Read 1 Timothy 6:6-10 Songwriter Harry Chapin spun a tale of a man named Mr. Tanner, a dry cleaner who was very good at his work. He was content with his chosen profession and loved his customers. Tanner was also a baritone who loved singing. Chapin said of Tanner, “He did not know how well he sang, it just made him whole.”
As the song goes, Tanner’s friends convinced him he should give up dry cleaning and pursue fame and glory. He would be able to leave the dry cleaning business, become famous and enjoy a life of great prosperity. Yet, it was not to be; his debut proved that, while talented, public performance was not his calling. Dejected, Tanner gave up singing and his life was never the same.
God blesses his people with many gifts and talents. Used for God’s purposes, our gifts and talents bring joy to others. Humbly sharing these for the sake of others glorifies our God through whom such gifts come. Of course, there is always the temptation to seek glory, fame and fortune for ourselves, especially when swayed by others.
Just as Jesus teaches there are people of the world who would lead us astray, so too Paul teaches us that we are to be content with all God’s provides. Worldly influences may tempt us to seek glory for ourselves, but loving God and using our gifts to his glory brings joy and makes us whole.
Prayer: Holy God, make us content with all you have provided, that it may be our joy to serve others. Amen.
Pastor Archive
Pastoral Devotion for June – Be Content
Posted June 11, 2024 By adminCongo Mission Adopt a Bible
Posted May 24, 2024 By adminOne of the joys of my mission work in Congo is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with so many people who have not had the opportunity to worship or learn of God’s saving grace through reading the Scriptures. Bibles are hard to come by for most people living in the outlying and remote areas surrounding Mbuji-Mayi. For this reason, I am encouraging everyone at St. Jacob’s to participate in this year’s mission in a unique way. I invite you all to “adopt a Bible” that would be provided to church members in Mbuji-Mayi and Merode.
Bibles printed in the tribal languages in Congo are available in Kinshasa (the capitol city), but not in the remote areas in which we serve. Pastor Kalonji hope to fill a suitcase with Bibles to take to the Lutheran congregation in Mbuji-Mayi and have them distributed to families by local pastors. Each Bible printed in the local languages cost about $25 each. If you would like to provide one for a family in Congo, simply add that amount to your church offering and designate the amount given “Congo Mission Bibles” on your envelope where it says “other.”
Thank you so much for your consideration and generosity as we continue to minister to God’s people in such a far-off place. This year’s mission trip is scheduled for July 8-21.
May Pastoral Devotion – The Second Day of the Week
Posted May 12, 2024 By adminRead Luke 24:36-53
The Easter narrative makes us fully aware of what happened on the first day of the week. Women went to Jesus’ tomb and found he was not dead; he was raised. The news spread throughout that first day of the week with Jesus appearing to his disciples and two people on the road to Emmaus. Easter changes lives, but for our world today, what are we to make of Easter on the second day of the week?
On Easter Sunday, churches were filled with worshipers. On the second day of the week, with the chorus of Jesus Christ is risen today!” fresh in its ears, the world returned to work. With images of the resurrection still vivid in the minds of believers, how long is it before doubt once again creeps back into the forefront?
Throughout the succeeding Sundays of the Easter season, the daily struggle of earthly life has returned in force. For so many, worry returns, grief remains, relationships are still broken, and death looms on the horizon. Living in the midst of brokenness, some forget that because of Easter, these things no longer have power over God’s people. In the face of such sin and death, we have the promise of life in God’s kingdom.
The events of the first day of the week set the tone for life in the face of death, forgiveness in the face of sin and certainty in the face of doubt. We are several weeks beyond our Easter Sunday celebration, but one thing remains true and certain: through his death and resurrection, Jesus conquered the powers that defy God. On the first day of the week, and everyday here after, God’s people are witnesses to these things. To quote an Easter hymn, “Christ is alive, let Christians sing!”
Holy God, as we worship you on the first day pf the week, fill our hearts with Easter joy all the days of our lives. Amen
From Your Pastor’s Heart
Posted May 9, 2024 By adminWhen the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:1-4
On the day of Pentecost, the church celebrates God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. We also celebrate the birth of God’s Church. In our worship, our learning, and our serving, we see God’s Spirit in action. We feel the power of God’s love as the Spirit comes like the rush of a violent wind, stirring our hearts and minds to faithfulness. Such is the theme of Pentecost; it’s the power of God’s Spirit blowing through the lives of His people.
It isn’t about wearing your red dress or shirt to church on Pentecost Sunday. It’s about the mighty breath of the Holy Spirit, rearranging the furniture of our lives and filling us with all the confidence, strength, excitement, and assurance the disciples had in order to share the good news of God’s redemption.
Think about the world around you. Think about the things you have heard and seen. Think about all the times in your life when you thought you were at your wits end. Don’t’ you think the world needs to hear this good news of great joy? In so many ways and in so many instances, God makes his presence and power known in ways so clear that no matter what, people can know and understand His mercy and grace are real and that His love lasts forever.
This is exciting stuff folks. This is the stuff movies are made of…good movies!
The gospel of our Lord is the best news you are ever going to get in your lifetime. The times you first realized God’s grace is for you, that you have been rescued from the consequences of sin forever, well, these are as good as it gets.
When you are young, prom is a big moment. Some of us know kids who have recently gone to or will soon go to their first prom. Guess what, as good as prom is, God claiming you to be his child is better. When you get older, graduation comes with all its pomp and circumstance. Guess what, it can’t compare with all the glory of heaven. There are still bigger moments ahead in your lives. College, your first real job, engagement, marriage, the purchase of a home, and the birth of a child. You know what? All of these are blessings from a loving God, yet because of Christ Jesus, the best is still yet to come.
People of God, all these are wonderful events; they are milestone moments, times of great joy. But if these are the most important times in your life, you’ve missed the boat. None of these can even compare with the fact that through Christ Jesus, God has saved you from sin and death, made you holy in his sight and prepared for you a heavenly home. Nothing can compare with the fact that through Christ Jesus, God has saved your life for all time. That’s good news, that’s exciting.
At Pentecost, as we celebrate God’s gift of the Holy Spirit, let us pray that God stirs us into such faithfulness that we cannot help but tell others the good news of salvation through Christ. As we strive to follow the example of our Lord Jesus, may we continue to love others as we are loved, feed the hungry, care for the sick and minister to those who are least of all.
Come Holy Spirit, kindle in us the fire of your love!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila
Celebrating an Anniversary
Posted May 6, 2024 By adminOn May 12, I have been invited to be the guest preacher for my former congregation in Salisbury, NC as they celebrate the congregation ’s 250th anniversary. This is such a significant time for them and quite frankly, for me too. It shouldn’t be too difficult for us here at St. Jacob ’s to imagine such a celebration, for in just two short years, we will celebrate our 250th (although we know our congregation was formed several years before). I am honored that the folks at Union Lutheran Church have invited me to be with them in their celebration. It will be a great day filled with worship, music, and renewed relationships. Truly, I can’t wait until we have the opportunity to share our 250 year long heritage with the greater church and the many saints with whom we have shared the Gospel throughout our history. In my absence, our elders will lead worship as they have done several times in the past, but I will certainly be with you in spirit and prayer.
Worship at Generations
Posted May 1, 2024 By adminEvery other Sunday, Pr. David leads worship for the residents of Generations Assisted Care of Chapin. This ministry has made a great difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church. The congregation is invited and certainly encouraged to share this experience with our friends just down the road. Our next worship opportunities will be on Sunday, May 12th and May 26th at 1:00 PM. Join us in the lobby at Generations.
Worship at Generations
Posted April 8, 2024 By adminEvery other Sunday, Pr. David leads worship for the residents of Generations Assisted Care of Chapin. This ministry has made a great difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church. The congregation is invited and certainly encouraged to share this experience with our friends just down the road. Our next worship opportunities will be on Sunday, April 14th and April 28th at 1:00 PM. Join us in the lobby at Generations.
South Carolina Mission District Youth
Posted April 2, 2024 By adminPastor David Nuottila has been meeting with and working with the pastors of St. Peter’s, St. Paul’s, and Holy Trinity Lutheran Churches to establish a new Youth Ministry initiative among the NALC congregations for South Carolina. Such collaboration has proved beneficial for NALC congregations in North Carolina and we hope to replicate their success here. Gathering our youth members in grades 6-12, we will share the Gospel, grow in discipleship, and have loads of fun together. Our first project is to support We Care of Chapin. Each youth group is challenged to collect jars of peanut butter and jelly to donate to We Care. This is meant as a fun competition among our youth groups, but primarily we want to tend to the needs of our neighbors. The first gathering of our South Carolina Mission District Youth will be on April 28 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Pomaria. All youth members in grades 6-12 are encouraged to attend. More information will be given as the date draws nearer.
April Pastoral Devotion – The Emmaus Road
Posted March 31, 2024 By adminRead Luke 24:13-35
How many times have you traveled the Emmaus Road? How often have you considered the pitfalls and disappointments of earthly life and wondered, “How did these things occur?” The two disciples walking along the road, in the midst of despair asked this same question; “How did the crucifixion of Jesus come about?” The next question was even more difficult; “Where is his body?” “Can it be true, what the women said, that he is alive?”
Each of us walks the Emmaus Road in our own way. Earthly life has many toils and snares. Among many simple pleasures, sin, doubt and sorrow also make their presence known. Yet, as we make our way to Emmaus, the stranger comes alongside. Walking with us, stride for stride, he assures us of God’s love, mercy and grace. The stranger joins us in our story and welcomes us into his.
And finally, as the stranger stays with us, this invited guest serves as host for the most wonderful feast of all, making himself known in the breaking of the bread. It is true! Our Lord Jesus, who once was dead, is alive! And because he lives, we shall live also. Thanks be to God.
Prayer: Walk with me, O Christ, in the joy of my salvation which comes from you. Amen.
From Your Pastor’s Heart
Posted March 28, 2024 By adminWhen the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. 2 And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. 3 And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?” 4 And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back—it was very large. 5 And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were alarmed. 6 And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.” Mark 16:1-7
Finally, our long Lenten journey has reached its unlikely conclusion. Unlikely, at least according to the world’s assumption. For forty days, Christians all over the world have been contemplating their sinfulness and need for God’s intervention in rescuing us from the consequences of our disobedience to His law. For forty days, many have taken up the discipline of reading Holy Scripture, abiding in God’s Word of love, mercy, and grace which brings hope to sin-sick souls. And now, in the most unlikely of scenarios, the once sealed tomb of Jesus of Nazareth is opened for all to see inside; to see that He is not there, for He is risen.
Early on the first day of the week, some of the women who followed Jesus went to the tomb to weep and complete the Jewish burial rite by anointing Jesus’s lifeless body with spices, oils, and perfumes. How would they roll the great stone away? How would they dare to gain access to His body with Roman sentries standing by guarding Christ’s grave so that no one may enter? These and so many other questions must have been running through their minds as they came upon the grave where Jesus was laid. But their questions were soon answered in a most dramatic fashion. An Angel announced to them that Jesus was indeed alive; he is risen! Does this good news conjure up questions in your mind as you stand two-thousand years opposite Mary and the women who first discovered the resurrection of Christ?
Following our forty day Lenten trek across the scriptures to the cross of Good Friday, it would be natural to ask questions upon discovering such a miracle. What does the resurrection of Jesus mean? How must I live my life knowing that Christ has died and arisen from the grave? How do I faithfully respond to the news of Jesus’s rising? All good questions for sure, and all demand answers.
First of all, “What does the resurrection of Jesus mean?” It means that those who have placed their faith and trust in Him, even though they die, shall live. The grave could not hold Jesus and because we are united with him in death through our Baptism, the grave cannot hold us either. Christians need no longer fear the grave; it’s lost its power. On the day of God’s choos[1]ing, we will receive the resurrection of the body and dwell in the kingdom of God forever.
Next, “How must I live my life knowing that Christ has arisen from the grave?” All believers in Christ Jesus are called to live according to His example of loving service toward our neighbors. This means doing what Jesus did in the ways He taught us. Forgiving the sins of those who sin against us. Sharing the goodness and abundance of God’s blessings with those who have little. Praying for those who are wandering around, lost in this world and have no one to encourage, care, or pray for them. This is what it means to be a disciple of our Lord Jesus.
And finally, “How do I faithfully respond to the news of Jesus’s rising?” Well, simply put – tell others. Share the Gospel of our Lord to those whom you meet. Share it with anyone and everyone, no matter whether they have heard it before, or have not heard it at all. All people need to hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you don’t know how to tell others, or if you are shy about having such conversations, pray. Pray for courage. Pray for guidance. Pray that God would send you a companion who will teach you, encourage you, and walk alongside you as you go in the name of Christ our Lord.
It’s the Easter season. No longer do we travel the road to the cross of shame. For now we travel a much different road. It is the way of truth, and the way of life. For Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Grace and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila