Pastor Archive

First Communion Classes

Posted June 29, 2022 By admin

Pastor David will hold First Communion classes for those children who have not yet received this instruction. Anyone who feels their child in first grade or older is ready to begin receiving Holy Communion should contact Pastor David. Classes will be held during the Sunday School hour in the Children’s Choir Room downstairs. A parent or guardian must accompany their child during each class period. Classes will be held each Sunday morning beginning on July10th. Children completing instruction will receive their first Holy Communion on Sunday, July 31st.

During a recent session of Wednesday morning Bible study, our small group read the account written by Luke in the book of Acts, of the time when God poured out his Holy Spirit upon all those who were gathered in the upper room. Peter was there, along with the remaining apostles, Jesus’ mother, and nearly 120 other witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus. They were in the room together worshiping God and praying. That’s when it happened.

A sudden sound of a mighty rushing wind filled the room just as tongues of fire danced over the heads of the faithful. God’s Holy Spirit made his entry into the lives of those who would build the Church of Jesus Christ. What happened next is nothing short of astounding.

Peter, and the remaining disciples of Jesus took to the streets of Jerusalem and began proclaiming the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. They did it in many languages, even though none of them had knowledge or training in the tongues in which they spoke. It was God’s working of a miracle so that people would know the power of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the true Paschal Lamb who takes away the world’s sin. Scripture records that 3,000 people were added to the church on that day, and in the next few days, another 5,000 were added to the number of believers in Christ.

Reading this narrative of the birth of the Church of Christ, and then considering the recent history of the Church, one might get the sense that the Holy Spirit no longer moves among the faithful. This would be a completely false statement. The power of the Holy Spirit is unchanging. It is the same today as it has always been since the beginning. What has changed, however; is humanity’s response to the power of the Holy Spirit.

The powers in the air, as Paul puts in Ephesians (Ephesians 2:2-4), continue to lull Christians into a spiritual slumber, of which they find it difficult to awaken from. We at St. Jacob’s are no better off than many congregations when it comes to a lack of response to the Holy Spirit’s calling. There appears to be a condition of spiritual lethargy permeating the lives of congregations throughout the Church.

During the recent Mission Region Convocation, I was a part of a conversation among several pastors who compared notes about the goings on within our churches. We soon discovered we are walking on common ground. There seems to be little hunger within several of our churches for Spiritual growth. Bible study attendance is at an all time low, as is Sunday School attendance. Participation in mission projects seems lacking and worship attendance among young families is becoming a rarity in many places. We all scratched our heads and wondered what the cause of these trends might be.

One thing we realized is that, as it was in the upper room, the people of God do not seem to gather in large numbers for prayer. Prayer seems to be something we turn to when we want something or have a particular difficulty. Christians today do not seem to be plugged in to the available power of the Holy Spirit God provides. Instead, we tend to listen to those “powers in the air” and our faith becomes distracted. This spiritual lethargy causes congregations to shrink within themselves and experience decreasing joy as numbers of worshipers begin to dwindle.

It is my prayer for St. Jacob’s that we would make a strong commitment to living a life together in the power of the Holy Spirit. That we would experience increased life together in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and that we would rediscover the joy and fruitfulness of reading Scripture with one another as a community of believers. May the God who first brought forth the Lord Jesus Christ from death and the grave give us the will and the desire to do these.

Grace to you and peace,

Pastor David Nuottila

Countdown to Congo

Posted June 10, 2022 By admin

Looking at the calendar, it’s hard to believe that my mission trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo is but a month away. I want to thank all who have donated used pairs of eyeglasses for me to take to the people of Congo who have such need but do not have access to eyecare. We have collected plenty of glasses, and I have no more room for additional donations. Everything that has been donated must fit into my luggage, along with clothes for three weeks, Bibles to be distributed in churches, and donated clergy attire for pastors in the Congolese Church.
This trip will be unlike those I have made previously. My mission partner, Pastor Kalonji and I will travel to a region in the Congo where I have never been before. It is somewhat exciting to imagine seeing new places and experiencing new customs as we minister to the people of God. The congregations where we will accomplish the bulk of our mission work are unique in that they do not have any church buildings. These congregations gather outside all year round. No matter the weather, the gospel of Christ is preached to all who would hear it.
I am looking forward to seeing several of the friends that I have made over the years, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic prevented me from making my regularly scheduled trip last year. It has been three long years since my last visit and much has changed within the church. Still, the mission is the same. We will preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, minister to men, women, and children, feed orphans, and free mothers with their newborn babies from hospitals where they cannot afford to pay their out-standing balance due.
Pastor Kalonji and I ask for your prayers as we travel to this far off place. We ask your prayers for safety in travel and for success in our mission work. More than that, we ask that we would bring glory to God’s name as we share this important mission work with you and so many others who have supported us through the years.

Pastoral Devotion for June

Posted June 1, 2022 By admin

Rely on God

Read Matthew 6:25-34

How often do you wake up today and you are already worried about tomorrow? If that is the case, it is likely you went to bed already feeling the pressure of a certain circumstance or the ill effects of something you perceive to be a looming problem. And so it goes for so many in our world.

Our Lord Jesus teaches us that we should not worry. We should not worry about clothing, food, drink, or anything else under the sun. When we worry or become anxious about things we have or don’t have, we rely upon ourselves to alleviate the problem. Yet, truthfully, we are to put our trust in God who provides all we will ever need for life. As our Lord Jesus says, it is the father’s good pleasure to give us his kingdom.

Worrying about tomorrow’s problems today only causes them to become stumbling blocks for today’s opportunities. Lift up your worries and cares to God in prayer. Commend them to the Lord. As you do, you will soon realize his presence in your life each day, and the anxiousness for tomorrow will be replaced with the joy of Christ today.

Prayer: Lord, I put my trust in you, knowing you will provide all I need. Amen.

Mid-Week Bible Study

Posted May 25, 2022 By admin

Mid-Week Bible Study continues in the Fellowship Hall each Wednesday morning at 10 AM. We are reading the book of Acts and learning more about the birth of the Church of Jesus Christ and the men whom Christ chose to establish it. No previous study is required, and the lessons are presented in such a way that it really doesn’t matter if you are joining in at the middle of our study or if you have attended each week. We have a very lively discussion and look forward to more church family members joining. (We will not have class on June 1st while Pastor is on vacation.)

What follows is a copy of an essay shared with me by a friend who received it from one of his former students. I found this to be a powerful witness coming from one who felt he had to share his experience upon reading the narrative of Jesus’ death and resurrection for the first time. My friend edited some parts to preserve the student’s anonymity. Permission has been given for my sharing it with you.
Prior to attending this class, I had not been exposed to Christianity. I hadn’t read the Bible before. I knew a famous story about the Last Supper and I had seen paintings that depicted it. A few weeks ago, I went to a church for the first time. I felt a little amazed about it. The church was just like a big, warm family. Christians greeted others, gave hugs, prayed to Jesus by singing songs. They even prayed for people who were suffering diseases and disaster even though they were strangers to them. Then I saw some Christians holding out their arms and weeping when they were emotionally moved. They were so faithful when they were praying that I couldn’t believe how great was the power of their belief had I not seen it myself.
I was given a small piece of bread and a little cup of red wine which represented Jesus’ body and blood to eat. A Christian told me it was given according to Jesus’ promise to sinful human beings. But I didn’t understand that until I read Luke’s story today.
Jesus healed so many people who were sick and troubled by evil spirits before he went to Jerusalem, but he didn’t do anything for himself, even though he had anticipated his death many times. He kept calm in the face of death, comforted women who wept for him as he carried his cross. He even forgave one of the condemned criminals dying with him.
What a graceful man! Now I know why Christians are so faithful to him. A man who could devote himself to ease others’ sins should be honored and praised forever!
But still there is one thing that puzzles me. If Christians can be so moved by their faith in their Lord and Savior, why do so many take salvation for granted? Why do so many Christians refrain from attending church services on Sunday?
Being welcomed into this big warm family has brought me ever-closer to the God whom I did not know. But once I began reading the Bible and learning more about Jesus, I have become intrigued with his life, and especially his death. I have come to believe that Jesus truly is my Lord and Savior and that having been forgiven of my sins, I will one day enter the gates of his kingdom. If this is what Christians believe, why is it that an overwhelming number of them stay away?
I’ve heard some say it is because they don’t like the music. Others have said it’s because they don’t care for the pastor. I’ve even heard Christian parents complain that there are not enough things to keep their children busy. This is what I don’t understand. Are we supposed to come because we like the music? Are we supposed to come because we feel the pastor is a terrific preacher and perfect gentleman? And are we supposed to bring our children so they can participate in games and programs? No, what I have come to believe is that Christians are to come to church because living on our own terms is why Jesus went to the cross in the first place. He died because humans are stubborn in their thinking, because they only want life measured by the way they think it should be. Although I am sure few would admit this, not even to themselves, I have to admit this was me, at least until I took this class and was invited to church by one of my classmates.
I am so thankful that I have met Jesus. I am thankful that a church filled with sinners welcomed me into their warm family. I am thankful that the imperfect pastor of their church believes Jesus died for the sake of everyone, and that he is so willing to tell others how God saves us from our sin through the death of Jesus.
Not before I took this class, not before I read the Gospel of Luke, not before I went to church with my classmate, did I realize what I had been missing my whole life. And now, I want this for everyone. Thank you, Jesus, for opening my eyes.
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila

Pastoral Devotion for May

Posted April 29, 2022 By admin

God Will Help
Read Luke 16:19-31
He is dirty, has a long scraggly beard and holds a sign in his hands that simply said “Hungry. Anything will help.” His name is Lazarus.
Does this sound familiar? Likely you have driven past him as you entered the parking lot at the shopping center or fast-food restaurant. Responding to his predicament is a tough call. On one hand, Jesus teaches us that we are to care for the needy, feed the hungry, and offer help to the poor. On the other hand, we don’t know if the person begging from us is truly in need, or if they are trying to take advantage of a person’s generosity.
Street corners and parking lots are a haven for beggars. For some, it is food for their children. With others, gas for the car, or medicine for a particular ailment. Today, Jesus teaches us that we should be kind to those in need, sharing what we have for the sake of the poor and hungry without judging them. The question is, do we help?
Focusing on the man we drove by as we entered the parking lot consider this, in Hebrew, the name Lazarus means “God will help.” No, not every beggar is in such need. We won’t always be willing to let go of those precious dollars we worked so hard to get. But we can act in good faith, for we have Moses and the prophets to teach us. We have God’s commandments and we have the parables of Jesus. The truth is, God will help. He helps Lazarus, and he will help us too.
Prayer: Father in heaven, give us hearts for compassion, and the will to be generous to those in need. Amen.

Monday And Wednesday Bible Study

Posted April 29, 2022 By admin

Wednesday Morning Bible Study has resumed at 10 AM each Wednesday morning. In response to the sample survey sent out earlier in the year, Pastor David is also offering a new Bible Study on Monday evenings at 7 PM. The topic for our study will be “Walking Together: The Importance of Fellowship for Disciples of Christ.”

“Walking Together” will include nine lessons presented in a “come as you are” level requiring no previous study or homework. Each lesson will be presented in such a way that it will be easy to invite a friend or neighbor to join in for a single lesson or for the entire study. Each lesson will cover a primary reading from the Bible and ask open ended questions concerning our life together as the people of God. All are welcome to participate. No special materials are required. Just bring your Bible and a willingness to study God’s Word together.

Countdown To Congo

Posted April 29, 2022 By admin

By: Pastor David
There are only three full months until my trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo. This trip will be quite unique as Pastor Kalonji and I will travel to a region where I have not been in the past. Still, there will be opportunity to minister to some congregations that I am familiar with and I’m looking forward to seeing those pastors again and hearing their stories and experiences since I saw them last.
Of course, the opportunity to preach the Gospel of Jesus will be the main highlight of our trip. God is so gracious as to allow Pastor Kalonji and I to travel and share the good news of Jesus with others. Upon my return, I will provide plenty of photos and stories with you so that you can see the many ways through which St. Jacob’s comes to the aid of our neighbors across the ocean. They certainly live a different way of life than we do, but it is the same God who provides all they need. It is also the same God who sent his Son Jesus Christ into the world so that our sins will be forgiven. We are all united in Christ Jesus, the people of St. Jacob’s, the people of God in the Congo, and all Christians around the globe. To God be the glory now and forever!

Pastoral Devotion for April

Posted April 5, 2022 By admin

In The Upper Room
John 13:1-38, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
If we were in the upper room the night Jesus was handed over, we would have been in the same boat as the apostles. There is no way they could have imagined the unfolding of events that night. Certainly something was different. Jesus’ words and actions seem so much more intimate and, well, final. He said to his disciples, one would betray him, another would deny him, and as he departed, they would not be able to go with him, but he would come again to take them where he was going.

On that night, we would have been as confused as the rest. Thankfully, we stand on the other side of the empty tomb. God’s people today know that even as Jesus was betrayed into the hands that would kill him, Jesus himself laid down his life for the sake of humanity. Even as he was buried, the grave could not hold him. Jesus’ death put sin to death, his resurrection opened the gates of eternal life for all who believe.
Once more, on Maundy Thursday, we hear anew the account of the upper room, Jesus with his disciples on the night he was betrayed. We mark this time as pastors wash the feet of lay persons, children receive their first Holy Communion, and altars are stripped of the symbols and appointments that point to Christ our Lord. As we do these things, we are once witnesses to the events of the upper room.
We must face the betrayal of our sin. Christians must admit that because of our disobedience we have grieved God’s heart, turned away from his goodness and lived for ourselves. Yet, as Christ assured those in the upper room, he assures us as well. He offers his very body and blood, given and shed for the sake of those whom he came to save.
Bless us and keep us O Lord, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name. Amen.