Thank you to all of our volunteers for making VBS a success! Thanks to all of our participants for spending your nights with us at VBS as we studied “Truth comes from God”, ”God’s Plan is Best”, “Everyone Sins and needs a Savior”, “Everyone Needs Jesus”, and “Jesus is the only way!”.
Other Happenings Archive
Posted August 12, 2024 By adminFrom Your Pastor’s Heart
Posted August 11, 2024 By adminWe give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
So far, for many people this has been quite a summer. For some, the days have been dreadfully hot and dry. For others, summer has brought with it an opportunity for vacation and travel with family and friends. And for those who are apt to volunteer, it has been a summer filled with church work. I can count several people for whom this has been a summer of recovery from illness or medical procedures. We have members of our church family for whom this has been a summer of mourning and grief. In all of these, I can say that as your pastor, it has been a summer of prayer.
In his letters to various churches, the apostle Paul consistently begins by lifting up prayers of thanksgiving for the saints to whom he is writing. Whether he is writing to Christians just coming to faith, a church needing encouragement, or a congregation mired in conflict, Paul gives thanks for the faith of those who call upon the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. In doing so, Paul sets a wonderful example for Christians in all places to follow. When I read Paul’s words concerning his thanksgiving and prayers for others, I usually find myself spending a good bit of time in prayer for St. Jacob’s.
As some of you know, I like to begin my week in prayer for our church family. One ritual is to take the Sunday worship bulletin and pray for those on our various prayer lists. One by one, the names of people who are sick, recovering or home bound stand out. I pray for the various friends and family members who are not members of our congregation but listed as those needing continual prayer. It’s humbling to know that, even as we pray for others we do not know, through faith, our prayers are heard and received by our Father in heaven.
Another prayerful activity I enjoy is going through our church directory and simply praying for church family members whose names randomly come to the forefront. I sincerely believe that as I look through the listing of families, God calls me to pray for certain individuals or families for whatever circumstances they may be experiencing. Sometimes, I will send a card to those for whom I pray so they know their pastor prayed for them. Sometimes, people will tell me that the card came at just the right time; that they really needed to know someone prayed for them. For this reason, it is important that we keep up our relationships with our prayer partners.
I think that in this summer of prayer, the thing I have enjoyed most is knowing how many St. Jacob’s church family members, and members of congregations in my past, have prayed for me. This summer has brought challenges to my health that I had never foreseen coming. Like many people to whom I have ministered, I find myself facing the realization that our bodies do not last forever, and that they truly do need the care and attention of those whom God has gifted for medical procedures.
Needless to say, I’m likely not the most agreeable patient, and I truly don’t like sharing such personal information. But in order to practice what I have preached for nearly twenty years, I have softened my stance and learned that there is no weakness in asking for prayer. In fact, it takes great strength to open up and solicit the prayers of the faithful.
I’m thankful for the blessing of being your pastor, and in the words of St. Paul, I give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in my prayers. Thank you also to the many who have prayed for me. We are all blessed with the gift of God’s love, especially as we share his love with one another, giving thanks in all circumstances for the grace God makes available through his son Jesus Christ. As always, I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila
Birthday Celebration
Posted August 10, 2024 By adminThank you for joining us for our Congregation Birthday Party on Sunday June 30th! We celebrated with lunch, games, cupcakes and ice cream!
Pastoral Devotion for August – Lord, Hear Our Prayer
Posted August 3, 2024 By adminRead: Mark 9:14-29
There is one thing that is fairly certain, we all, at one time or another, ask people to keep us in their prayers. Another thing that is certain is that others have asked us to do the same. Prayer is a central part of Christian living. We pray for healing, comfort, peace and happiness. We pray for so many things, but what happens when we do not immediately recognize God’s answer?
Some, although they believe, begin to have doubts. The man, whose son was possessed, believed one of Jesus’ followers could cast out the demon. When this did not happen, doubt crept into the situation. The word “if” is pursed upon his lips; “If you can…help us.”
Jesus teaches us the power of prayer. “Ask and it will be given. Seek and you will find” (Mt. 7:7-8). Our Lord teaches that as you pray, do so believing that you have already received that for which you pray. It is no small task; because of doubt, we often need visible proof that our prayers are truly answered. Still, God is faithful. As we pray in faith, the Holy Spirit provides us with confidence that God indeed hears our prayers and provides all we need.
As we continue to live in Christian fellowship with one another, we pray for the wellbeing of those whom we love, and even our enemies. We all need prayer; it leads us to greater faithfulness and confidence in believing the truth of God’s promises.
Continue to live a life of prayer, not simply for yourself, but for others as well. For as James says, “Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” (James 5:16)
Prayer: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Council News Briefs for July 2024
Posted July 31, 2024 By adminGood Things at St. Jacob’s for June
• Congregation Birthday Party!
• VBS – Thank you and great appreciation for all who volunteered to teach, provide meals, lead games/crafts/music!
• Lutheran Men BBQ!
• Three received their First Holy Communion: Chloe, Bella and Owen.
Staff Support
• Laurie is working out beautifully as our new administrative assistant.
• Bryan had the floors professionally cleaned in the fellowship hall and he also cleaned the carpets outside the fellowship hall.
Safety Team
• The SLED program on “How to deal with unwanted intruders” was held on Sunday, July 14th at 5:00 PM.
• CPR and First Aid training will be provided for two new safety team members.
Christian Education
• Kayla and Sherrie are co-teaching the children’s summer Sunday school. In June, 11-13 children attended Sunday school.
• VBS was a great success!
Congregational Care
• The Lay Communion Ministry team visited and administered communion to our homebound folks.
• Assisted family with various travel needs.
• Provides greeters for Sunday worship services.
• Continued support for the Mercy Bags ministry.
• Glenn Shealy is the manager for the Disaster Relief building inventory. Donna Fulmer is our Disaster Relief Coordinator.
New Business
• Brandon and Sherrie will be the two delegates for St. Jacob’s at the Mission Region Convocation which will meet virtually on August 9th.
NALC Mission Convocation
Posted July 31, 2024 By adminThe biennial online convocation of the NALC takes place this month on August 9th. Joining Pastor David Nuottila will be Sherry and Brandon who will participate as St. Jacob’s delegates. Please pray for the leadership of our denomination and for all delegates as they conduct the business of the NALC.
Mid-Week Bible Study
Posted July 31, 2024 By adminOur Mid-week Bible study will resume on Wednesday, August 14th at 9:30 AM in the church office conference room. Our topic will be Sola Publishing’s study of The Spiritual Realms. We will take a close look at what God says through Holy Scripture about the places beyond this world. Questions such as “What happens when we die?” and “What exactly is Sheol?” will certainly be a part of the conversation. All materials will be provided to those who would like to participate in this study. Simply bring your Bible and enjoy the fellowship of your church family as we gather around God’s Word.
Lutheran Men BBQ
Posted July 23, 2024 By adminThe Lutheran Men had a very successful BBQ on June 28 and 29.
Many thanks to all who helped and supported with our annual LM BBQ. Our fundraising helps support our local families and community with many needs.
All men of St. Jacob’s are encouraged to become a part of this ministry and lend your time, talents, and ideas for future ministries. Contact Gerald for more information on how you can get involved.
Up and Going
Posted July 23, 2024 By adminOn May 9th, seventeen members gathered in the fellowship hall for the regular Up and Going Meeting. It was a stormy, rainy morning, but the sunshine filled the fellowship hall as members gathered and filled the room with laughter and conversations.
Helen and Jean welcomed everyone. Joan gave the devotions with the reading of Psalm 1, the sharing from her Angel Book and prayer. Helen gave the blessing for our meal. The meal of many delicious salads and complimentary dishes and wonderful desserts were enjoyed by all. Comment was made, “that everyone should bring the same dish next month, everything was so good.”
Next came BINGO, always a fun time with lots of laughter and comments. Everyone won several times and chose prizes of their choice. Some prizes were then given to We Care and Mercy Boy Project and some prizes went home with us. We played and played until all prizes were gone. What a good time we had!!
June 13th, 2024, a beautiful summer day, the Up and Going gathered in the Fellowship Hall at 11 AM for the monthly meeting. Eighteen members and guests attended. Devotions were given by Team Leader, Helen. Devotions were from “Mornings with Jesus” booklet. Bible reading was from John 5:19 reminding us that “sons learn from their fathers” and we learn from our fathers and so we teach our sons. We shared special memories of our fathers. Business was conducted.
Mr. Travis Goodman, our Thrivent Representative, spoke to us about Thrivent, how the company operates and the many opportunities available to its clients. Travis is available to each of us should we desire additional information.
We all enjoyed a delicious covered dish meal and lots of great fellowship. The food was so good. We always have a wide variety of delicious dishes. Our next meeting will be held on July 11th at 11 AM in the fellowship hall. Bob will have the program. Lunch will be a covered dish meal. Hope to see you then.
Team Leader
Up and Going
Music Notes
Posted July 21, 2024 By adminBell camp highlights:
This year in addition to improving ringing and music reading skills, the youth are learning about the liturgy we use in worship. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to provide lunches and to all the youth for their hard work.