On Tuesday mornings at 10:30 AM in the fellowship hall, Pastor David is
having Bible Study. Bring your Bible so we can learn, discuss, and share our faith while reading God’s Word together.
Pastor Archive
Posted February 26, 2018 By adminCoffee Talk
Posted February 26, 2018 By adminAs a means for communication and information, once
per quarter, Pastor David, will be sharing thoughts and
insights with our church family, and answering a few
questions along the way. This “Coffee Talk” will take
place during our coffee hour every third month. The
First Coffee Talk will be on March 4 following our
worship service. Please plan on spending about thirty
minutes after worship and being a part of the
Pastor’s Devotional for the Month
Posted February 5, 2018 By adminRead Matthew 4:18-25
Discipline. Just the word itself seems intimidating enough without us having to talk about it. But discipline is what the season of Lent calls for, spiritual discipline is what so many Christians the world over hope to achieve. By dedicating time each day for prayer, reading Holy Scripture, repentance, worship, fasting, works of love and giving alms, our hope is to draw closer to God, strengthening our relationship with Christ Jesus.
Becoming a disciple of Christ Jesus isn’t easy. Accepting Christ’s call to follow him and become fishers of men means Christians must become living reminders of God’s love for his people. In order to become such followers of Jesus, Christians must draw closer to God, strengthening their faith and relationship with Christ Jesus on a daily basis. The disciplines of Lent are the tools for building such faith.
As Jesus walked along the shoreline, he called out to four ordinary fishermen. They learned the way of discipleship through the example of Christ. Jesus continues to call disciples. As we respond to God’s call, spiritual discipline is the means by which we carve out time and space to learn from our Lord and follow his example. Soon, we also become fishers of people.
Lord, grant me the discipline to follow you, that I may fish for people. Amen.
From Pastor David’s blog “In the Beginning” https://in-the-beginning.org
Posted February 5, 2018 By adminWonderful Wednesday Bible study will begin on Wednesday evening, February 7 at 7:00 p.m. FYI…this Bible study will follow the upcoming Ash Wednesday and Lent Services that will be held each week. This will be an opportunity to explore Jesus’ call for his people to be and make disciples. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor David Nuottila.
Posted February 5, 2018 By adminTuesday Morning Bible study with Pastor David will begin on Tuesday, Feb. 6 at 10:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Please bring your Bible and an eagerness to learn, discuss and share your faith as we spend time reading God’s Word together.
Posted February 5, 2018 By adminNew Members classes with Pastor David Nuottila will continue each Sunday until February 11. Classes began on January 28 and are open to anyone who has become a member of St. Jacob’s in the last six months, those members who have been away and are renewing their membership, and also to anyone who desires to become a member of St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church. The class is meeting downstairs first room on the right during the Sunday school hour.
From the Pastor’s Heart in December
Posted December 26, 2017 By admin Just as the Apostle Paul greeted the church at Ephesus at the opening of his epistle letter to them, I greet you at the opening of our ministry together with his words as recorded in Holy Scripture; “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 1:2 As I begin this first epistle as it were, I would express my heartfelt thanks to all of you for the warm welcome which you have extended to my family and me.Coming to a new place is always filled with mysteries, questions and a good deal of excitement. In this move, I can certainly say that the one constant that has shined so brightly is the love of God in Christ Jesus. From the time the conversation began with the call team, all the way through to our first days here in Chapin, everyone has made Angela and I feel so welcome.Getting acquainted with my new surroundings, I have enjoyed exploring the halls and classrooms, taken quiet walks through the cemetery and reading a bit of the history of our church. I have also been working earnestly in learning your names and faces. I can’t promise I will have all of them committed to memory right away, but I do want to know who everyone is and how we are all connected in God’s family of faith. What strikes me most, in these early days together, is the family atmosphere of St. Jacob’s and the desire to grow in faith as disciples of our Lord Jesus. In the coming months, we will have much to do in the way of spiritual growth. As the Epiphany season progresses, we will have opportunities for Bible studies, confirmation classes and other times for fellowship. I look forward to participating in the men’s, women’s and Up and Going groups as I am able. I especially look forward to getting to know our young people and participating in the events planned for our youth. God has a mission for us all. It is my prayer that we all engage in this mission and find it to be faithful, fulfilling and enjoyable.
Beginning this new era in the life of St. Jacob’s, my prayer is that we continue to seek the love, guidance and assurance of the Holy Spirit. The very same love, guidance and assurance that brought us together is what will keep us faithful and strengthen us in our efforts to proclaim the gospel of Christ Jesus to those whom God places in our midst. I will also invite many of you to consider new ways of serving our Lord and his church. One of the hallmarks of discipleship is being willing to listen to the still, small voice of our heavenly Father as he comes to us in the quietest of moments and in surprisingly new ways, and responding to his invitation for ministry. The gospel texts throughout Epiphany provide us with a calling and a mission. From Andrew’s declaration to Simon Peter, “We have found the Messiah!” to Philip’s inviting Nathanael to “come and see” Jesus is calling us to renew our commitment to be fishers of people. I can’t think of a better way to begin our new ministry together than to have the invitation of our Lord spelled out so clearly. As the old hymn says, “Let us ever walk with Jesus.” We have been called by God to continue the good works of Christ’s church in Chapin and throughout the world. I pray that as we begin this journey together that God will bless us with love and laughter in times of joy, with consolation and peace in times of sorrow, with resilience and determination in times of struggle, and with the understanding that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
In Christ,
Pastor David Nuottila
Read the Bible in One Year
Posted December 26, 2017 By adminBeginning January 1st, Pastor David invites everyone at St. Jacob’s to join him in a year long Bible reading program. Brochures with the reading plan are located in the church Narthex. From time to time we will have opportunity to share refreshments and talk about the things we have read. Pick up a brochure and let Pastor David know that you are “all in” for reading the Bible in one year!