Outreach Archive


Posted February 4, 2019 By admin

The Carolinas Mission District Youth will meet for a Spring Retreat at Camp St. Christopher on Seabrook Island in March. All St. Jacob’s youth members in grades 6-12 are invited. Bring your friends too! Cost for the retreat is $100.00 per person and includes Saturday, meals, Sunday breakfast, lodging in cabins and a t-shirt. Registration forms are available in the narthex, the church office or from Pastor David.

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted February 4, 2019 By admin

“To those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 1:2-3

If you want to know what a person is really passionate about, just listen to them as they speak. It doesn’t take very long to figure out what makes them tick; it’s that one thing they continue to bring up repeatedly. If there is any doubt as to what makes the apostle Paul tick, all we need to do is read the introduction and opening salutations of his first letter to the Church at Corinth. In particular, notice whose name continues to be lifted up.

Paul was zealous for his faith in Christ and eager to share the good news of God’s salvation throughout his known world. Being among God’s people and rejoicing in the promise of life in God’s kingdom is most certainly what fueled Paul’s fire. Throughout his missionary journeys, Paul endured hardship, imprisonment and even shipwrecks, yet nothing seemed to dampen his excitement for telling others about the power of God’s love made manifest in Christ’s victory over sin and death.

The gospel is a message of God’s perfect and unconditional love for his people. The news that sin no longer has the power to condemn those who have faith in Christ Jesus is too good to keep to ourselves. As people
redeemed by Christ, we too are possessors of this good news. We have a wonderful gift to share with a world in need of God’s saving grace. Being among God’s people, in fellowship with the faithful and gathering for worship adds fuel for our fire just as it did for Paul. But once the fire is lit,
we cannot sustain it by ourselves.

In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul teaches the Church that we need to remain steadfast in the hearing of the gospel. We need to share in the supper that is Christ’s body and blood and we need to live in faithful fellowship with all who share the gift of God’s grace and peace. As a family of faith gathered at St. Jacob’s Lutheran church, we must pay attention to the time we spend together as a church family.

Yes, we are busy people with busy lives, but the burden of such a life is one we place upon ourselves. In the lives of Christian people, all too often, time with the church is sacrificed in order to engage in worldly activities. For instance, when is the last time you heard someone say, “I have to leave the football game early so I can make it to our church’s fellowship event”? No, it is usually the church that sees people leaving worship early, or skipping
it entirely, in order to keep their habits or participate in worldly functions. Before we know it, personal habits and worldly agendas take precedent and time spent in worship and fellowship begin to fade. As Paul points out, when we live for ourselves, the fire burning within will certainly diminish. Some will fall away.

Even faithful Christians (especially) need to be on guard. Those who would be seen as examples must be diligent in their faith and practice. If one is faithful 90% of their time, it is the 10% others will see. Christians need to
know and understand that no matter what may happen in this world, God’s grace and peace given through Christ Jesus cannot be overcome. In those times when we fall short of God’s expectation for us, we need to be reminded that our sins are forgiven and as such, God calls us all to be saints together in every time and place, living together in the unity of Christ.

And so, we too gather as did the Church in Paul’s time, in the name of Jesus in order to hear the message of the gospel. We too come to confess our sins, receive God’s grace, partake in the supper and at the close of the meal, hear the words of God’s blessing as they are pronounced over the entire assembly. It cannot be emphasized enough; there is no better place to be than in the presence of God and among his people. With that, I greet you as Paul greets those whom he writes to throughout the ages: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Amen!

Grace and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila

Up and Going News

Posted January 9, 2019 By admin

Up and Going members and guests gathered on Thursday, Dec 13th, in the Fellowship Hall at 11AM to enjoy the annual Christmas Party. Business was conducted. The Treasurer’s Report was received.
Juliette offered prayer for Gloria Livingston, a long time traveler with the Up and Going. Gary read Christmas Bible verses and the group sang responding Christmas Hymns. Joan lead in playing several Christmas Carols with each of us playing chimes. This music was very pretty and all enjoyed playing the Chimes.
Gary gave the meal blessing. The food tables were heavily laden with containers of delicious Holiday foods and desserts. Each person brought their special dish for our enjoyment. Thanks to each of you for this special meal.
Gary and Joan passed out BINGO cards and we played until each person had won a “white elephant” gift and
candies. Much laughter and many comments were made as each won in bingo and then opened their chosen gift; especially if one tried to steal another’s gift. So much fun for us all!
The January Meeting will be held at the home of Bob and Gloria on Thursday, January 10th at 11AM. We will cook a pot of soup. Sign up on the Bulletin Board your choice of soup item to bring. Frances will have devotions and Gloria will have the program. Each person is asked to bring 3 cans of food for We Care. This is a good way to start the New Year since We Care’s pantry will be low.

Lutheran Men

Posted January 9, 2019 By admin

lease plan to meet on January 20th at 6 PM in the fellowship hall. Watch your worship folders for more

Lutheran Women

Posted January 9, 2019 By admin

Our next meeting is January 20th at 4:30 pm in the fellowship hall.

Up and Going Meeting for January

Posted January 9, 2019 By admin

Please make plans to attend our soup pot luncheon on Thursday, January 10th at 11 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Everyone is asked to bring 3 can goods per person for WE CARE.

New Communion ware and Assistant Training

Posted January 9, 2019 By admin

In November, the Altar Guild purchased two new pouring chalices and a new wine flagon for use during Holy Communion. With these new vessels, St. Jacob’s will be better stewards of the communion elements shared during our worship. All those who serve as communion assistants are asked to attend one of the scheduled training sessions in January. Holy Communion assistant training will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 6th and Sunday, January 13th.

Calling all St. Jacob’s Youth Members

Posted January 9, 2019 By admin

In January, we will begin meeting once again on the first and third Sundays each month. Our first meeting will be Sunday, January 6th at 4:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. There are several things to begin planning for, including a spring Carolinas Mission District Youth Retreat in March and a summer mission trip. Pass the word and
plan on attending! See you then!

Advent at St. Jacob’s

Posted November 27, 2018 By admin

The season of expectation and waiting is finally upon us. Advent invites Christians into the time of longing for our Savior’s return in glory, to take us unto himself and the place which he has prepared. In this faithful waiting, we express our joy and wonder, marveling once more at the miracle of Jesus’s birth. Everyone is encouraged to attend the Services of Advent here at St. Jacob’s and hear once more the foretelling of God’s gift of salvation through Christ the Lord. The following is a schedule of our Advent observance.

• 7:00 p.m. Wed., Dec. 5th – The Prophecy of John the Baptist
• 7:00 p.m. Wed., Dec. 12th – The Annunciation unto Mary
• 7:00 p.m. – wed. Dec 19th – The Annunciation unto Joseph; Worship on the Longest Night

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted November 1, 2018 By admin

It’s hard to believe it’s already time to write my article for the November newsletter.  Today, it’s raining, strong winds are blowing, and tropical storm Michael just deposited a tree in my driveway.  I am also  preparing to go on vacation tomorrow (Oct. 12) but truth be told, my mind is on our shared ministry in  November.  This is a busy time for the Church, and November is a month filled with opportunities to serve God and His people.

Think about it.  We begin November as a church family celebrating the Sunday of All Saints.  We remember fondly those beloved saints who have gone on to glory before us.  It is a special time for Christians as we  reflect upon the lesson taught to us by so many faithful followers of Christ Jesus.  It’s also a time for us to consider the ways we serve our Lord as well.  Then, a few weeks later, we conclude the month in celebration of Christ our King, a time to reflect upon the ways our Lord makes His grace known throughout the seasons of the Church.

Sandwiched in between these two festivals, there are so many other things that beg for our attention.  There are elections of  government officials and football rivalries to enjoy.  And don’t forget setting time aside to enjoy the annual Thanksgiving feast!  All of these beg the question, “How do we juggle the demands of our daily life and our life as a disciple of Christ Jesus?  It seems something has got to give.

Sadly, all too often it is the church that takes a back seat.  As life gets busier and busier, we know and  understand that we must cut back.  Each of our  activities is important to us, and we hate to miss out.  But God calls his people to be disciples first and above all else.  This is where All saints Sunday and Christ the King intersect.  Remembering the saints who taught us the faith, we strive to follow the example of Christ our King.  Doing this, we follow the faithful examples of those saints who have died and now live in Christ’s glory.  One such person in my life was my  Grandma Bea.

Grandma Bea was a leader in the community in which I grew up.  She was the first woman ever  elected to our town’s council.  She was also  chairwoman of the Northville Beautification Society, and the founder of the Northville Business and  Professional Women’s League (some of you may have noticed her B.P.W. placard on my desk).  Somewhere in all that, Grandma found time to put up preserves and vegetables, care for her many  grandchildren, bake wonderful bread and volunteer with the Red Cross.  I don’t know how she managed to do all of this.  I do know, however, that she never missed a Sunday in church, she was a generous giver with her tithes, and always took time to tell others of the wonderful things God has done and  continues to do.

This November, I invite you to remember the saints who have gone before us and follow their many examples of faithful living.  There is much to do here at  St. Jacob’s, many ways of being a part of our ministry together.  Above all else, remember to attend worship each Sunday and give thanks to the One who provides all we need, and whose mercy and grace endure forever.

Grace to you and peace,

Pastor David Nuottila