted with the Treasurer’s report given. Frances gave the devotions; topic was new year, new beginning. We then enjoyed our soup lunch after which Bob quizzed us with several games on new testament trivia. He sent us home amazed with what we knew or thought that we knew. Thank you to all who brought canned goods for We Care. Good food, good fun and good fellowship.
What a wonderful way to start the New Year and spend a cold, windy day.
The February Meeting will be held on Feb 14th at 11AM in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be Turkey Stew and trimmings.

Ray will have devotions and a program on Gardening. We will be making bows for our Hospice Bags.

Lutheran Women News

Posted February 4, 2019 By admin

The Lutheran Women will meet on February 17th at 4:30 PM in the fellowship hall.