We all wear veils. Veils we put on to hide ourselves. Veils we allow others to put on us to cover. Veils to separate us. Jesus’ death tore the veil in two and granted us access to God the Father, welcoming us behind the veil. We are released and welcomed into a life of worship. Our response is to shine and share that light with others.
Join your brothers and sisters in Christ as we gather virtually to support missionaries serving in their homes and neighborhoods, in their congregations, and internationally. This conference will provide encouragement, tools and training, inspiration, and connection to missionaries to be unashamed of the Gospel burning in our hearts, unleashed by the power of the Holy Spirit from the veils that darken our sight, unrestricted to be the aroma of Christ, and UNVEILED to be and to make disciples to shine light in the darkness.
Pastor David invites all church family members to join him November 4th-6thfor this virtual conference for mission and ministry. The cost for the three-day event is $20.
Follow this link for more information or to register.
Pastor Archive
Unveiled: Shining Light In The Darkness
Posted October 29, 2020 By adminPastoral Devotion for October — Hear Our Prayer
Posted October 1, 2020 By adminThere is one thing that is fairly certain, we all, at one time or another, ask people to keep us in their prayers. Another thing that is certain is that others have asked us to do the same. Prayer is a central part of Christian living. We pray for healing, comfort, peace and happiness. We pray for so many things, but what happens when we do not immediately recognize God’s answer?
Some, although they believe, begin to have doubts. The man, whose son was possessed, believed one of Jesus’ followers could cast out the demon. When this did not happen, doubt crept into the situation. The word “if” is pursed upon his lips; “If you can…help us.”
Jesus teaches us the power of prayer. “Ask and it will be given. Seek and you will find.” (Matt. 7:7-8) Our Lord teaches that as you pray, do so believing that you have already received that for which you pray. It is no small task; because of doubt, we often need visible proof that our prayers are truly answered. Still, God is faithful. As we pray in faith, the Holy Spirit provides us with confidence that God indeed hears our prayers and provides all we need.
Prayer: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.
From the Pastor’s Heart
Posted October 1, 2020 By adminNow there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
October is a month that brings along several seasonal changes. Most notably, the hot tempera-tures of summer give way to more comfortable days and cooler nights. Leaves on the trees begin turning color and even animals begin the work of winter’s preparation. Look around you. The season is changing.
October is also a month that brings opportunity, and dare I say the word “change” here at St. Jacob’s. For once, I can put away language of the coronavirus and not even mention Covid-19. No, the opportunity and possible change I speak of is something that happens every October. Yet, this year it is more noticeable than most.
Each October, the Stewardship Team wrestles with helping to build a budget, inspire everyone to be cheerful givers and look out for the financial well-being of our congregation for the coming year. They also wrestle with building ministry teams and seeking volunteers in the hopes of rekindling the flames of ministries that were once vibrant but now seem somewhat stalled. This is a concern I share, especially this year.
As it is with many congregations, we have ministry team leaders that have been at their post for quite a while. Most of our team leaders are ready for relief. Others have completed their “tour of duty” so to speak and are ready to “step down.” For this to happen, they need someone to “step up.” Here is where my concern enters the picture.
Now is the opportune time for St. Jacob’s to earnestly become involved within our community and greater church. Now is the opportune time for us to take the Word of God to those who do not
have a home church but need to hear a word from God. Now is the time for more workers to enter the vineyard, plant the seeds and nurture those that sprout. However, as I read over the list of those who actively engage in this sort of ministry, Jesus’s words ring true. “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”
Now is the opportune time for our ministry teams to be refreshed with new ideas and dare I say younger leaders. God has blessed St. Jacob’s with many talented and gifted people. Yes, several work hard as they make a living and provide for their families. But the same is true of those who have served so well and for so long. As disciples of Jesus, we all are to be aware of our giftedness. We are all to be made aware of our calling from Christ to take up our cross and follow him. We all are to be good stewards of the time and talent God provides.
Each one of us is gifted by the Holy Spirit. Each one of us is enabled and empowered to grow the body of Christ using the gifts of the Spirit. My prayer for St. Jacob’s is that we don’t miss this opportune time. I will be intentional in my prayers for our church family. I will be intentional in my assisting the Stewardship Team in seeking team leaders. I will be intentional in helping team leaders build vibrant and enthusiastic ministry teams ready to begin working toward the harvest. Will you be intentional in your prayers? Will you be willing to use your spiritual gift? Will you be willing to enter the vineyard and work alongside other disciples as they plant the seeds of God’s word? Now is the opportune time. Let’s not let it go by.
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila
Weekly Bible Study On Zoom
Posted September 30, 2020 By adminBible study continues to be held each Wednesday morning at 9:30 AM on Zoom.com. We are continuing our study of the book of James. There are no special materials that you must purchase. All you need is a computer and access to the internet to join in the conversation. Weekly study guides are emailed to the congregation on Tuesday afternoon. Even if you have not provided an email address our study is such that you can join in and participate in the conversation. Why not make Bible study a part of your week? If you have any questions, please contact Pastor David or Rachel Shelton.
The Blessing Basket
Posted September 30, 2020 By adminBefore the COVID-19 virus caused us to suspend in person worship, children would come forward for a brief children’s sermon with me. As they came, they would bring their offerings and put them in what you have known as the “Pickle Jar.” The premise was that the monies collected could be used for people who find themselves “in a pickle.” During the past several months, I have thought about what we might be teaching our children concerning providing for those in need. To make this more memorable and to apply bible teaching for our children, I have retired the Pickle Jar and replaced it with the “Blessing Basket.”
You will recall that as Jesus fed the 5000 multiplying the loaves and fishes, twelve baskets full were collected after everyone had eaten their fill. These baskets teach us about the abundance God provides even through the smallest of gifts.
Our children’s offerings resemble those loaves and fish. They are modest offerings to be sure. To think such a small amount can make a difference in someone’s life just doesn’t add up. But you know what? God’s math never adds up…it multiplies!
On October 4th, we will resume children’s sermons during the 10:30 AM service. I will use the Blessing Basket to collect the children’s offering as they come forward. Each month there will be a specific ministry that the children’s offering will support. At the end of the month, we will add it all up and see just what God has multiplied. October’s ministry will be We Care. Together, we can teach our children how God provides loaves and fishes and how his disciples distribute them to those in need of God’s blessing.
The Congo Mission
Posted September 30, 2020 By adminIt has been a while since I provided an update on the mission work in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Of course, the world wide COVID-19 pandemic has touched many lives in the Congo, just as it has around the world. In a place where medicine and medical services are much more difficult to receive, you can imagine the impact such viruses can have on a community. Pastor Stephane Kalonji and I remain dedicated to the ministry to which God has called us, and we are committed to leading Congo Mission International in order to support our sisters and brothers in Christ. Please be in prayer for our mission and especially for those to whom we minister. God’s love knows no borders. Sharing God’s love with those even so far away is a joy and a privilege. I thank God for this opportunity and also for your support.
From the Pastor’s Heart
Posted September 1, 2020 By adminActs 19:2 [Paul writes] “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” And they said, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” 3 And he said, “Into what then were you baptized?” They said, “Into John’s baptism.” 4 And Paul said, “John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, Jesus.” 5 On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 And when Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began speaking in tongues and prophesying.
I remember reading a devotion written by my friend and fellow NALC Pastor Gemechis Buba concerning the above scripture passage. Within his devotion, Pastor Buba describes the fullness and richness of a life lived in through the power of the Holy Spirit. This same Spirit God pours out upon his people through their Baptism. With regards to their Baptism, Paul puts forward a simple question to the people in Ephesus, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” The people of the church in Ephesus were quite honest in their answer. They informed Paul that they had not even heard of the Holy Spirit. As I read this passage once more, I wonder how we at St. Jacob’s might address our receiving God’s Holy Spirit.
I don’t think Lutherans talk enough about the Holy Spirit, much less talk about being blessed with spiritual gifts. Yet as baptized people of God, we truly are blessed with this same Spirit of God that Jesus’ disciples, Paul and the saints at Ephesus received. Still, Lutherans tend to be more reserved when it comes to acting in what we perceive to be a “spiritual way.” But Pastor Buba is right when he wrote in his devotion that “the Christian life becomes powerless, meaningless, and dull” without the power and presence of the Holy Spirit evident in our lives. The Holy Spirit fills the hearts and minds of Christian people with the joy and hope of God’s amazing grace. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is a tremendous blessing, a life giving blessing…a life SAVING blessing.
Think about it for a moment. As Lutherans, we have been taught that it is the Holy Spirit that brings us to faith. That faith enables us to believe in Jesus Christ. As sinful creatures we cannot, by our own power, come to believe, let alone have faith in the resurrected Lord. By its very nature, our sin seeks to drive us away from having a relationship with God. Yet, as we are baptized and the pastor lays hands on us (as Paul laid hands on the saints at Ephesus), God pours out his Holy Spirit upon us, cleanses us from the stains of our fallen humanity, and clothes us in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. This, my friends, should bring us to loud shouts of thanksgiving. It is at this particular moment in time when we are brought to new life in Christ. Through this gift of the Holy Spirit, God calls us to live differently; He calls us to live as children of God. Such a Spirit filled life is both joyous and exciting.
Friends, as baptized children of our loving God, we are invited into a deep and rich relationship with the One who created all there is. If we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that each of us would always welcome more spiritual joy in our lives, especially in these times of the pandemic. Believe me, when you realize the presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling within you, your life will never be the same. Soon and very soon the joy of being redeemed by God in Christ Jesus and brought to faith by the power of the Holy Spirit will fill your heart.
Let us be honest with ourselves and admit we need to experience the love, hope, and peace the Holy Spirit brings to us. Let us all welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives and not be afraid to show others just how joyful we are to be God’s children. I promise you that as you live in the power and love of the Holy Spirit, God will satisfy the hunger and thirst of your souls and pour out blessings upon you. Express this joy as often as you can so that others can see how God changes the lives of people.
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila
Pastoral Devotion For September
Posted September 1, 2020 By adminLet your light shine
Read Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus said to his disciples, “A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket.” God blesses the Church with the most precious treasure there is. The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every Christian is therefore filled with the light of Christ and called to give witness to the wonders of God’s mercy and grace.
Often, it is said to the newly baptized person, “Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Our light shines when we love God with all our heart, and love our neighbor as ourselves. Shining our light, we share the love of Christ Jesus with all whom we meet.
Jesus of Nazareth is the light and life for the world. Baptized into his death and resurrection, the light of Christ dwells within God’s people. May you always feel the presence and power of our Lord Jesus. And may your light shine through the darkness of this world, that those within your midst may finally see the glory of the Father and enter the gates of our eternal home.
Prayer: Shine the light of your love, O Lord, and fill me with the power of your love. Amen.
Pizza With The Pastor
Posted August 30, 2020 By adminOn September 6th , we will have our first KFC meeting after Children’s Choir practice enjoying pizza and fellowship with one another and talking about what’s to come for the remainder of the year!
Bible Study
Posted August 30, 2020 By adminDon’t forget our Wednesday Morning Bible Study that is being held each week. All information will be emailed to the congregational members no later than Tuesday afternoon. If you have trouble logging on to Zoom, please contact Rachel Shelton or Pastor David for assistance.