Pastor Archive

Pastoral devotion for July

Posted July 1, 2019 By admin

Beautiful Feet

Read Romans 10:1-15

It goes without saying, our feet are not our most attractive attribute. Yet, the human foot is wonderfully designed by our creator. Our feet carry us places; hold us up on sure footing. Feet can be graceful and athletic; they can be sturdy and agile. But the most wonderful thing about our feet is that, because of Christ, they can stand in the presence of God as we worship him in his temple, and then carry us in mission for the sake of God’s people.

Consider the feet of Christ, those once wounded by the nail. They are the same feet once anointed with Mary’s tears and dried in a devotional act of love with her hair. Even as the nail pierced his feet and affixed them to the cross, Jesus continued to speak words of love and forgiveness. Even as his feet could no longer take him to places where people were in need of healing, Jesus provided ultimate healing for a broken humanity. And even though life giving blood ceased to flow through the wounded feet of our Lord Jesus, death could not hold them in the grave; our Savior would walk again in the glory of the resurrection.

Consider your own feet, once wounded by the nail of sin, yet forgiven and washed clean by the blood of Christ Jesus. Consider your feet, made strong and sure by the power of the Holy Spirit and empowered to take you to those places God would have you go. Redeemed by the blood of Christ, God calls us to take to our feet and proclaim his gospel to a fallen broken world. God calls us to bear witness to his grace, proclaiming the lifesaving power of Jesus’ victory at the cross.

Prayer: Guide me, O Christ, as I walk in your ways to share your gospel. Amen.

In the Wild, Vacation Bible School

Posted June 26, 2019 By admin

Our 2019 VBS, “In the Wild”, was held Monday, June 17th through Thursday, June 20th. We started each night with a delicious meal and then off to our encounters in the wild and with Jesus. We studied animal habitat, sounds, camouflage and learned some animal facts. Most importantly….we experienced Amazing Encounters with Jesus.

Our class rotations included lessons, music, crafts and games. Games included dodge ball, kick ball, golf, baseball, anything with a ball and running. Everyone played including the teachers.

On Monday night, we encountered Jesus in the Temple. We made traveling tic-tac-toe boards and in music, we started learning the song – “Why He Came”. Our younger children started to learn “Jesus Knows My Name” and “I Hear Stories of Jesus”.

On Tuesday night, we continued to travel with Jesus. This time we met him at the Jordan River where John baptized Jesus. In music, we started a new song, “What God Has Done” as we continued to work on “Why He Came” and the younger children continued learning their two songs. During crafts, we tie dyed our animal shirts – tiger, zebra and giraffe.

On Wednesday night, we met Jesus on the water again. But this time during a storm he walked on the water to his disciples in the boat. We made balancing butterflies in crafts and continued to learn our songs in music.

On Thursday night, we encountered Jesus at the empty tomb as he spoke to Mary and she ran to tell the disciples – “I have seen Jesus! He is alive!” In crafts, we made happy, trumpeting elephants as we celebrated and rejoiced that Jesus is Risen!

We celebrated our 2019 VBS on Thursday night, with family and friends as we presented our songs, stories, and crafts and closed with ice cream and cookies.

A very special thank you to our teachers and cooks. Without them, VBS would not have been possible for our 71 attendees who were ready and willing to experience some amazing encounters. Thank you to our parents and grandparents for sharing your children with us. We had some amazing adventures on the Wild Side! See you at VBS 2020!

Pastor David in Congo

Posted June 26, 2019 By admin

Pastor David will be in Congo on a mission trip beginning Monday, July 8th through Wednesday, July 24th. Should you need pastoral support during this time, please contact Sherry in the Church Office Monday-Thursday from 9AM – 2PM at 803-345-2309 or Danny, Council President, at 803-422-6824.

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted June 1, 2019 By admin

On the Sunday of Pentecost, we celebrate God’s giving the gift of the Holy Spirit. In our worship, our learning and our serving, we see God’s Spirit in action. The faithful can feel the power of God’s love as the Spirit comes like the rush of a violent wind, stirring the hearts and minds of God’s people. These are the themes of Pentecost; the power of God’s Spirit blowing through the lives of God’s people, calling them to share the gospel in faith, hope and love.

There are several traditions within the Church surrounding the day of Pentecost, yet Pentecost is not about wearing your red dress or shirt to worship. It is not about confirming our youth as they complete their initial study of the catechism. It’s about the Holy Spirit of God blowing in the doors of the hearts and minds of God’s people, rearranging the furniture of our lives and filling us with all the confidence, strength, excitement and assurance the disciples had in order to share the good news of God’s re-demption

Think about the world around you. Think about the things you have heard and seen. Think about all the times in your life when you thought you were at your wit’s end. So many others have faced the same obstacles in life. The world needs to hear this good news of great joy. In so many ways and in so many instances, God makes his presence and power known. He is revealed in ways so clear that no matter what, people can feel the power of his presence, realizing God’s mercy and grace are real and that his love lasts forever.

This is exciting stuff folks. This is the stuff of which books of biblical proportion are written. The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is the best news you are ever going to receive in your life. The times you first realized God’s grace is for you, that you have been rescued from the consequences of sin forever is as good as it can possibly get.

When you are young, prom is a big moment. Some of us know kids who have recently gone to their first prom. Guess what, as good as the prom was, God claiming you to be his child is better. When you get older, graduation comes with all of its pomp and circumstance. Guess what, it can’t compare with all the glory of heaven. There are still bigger moments ahead in your lives. College, your first real love, engagement, marriage, the purchase of a home, and the birth of a child. You know what? All of these are blessings from a loving God, yet because of Christ Jesus, the best is yet to come.

People of God, all of these are wonderful events; they are milestone moments, monumental achievements, and times of great joy. But if these are truly the most important times in your life, you’ve missed the mark. None of these can even compare with the fact that through Christ Jesus, God has saved you from sin and death, made you holy in his sight and prepared a heavenly home for you. Nothing can compare with the fact that through Christ Jesus, God has saved your life for all time. That is good news; that is exciting.

My prayer this Pentecost is that God stirs our congregation to such faithfulness that we cannot help but share the gospel of Christ Jesus, and that by the power of the Holy Spirit, we experience the disciples’ joy, living in the fullness of God’s grace, loving our neighbor and extending our Savior’s love to all who are in need.

Come Holy Spirit. Stir up the hearts of your
faithful, and kindle in us the fire of your love. Amen.

To God be the glory, now and forever.
Pastor David Nuottila

Pastoral Devotion for June

Posted June 1, 2019 By admin

Love at the Core

Read Matthew 6:1-18
Imagine holding in your hand a fresh bright red apple. There is not a single blemish on it; the apple is perfect and you can’t wait to take a bite. Sinking your teeth into the fruit, you suddenly realize there is something dreadfully wrong. The inside of the apple is not nearly as appetizing as you first thought. It is actually rotten at the core. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus didn’t discuss apples, but he did address things that on the outside seemed pleasing, but were much less so at the center.

Jesus points out the difference between putting one’s self-righteousness on display in order to be seen by others, and practicing spiritual discipline in order to be seen by God. God calls people to worship, pray, give alms and practice other forms of spiritual discipline. Jesus teaches that we should do these things in such a way that we may glorify God and grow in our relationship with him. Our Savior gives clear instructions about how to live as a child of God, so that unlike the rotten apple, our outward appearance matches our core of love and commitment to God.

Prayer: Holy God; create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Amen.

Eye Glasses for Congo

Posted May 30, 2019 By admin

Pastor David is now collecting your gently used pre-scription eye glasses to take with him on his mission trip to Congo in July. A box is located in the Narthex to drop off your donations.

Donations are being Accepted until June 30.

In the Wild Vacation Bible School

Posted May 30, 2019 By admin

Our 2019 VBS is “In the Wild!” Come join our adventure in God’s creation on this wilderness ride and experience amazing encounters with Jesus! It will be Monday, June 17th thru Thursday, June 20th. A meal will be served at 5:45 PM. Class rotation will start at 6:30 PM and end at 8:00 PM. Class rotations include lesson, crafts, music and games. Classes for all ages! Join the wild side and share the Good News! Come and see Wally!!!

Confirmand’s Public Examination

Posted May 30, 2019 By admin

Years ago, pastors of Lutheran Churches would schedule a Public Examination of those young persons to be confirmed in their faith. This public examination would take place the Wednesday before Confirmation Day. I remember when my classmates and I went through our public examination. It was a nervous time when we really didn’t know what to expect. Members of the congregation were invited (encouraged) to ask us questions concerning what we had learned in our three-year catechetical instruction. Yes, it was scary, but our pastor had our backs. No one was allowed to ask a question which they themselves did not know the answer.
Fast forward to our present time and you will notice that I have brought back Public Examination to the confirmation process. For our students, I am sure it is a nervous time, perhaps even scary. They will be asked to recall several items that they have learned during the eighteen months since I became their pastor, along with things they discussed with David Kibler, who has been a great help through the process. The congregation is invited to come be a part of this public examination.

The purpose of Public Examination is not to put our students on the spot.
It is to allow them an opportunity to pass along what they themselves have learned and tell the congregation about their desire to live according to the faith in which they are baptized. David Kibler and I will be asking the initial questions, then congregation members will have an opportunity to participate. Each student has been provided the materials and tools necessary to be successful in this event and I have no doubt they will do well. How could they not? They are all bright students and have learned that sharing their faith with others is really not that difficult. And besides, as my pastor assured me, I will have their back.

Public examination of our confirmands will take place on Sunday, June 2nd beginning at 4:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. The church family of St. Jacob’s is invited to attend and share this time with our 2019 Confirmation Class. Following the examination, we will enjoy a time of fellowship with food and plenty of good conversation. Please come and support these fine young people as they take the next step in their journey of faith.

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted May 1, 2019 By admin

When confronted by the Pharisees and scribes concerning issues of authority, Jesus said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days.” These words were spoken within the confines of the temple in Jerusalem, which of course took decades to build with hundreds of workers. Of course, we know Jesus was speaking about the temple of his body, that he would be killed, thus, destroyed, but then raised up on the third day by the powerful hand of God. Later, the disciples marveled at the huge buildings and the surrounding temple. But Jesus said to them, “Do you see all these things? Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”

These two occurrences took place on the day after Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem, the day we call Palm Sunday. This year, on the day after Palm Sunday, I could not help but recall these two passages from Scripture. Another iconic temple built nearly a thousand years ago by hundreds of God’s people was de-stroyed by fire. Notre Dame Cathedral is a fixture in the landscape of Paris, and also within the landscape of the Christian Church. It has withstood wars and many natural disasters, and for centuries, it has been a gathering place for the faithful people of God.

While serving in the navy, I was fortunate to be able to visit Notre Dame. It was long ago, and my memories are dulled by time, but I can remember the feeling of wonder, much like it must have been for the disciples, as I entered this massive church. The choir and the nave were magnificent, and the altar certainly a sight to behold. A large cross, the symbol of our faith stood in the chancel. Upon my exit I was able to light a candle and offer a prayer of thanksgiving for those persons who are dear to me.

After hundreds of years, this temple made by hands has been destroyed. As I watched the video that streamed across the world of this cathedral burning, my heart sank. Oh, we have been reassured by politicians and business men that it will indeed be restored, but to what end and for what purpose? I am sure there is a sense of the need to restore Notre Dame for its historical nature. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visited Notre Dame each year. Some who were interviewed by news agencies said Paris would not be the same without it. But I can’t help but remember, Jesus teaches us to put our trust in God, not in things of this world.

As we stand in the midst of the Easter season, we remember that God indeed raised up Jesus on the third day. The temple of Christ’s body, which was once beaten, crucified and thus destroyed, has been raised physically, wholly, and perfectly by the hand of God. Through Jesus’s death and resurrection, sin, death and the grave have lost their power over those who confess that Christ is indeed Lord and Savior. Because of this, we too, after our skin has thus been destroyed (Job 19), will be raised up.

Friends, whether it is the Cathedral of Notre Dame, or the three historically black churches in Alabama intentionally set ablaze, such destruction breaks the hearts of many. Surely, we love our churches, the buildings, the grounds and the memories that come with them. But we must always remember, the Church is not the building. The Church is made up of sinners redeemed through the blood of Christ Jesus. Bricks and mortar can be rebuilt. What is most important is that, as they are, it is for the purposes of worshiping the one true God who has saved his people and will raise them up on the last day.
To God be the glory, now and forever.
Pastor David Nuottila

The Road to Emmaus

Posted May 1, 2019 By admin

Luke 24:13-35
How many times have you traveled the Emmaus Road? How often have you considered the pitfalls and disappointments of earthly life and wondered, “How did these things occur?” The two disciples walking along the road, in the midst of despair asked this same question; “How did the crucifixion of Jesus come about?” The next question was even more difficult; “Where is his body?” “Can it be true, what the women said, that he is alive?”

Each of us walks the Emmaus Road in our own way. Earthly life has many toils and snares. Among many simple pleasures, sin, doubt and sorrow also make their presence known. Yet, as we make our way to Emmaus, the stranger comes alongside. Walking with us, stride for stride, he assures us of God’s love, mercy and grace. The stranger joins us in our story and welcomes us into his.

And finally, as the stranger stays with us, this invited guest serves as host for the most wonderful feast of all, making himself known in the breaking of the bread. It is true! Our Lord Jesus, who once was dead, is alive! And because he lives, we shall live also. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Walk with me, O Christ, and keep me in your grace.
