Outreach Archive

Responding to Disaster

Posted November 7, 2024 By admin

We all remember what happened when a Hurricane named Helene came to town. Our community endured heavy winds, rains, and many fallen trees, all which knocked out power for days within our surrounding area. Yet, by God’s grace, our normal routine has been restored. Folks in the mountains have not been so fortunate.
As we all know, Helene brought devastation to millions of people in the hills of South Carolina, North Carolina, and Eastern Tennessee. In some instances, complete communities have been swept away by flash floods and mud slides. As a congregation in the North American Lutheran Church, we have been asked to assist in relief efforts, giving aid to people who have lost so much. It has been a tall order, but with God’s help we seem to be up to the task.
The response from our church family has been tremendous. Your generosity and willingness to share with your neighbors has been a blessing. From the beginning of October through October 11th, an avalanche of relief supplies fell upon our Fellowship Hall and Disaster Response Shed. Flood Buckets, Health Kits, clothing, food, hygiene products, and even pet foods were collected and sent to Western North Carolina.
Thank you to all who donated, volunteered, or simply prayed for our neighbors’ recovery. The recovery effort is not yet complete and won’t be for quite some time. The needs in the Mountain communities seem to change day by day. NALC Disaster Response is able to organize mission trips for groups or individuals who would like to volunteer in the clean up and rebuilding efforts. Anyone who is interested in participating in such efforts should contact the church office for further information.
Our Disaster Response Shed is in need of re-supply. You can help by putting together Health Kits or Flood Buckets. See the list included in this newsletter for packing directions for each kit. Your completed kits may be placed on the stage in the Fellowship Hall and will be moved into our Disaster Response Shed.

Flood Buckets

  • 1 five-gallon bucket with lid
  • 1 jug bleach (1/2 gal. or smaller)
  • 2 large trash bags (Contractor 3 mil)
  • 1 roll paper towels
  • 2 rags
  • Comet or scouring cleanser
  • Pine Sol or liquid cleaner
  • scrub brush
  • gloves, 1 pair each, size L preferred
    • rubber (reusable, i.e. Platex, dishwashing type)
    • leather
    • cotton

Health Care Kit (Pack in 2-gallon plastic storage bag or tote bag)

  • 1 bath towel
  • 1 wash cloth (optional)
  • 1 shampoo (2 if travel size)
  • 1 bar of soap (2 if travel size)
  • 1 toothbrush (individually sealed)
  • 1 pack of floss (optional)
  • 1 toothpaste (2 if travel size)
  • 1 comb
  • 1 deodorant
  • 1 nail clippers (optional)

Pastoral Devotion for November – Welcoming All

Posted November 2, 2024 By admin

Read: Matthew 9:9-17
Once, I met a man named Greg. Greg was homeless. He was someone whom society overlooked or mostly avoided. None the less, Greg was a member of our community, a person created by God, a sinner in need of redemption. Who would have thought that such a man would one day become my best friend?
People like Greg are not new to society; the world has been busy ignoring them for thousands of years. When we read the gospels, we meet Greg many times over. We meet Greg the leper, Greg the blind beggar, Greg the lost and forgotten. The world shuns such people, yet Jesus meets Greg and invites him to follow.
Jesus came to heal the sick and forgive the sins of many. His mission often led him to associate with the dregs of society. The Pharisees were always quick to point out Jesus’s “misdeeds.” Heal on the Sabbath? Associate with prostitutes and sinners? Dine with a tax collector? The Pharisees weren’t willing to do such things, the stakes were too high. They had reputations to protect and laws to follow.
Jesus overcomes all this. He loves those whom society deems unlovable, opens his arms, and invites the sinner to follow. Our Lord Jesus welcomes all into his divine presence. He lifts up the lowly and invites even the most unworthy or insignificant among us to partake in the richness of God’s eternal Kingdom. Thanks be to God.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ; your love is unmeasurable and your grace sufficient. Keep us close forever. Amen.

Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat

Posted October 29, 2024 By admin

The Lutheran Women would like to thank all volunteers that came out to support our fall festival. A great time was had by all!

Lutheran Women

Posted October 20, 2024 By admin

The Women’s Group will be sponsoring a Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat event on Sunday, October 27th from 4:00-6:00 PM. There will be games, cake walk, fishing pond, corn hole, face painting and hay rides. Prizes will be given. Everyone (adults too) is invited to wear your Halloween costume. There will also be a costume contest.
Halloweenies (hot dogs), chips and drinks will be served. Invite a friend and come on out for lots of fun and fellowship.
We need more volunteers for the Trunk or Treat. If you are interested, please let Phyllis or Sandra know by Sunday, October 20th.

Flood Bucket Build

Posted October 7, 2024 By admin

The Carolinas Mission Region is hosting a flood bucket build at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Little Mountain on Saturday, October 12th at 11 AM. St. Jacob’s is asked to supply fifty cans of scouring powder (Ajax, Comet, etc.) and fifty 1 quart bottles of Pine-Sol cleaning liquid. We are also asked to supply thirty buckets and lids (5 gallons each). Volunteers from all around the NALC Carolinas will gather to assemble the flood buckets and arrangements will be made to transport them to the warehouse in Kings Mountain, NC, or to our shed here in Chapin. We need volunteers to help in this project. Please plan on attending and helping to build flood buckets. This is always a fun filled event with plenty of good fellowship among our brothers and sisters in Christ. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Narthex for this event.

We Care Christmas 2024

Posted October 5, 2024 By admin

We need your help! So many caring people are looking for ways to give to those less fortunate at Christmas. We Care provides gifts for our clients’ children every year, with the gifts received from sponsors likely to be the only Christmas these little ones will get!
The last few years we have averaged providing Christmas for over 500 children each year. This year, we are serving even more people and anticipate more children. Regardless of the final numbers and how extensive the need, as we have always done, we will not turn any child away.
Please help us make sure every child has a blessed Christmas by participating yourself and sharing this opportunity with others. Thank you!
What does a sponsor do?
1. Buys gifts for assigned individual children, using info that will be provided to purchase clothing and a few items off the child’s wish list.
2. Purchases $25 gift cards from Walmart or Target, including an individual receipt for each card gift cards work great for teens!
3. Provides both gifts and gift cards for a child and/or family.
How do I get involved?
1. Fill out form on-line https://forms.gle/XQTjXmMvsfFwyNYHA
2. Email chapinwecarechristmas@gmail.com
3. Mail a sponsorship form to We Care, PO Box 491, Chapin, 29036
SPONSOR EARLY! We need to hear from you by November 1!
What else can I give?
1. Hats, gloves, scarves and mittens
2. New blankets, books and toys
3. Additional small gifts for infant through teens
4. Christmas stockings and fillers, candy
5. Wrapping paper and bows
Help our local children and their families experience the wonder of Christmas by being Jesus’ hands and feet to meet them in their need in tangible ways. If you have any additional questions or ideas for how you or your organization can help, please email us at chapinwecarechristmas@gmail.com

Men’s Bible Study

Posted September 30, 2024 By admin

Our Men’s Bible study will continue with its new time and day. All St. Jacob’s men are invited to participate in Bible study on Monday, October 7th at 6:30 PM in the church office. Please bring your Bible. If you do not have one to bring, then one will be provided for you.

Blessing of the Animals

Posted September 30, 2024 By admin

God blesses us with love from so many sources. One source of unquestioned love comes from the pets with whom we share our lives. Our pets are a part of our family and a gift from our Father in heaven. They provide love and companionship asking little in return. Join your church family on October 5th at 10:00AM for a special time together on the Church Office front lawn (weather permitting) as Pastor David leads a special service of blessing and thanksgiving. Please bring pets, on leash or in carrier, to receive a special blessing from Pastor David. If your pet does not socialize well, you may receive a written prayer that you may use to bless your pet at home.

Read: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10, Luke 16:19-31
As baptismal waters washed over his head, the stain of sin was erased forever, and he was made a new creation. At long last he became a child of God, refreshed and brought to new life. So it was for a homeless man walking the streets of Charleston who happened to become friends with this particular pastor. Truly, Greg became the best friend I ever had.
It seemed that at every turn, fortune never seemed to smile upon Greg. He was homeless, friendless, and trusted no one. Yet, tired of being alone, he entered the church. There he found compassion. In time, the compassion he discovered taught him to trust; his trust led him to love. Life remained difficult, but his newly gifted faith would begin to understand this earthly affliction would one day pass, and the kingdom would be his forever. That day came for Greg soon after I left Charleston to serve a congregation in North Carolina.
As Lazarus longed for food from the rich man’s table, not a crumb would fall within his reach. Making a distinction between himself and the needy, the rich man failed in God’s call to care for the poor, thus he lived contrary to God’s mandate to love his neighbor. Upon his death, the rich man was denied the mercy of God. In short, he received his reward for his selfishness and refusal to care for those in need. Many in this world continue to make such distinctions, only helping when they feel the recipient “deserves” to be helped. They make distinctions between people according to appearances. Thus, the lost and hungry often go ignored. But just as God smiled upon Lazarus, all who call upon the Lord will find compassion and take their place at the table of heaven.
Prayer: Father God, give us hearts for love alone, that we might love and serve our neighbor without distinction. Amen.

Flood Bucket Challenge

Posted September 24, 2024 By admin

NALC Disaster Response warehouses are in need of restocking. Our St. Jacob’s disaster response shed is virtually empty as Gerald Lindler and Pastor David loaded a truck to respond to hurricane relief efforts in Beaufort and Charleston. In order to be prepared for future needs, the Carolinas Mission Region is hosting a flood bucket build at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Little Mountain on Saturday, October 12th. St. Jacob’s is asked to supply fifty cans of scouring powder (Ajax, Comet, etc.) and fifty 1 quart bottles of Pine-Sol cleaning liquid. We are also asked to supply thirty buckets and lids (5 gallons each). Volunteers for all around the NALC Carolinas will gather to assemble the flood buckets and arrangements will be made to transport them to the warehouse in Kings Mountain, NC, or to our shed here in Chapin. We need volunteers to help in this project. Please plan on attending and helping to build flood buckets. This is always a fun filled event with plenty of good fellowship among our brothers and sisters in Christ.