Pastor Archive

St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Winter Retreat 2020

Posted November 5, 2019 By admin

Friday January 10th – Sunday, January 12th Camp St. Christopher – Seabrook Island, SC

Living and Growing as Disciples of Jesus Christ

Retreat:  (noun) A place set apart, one of renewal, rejuvenation, rest;  a period of time used to pray and study quietly, or to think carefully, away from normal activities and duties.

Members and friends of St. Jacob’s are invited to retreat to beautiful Camp St. Christopher  and spend a weekend in thought, prayer, discussion and fellowship.  Topics will include: What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? How family members share faith with one another. Take up the cross?  Really?

Enjoy God’s wonderful Creation Beautiful private beach Watch the dolphins swim and play Hiking trails throughout the camp Saturday evening campfire and vespers

Winter Retreat 2020 Registration Friday January 10th – Sunday, January 12th Camp St. Christopher – Seabrook Island, SC

Living and Growing as Disciples of Jesus Christ

Cost of registration is $150.00 per participant. The following is included with your registration: Weekend Lodging (Friday evening -Sunday morning) Saturday Breakfast and Supper – Sunday Breakfast (Friday supper and Saturday lunch are on your own)

Please make checks out to:  St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Memo line designate: Winter Retreat

Assistance is available to help cover costs of registration.   Please contact Pastor David Nuottila if  there is a need for such assistance.   Strictly confidential.

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted November 1, 2019 By admin

by Pastor David Nuottila

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 100:4-5

Waking up early on Thanksgiving morning, the house is already filled with the most pleasing aroma. The feast is being prepared. Perhaps the pies went in first, then the casseroles. In due time, while the parades are concluding and as the pre-game shows begin, the turkey is popped in the oven. Then, after the game, the table is set and the food is blessed. Dig in everyone, for that is how we give thanks in this day and age.

If the above paragraph rings true (for the most part) then consider this. Behind the dumpster, which is filled to the brim, a small homeless family seeks warmth and shelter from the cold, misty rain. The mission doesn’t open its doors for another two or three hours so the family waits patiently along with the others who have gathered. Then finally, the doors creak open and the usual crowd shuffles in. Among them are some new faces yet, each has the same expression.

Long tables are set with paper plates and plastic cups. Plastic table cloths decorated in autumn colors blend nicely with the napkins adorned with the same pattern. Then the food arrives; a feast to the eyes and a circus for the senses. The flavors of each dish are matched perfectly with the smiles of those generous souls who volunteered to host the banquet. Then suddenly a pause, a pastor offers grace and asks God’s blessing upon not only the meal, but for those who enjoy each bite. This, my friends, is how thanks are given in the kingdom of God.

The psalmist who wrote the prayer of thanksgiving above calls upon the people of God enter the

kingdom with thankful hearts. God has provided and will continue to provide for His people. Made sure and certain by our heavenly Father is the safety and security of His eternal kingdom of glory. The hope of rescue from sin and the grave is made a reality through the offering of His Son Jesus Christ. And since God has acted in such a way for His people, our response to enter His gates with thanksgiving, praising and blessing His name forever.

In Matthew 25:34-40, Jesus teaches us that our thankful response begins by serving. We serve the God we cannot see by loving and serving the neighbor we can see. Jesus says, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Mt.25:35). To share Christ’s love in such a way is to share the kingdom of God with those whom God has placed within our midst. Truly, as we do it unto them, we do it unto Him.

I pray you have a wonderful and joyous Thanksgiving holiday. I pray that as your home is opened to family and friends, it is also filled with smiles, laughter, and the Spirit of love for the Lord. It is also my prayer for our church family, that as we pause for this Thanksgiving Day, we would live lives of thanksgiving for all God has done and continues to do for His people. I pray that, year round, we would share the love of God by loving and serving the neighbor God has shown to us. For in this, we proclaim that the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness is for all generations.

Grace to you and peace,

Pastor David Nuottila

Pastoral Devotion For November

Posted November 1, 2019 By admin

Can You Drink the Cup?

Read Matthew 20:17-28

On his way to Jerusalem, the mother of James and John requested that her sons be given places of honor next to Jesus’ throne. Jesus looked at the two disciples and put forth his own question; “Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” Jesus knew the cup he was given by his Father meant he would suffer and die for the sake of God’s people. The cup he is to drink is the cup of God’s salvation; a cup that comes at the cost of pouring out his life.

Jesus asks, “Can you drink the cup?” In Faith we answer “Yes, but how?” Jesus gives clear instructions; deny yourself and take up your cross. Drinking the cup of Christ means suffering with him, serving others, enduring hardship, and having faith that God will equip us to do these things. It means putting away our selfish ambitions and extending our hands to meet the needs of the poor, hungry, and lost. Drinking the cup means loving God and loving neighbor first, offering our lives to Christ in order to gain life in God’s kingdom.

Can you drink the cup? With God’s help, yes you can.

Prayer: O Lord, give us the strength and the will to drink your cup, that we may follow Jesus’ example of love and service for the sake of others. Amen.

All Saints Sunday

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

This year, the Sunday of All Saints will be observed on November 3rd. All Saints Sunday is a day when the Church Militant (those saints who are still living) remembers and gives thanks to God for the lives and the witness of the Church Triumphant (those saints who have passed from earthly life). Traditionally, this is done through prayer and the lighting of a candle. During the Baptismal Rite, candles are given for the newly baptized with the words “Let your light shine before others, that they would see your good work and glorify your Father in heaven.

This year, we especially remember the light and the love of these saints from our church family who have completed their pilgrimage on earth within the last twelve months. Bob Shields, Pearl Cribb, Rie Eargle and Harold Driver have completed the work God gave them, yet their light still shines. Join us on November 3rd for this celebration of saints and to give thanks to God for all His blessings.

South Carolina Mission District Meeting

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

As reported earlier this year, our Carolinas Mission District will divide into four smaller mission districts forming the Carolinas Mission Region. One of these will be the South Carolina Mission District. On November 19th, the NALC congregations in South Carolina will meet at St. Peters Lutheran Church in Chapin. All NALC clergy in South Carolina, and delegates from each congregation will vote to elect a Dean. St. Jacob’s will have one delegate. Visitors to the meeting are encouraged to attend. A light meal will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 PM. Please call the St. Jacob’s church office if you plan to attend.

Morning Bible Study

Posted October 31, 2019 By admin

Our Wednesday Morning Bible Study is in full swing as we gather each week at 9:30 AM in the fellowship hall. The topic of our study is Graying in Grace, Becoming Mature Disciples of Jesus Christ. This study was written for NALC congregations by Pastor Brad Hales, who was our Homecoming guest preacher in August. Come join us. All materials are provided, the only thing missing is you!

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted October 1, 2019 By admin

October! It’s October already! It seems summer has simply flown by. Yet, even as I reflect upon all we shared the past few months, there is much to plan and prepare for during the months ahead. Our church calendar is filling up with activities, Christian learning opportunities and several other ministry events for everyone to consider being a part of. As you begin making room for the many opportunities for your church and family in October, let me ask a simple question: How do you plan to be a disciple of Jesus Christ each and every day?

Each morning, Christians wake up to the opportunity to show the love of Christ Jesus to others who may not realize God’s activity in their lives. As God’s people we also wake up to the Christian responsibility to thank God for the many blessings He showers upon us, and to offer Him the finest of what we can offer of ourselves.

When a child of God begins each new day with such emphasis, the life of discipleship begins to take hold and we live into the calling God has for each one of us. So again, this begs the question: How do you plan to be a disciple of Jesus Christ each and every day? In my asking this twice, I hope you are not simply waiting for my answer. I hope you are not expecting me to offer a directive for the church that challenges you to do your part as I see it, for such is not my intent.

I am asking this question because as followers of Jesus Christ, we each respond to His call to follow in different ways. Some are able to engage in the life of the congregation more regularly than others. Some have time enough to come to the church and serve on committees, provide services such as lawn care and cleaning, others may even show up every time the doors are open. Others among us have different responsibilities.

Within our church family, we have parents with small children, members who work not just one, but two jobs, and still others who may have health related issues that prevent them from participating as they once did. Yet, no matter where we may fall in this broad spectrum, as God’s people each one of us share the Christian responsibility to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We all share Jesus’s calling to go into the world and make disciples by sharing with them the good news of God’s salvation. So understanding this, I’ll ask one last time: How do you plan to be a disciple of Jesus Christ each and every day?

As Pastor, I will do my best to help you discern the answer to this question. I will do what I can to help you pray, study God’s Word and live among God’s people so that you might hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit who is calling you to a life of discipleship. I will continue to pray for you and your family, preach to you the gospel of Christ Jesus, lead you in worship and teach you and your children the faith in which we baptize. In turn, I pray that you too will help me to further discern the answer to our question, for even pastors need to learn to take time to enjoy their relationship with our loving heavenly Father.

Yes, we have a busy month ahead of us; one filled with opportunities to worship God, love our neighbor and enjoy the fellowship of God’s people. Take a good look and identify those opportunities where you and your family can grow in faith and discern your answer to my question. Choose to take time each day to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ, seeking God’s kingdom first. Then be sure to share His blessings of grace, mercy and peace with those whom God places within your midst. Soon, you will realize you are living the life of discipleship, and the question will have its answer.

 Grace to you and peace,

Pastor David Nuottila

Pastoral Devotion For October

Posted October 1, 2019 By admin

The Good Life

Read – Luke 9:18-27

A quick trip down the self-help aisle of your favorite bookstore suggests the way to living the good life is a positive outlook, high self-esteem and a heavy dose of optimism. Even some well-known evangelical authors try to convince us that the key to a good life means understanding God wants us to have our best life now.  In such cases and through their royalties, it is usually the authors of such books who realize the good life they proclaim. 

Jesus teaches his followers a much different path to a full and rich life. Jesus calls God’s people to   forsake the ways of the world by taking up a life of humble service for the sake of others. Denying ourselves and taking up the cross means we are to follow the example of our Lord, loving our neighbors and putting their needs ahead of our own. Such a life eschews the notion of living our best life now. 

Christians know this earthly life is but a glimpse. It is not something to be treasured above all else, but to be lived in such a way that others may also receive a glimpse of the kingdom to come. Jesus says, “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it” (v. 24). The good life we aspire to is the life of   eternal joy in God’s kingdom. To this life, there is only one book that truly points the way.


Lord Jesus, equip and empower us to follow you along the path to eternal life.


Morning Bible Study

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

Morning Bible Study returns on Wednesday, October 16th beginning at 9:30 AM. Our subject of study will be a study written by our Homecoming guest Pastor Brad Hales titled Graying in Grace: Becoming Mature Disciples of Jesus Christ. Copies of the study will be available for all participants, so the only materials you will need is your Bible and a desire to grow in faith and discipleship. Those planning to participate are encouraged to invite their friends and neighbors to study with us.

Congregational Retreat at St. Christopher

Posted September 27, 2019 By admin

Our next congregational retreat is scheduled for the weekend of January 10th-12th at beautiful Camp St. Christopher on Seabrook Island, SC. Last year several of our church family members enjoyed a time away for study, fellowship and refreshment as we shared our faith with one another. The theme of our retreat will be Living and Growing as Disciples of Jesus Christ. The cost per person is $150.00, the same as last year. There will be discussion concerning discipleship within families, discipleship of our children and being disciples for the sake of others. We will even enjoy a session around the campfire on the beach!

For those who may need assistance in meeting the cost, please contact Pastor David. Money should never be the issue for people to miss an opportunity to grow in faith and their relationship with Christ. Registration forms are available in the narthex and also through email. Just contact the church office.