Other Happenings Archive

Pastoral Devotion for November – Welcoming All

Posted November 2, 2024 By admin

Read: Matthew 9:9-17
Once, I met a man named Greg. Greg was homeless. He was someone whom society overlooked or mostly avoided. None the less, Greg was a member of our community, a person created by God, a sinner in need of redemption. Who would have thought that such a man would one day become my best friend?
People like Greg are not new to society; the world has been busy ignoring them for thousands of years. When we read the gospels, we meet Greg many times over. We meet Greg the leper, Greg the blind beggar, Greg the lost and forgotten. The world shuns such people, yet Jesus meets Greg and invites him to follow.
Jesus came to heal the sick and forgive the sins of many. His mission often led him to associate with the dregs of society. The Pharisees were always quick to point out Jesus’s “misdeeds.” Heal on the Sabbath? Associate with prostitutes and sinners? Dine with a tax collector? The Pharisees weren’t willing to do such things, the stakes were too high. They had reputations to protect and laws to follow.
Jesus overcomes all this. He loves those whom society deems unlovable, opens his arms, and invites the sinner to follow. Our Lord Jesus welcomes all into his divine presence. He lifts up the lowly and invites even the most unworthy or insignificant among us to partake in the richness of God’s eternal Kingdom. Thanks be to God.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ; your love is unmeasurable and your grace sufficient. Keep us close forever. Amen.

Music Notes

Posted November 2, 2024 By admin

Psalm 69:30
I will praise the name of God with a song;
I will magnify him with thanksgiving.
Like all of you, I have so much to be thankful for, “how can I keep from singing?” I thank you all for your support as David and I walk through this difficult time. Thank you to Sarah, our incredible organist, for carrying on with choir practice in my absence. Our choirs are having to adjust practice times and music schedules, and I thank them for all their support and love. I also thank and praise God for this church family and please know that your prayers and love bring both David and I much comfort and support.
We will not have our cantata as planned this advent season. We will instead have a service of lessons and carols on the last Sunday of advent which will include some special music.
Please note the change of times for choir practice, 6:00 PM during November and children’s choir, 2:00 PM on Sunday afternoons. Happy thanksgiving to you all.

Men’s Bible Study

Posted November 1, 2024 By admin

Our Men’s Bible Study will continue with its new time and day. All St. Jacob’s men are invited to participate in Bible Study on Monday, November 4th at 6:30 PM in the church office. Please bring your Bible. If you do not have one to bring, then one will be provided for you.

Homecoming 2024

Posted October 30, 2024 By admin

Our Homecoming and Golden Agers Celebration was a day filled with fellowship and plenty of good food and stories shared by many. Thank you to everyone who helped make this day such a wonderful event. We were pleased to welcome home Pastor Mark Metze, who served as our guest preacher. Accompanying Pastor Mark was his wife Rebecca (Eargle) Metze, along with their sons Henry and Eli. Several long-time members and guests also joined us for worship and a delicious meal afterward. Thanks be to God for the time we shared together.

From Your Pastor’s Heart

Posted October 29, 2024 By admin

My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body. Proverbs 4:20-22
As you all know, I have been dealing with a serious health issue for quite a while. It was serious enough that I had to cancel my annual trip to Congo. It hasn’t been a secret that I have been diagnosed with blockages in my heart. When the news was first delivered to Angela and me, we didn’t really know what to do. The doctors who were tending to me were not comfortable in making a definitive treatment plan. After a few tense days, I decided to get a second opinion. Not that the doctors who saw me weren’t good doctors, I don’t believe that for a second. I’m sure they are quite capable. But this being the first time I have had to deal with such an issue, I prayed for guidance and comfort. The answer to my prayers came in the form of a complete stranger suggesting I see a doctor in Charlotte whom he had been treated by. One or two calls later and I was in the loop.
In Charlotte, I met a team of doctors who truly give Angela and me confidence and assurance that the prescribed remedy will be my best option for future good health. Thus, I have agreed to undergo bypass surgery where it is likely two main arteries will be repaired. I truly appreciate the care I am receiving through the doctors and nurses in Charlotte. Angela and I are completely comfortable with the decision to proceed with surgery.
We also take comfort in knowing that God is the one who enables medical personnel to do the work of healing. Truly, only God could provide the wisdom and skillset to accomplish such miracles. As Solomon said in the Proverbs, God’s Word is “life to those who find [it] and health to one’s whole body.”
My surgery is scheduled for November 7th and I will be away from the church for about three weeks after that. On Sunday, November 10th, our elders will lead worship and distribute Holy Communion with bread and wine consecrated the week prior. I have arranged for Pastor Leon Rawl to supply on November 17th and 24th so there will be no interruption in the celebration of the Sacrament.
I hope to return to St. Jacob’s (albeit in a reduced capacity) on Sunday, December 1st with some restrictions on driving and lifting. My doctor supports this line of thought and sees no reason not to expect a favorable outcome to this procedure and complete recovery. I am thankful for the prayers many of you have offered on my behalf and look forward to improved health following recovery from surgery. This has not been an easy article to write. I’m not used to sharing such news about my personal health. But through the years so many have shared their health concerns that God has convinced me, now is the time to do the same, share with the ones whom you love, for this is truly what is on your pastor’s heart, figuratively and realistically.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila

Mission Youth Reformation Party

Posted October 29, 2024 By admin

The Carolinas Mission Region will hold its annual Youth Reformation Party on Sunday, November 3rd beginning at 3:00 PM. The location for the gathering will be Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Gastonia, NC. All St. Jacob’s youth and their friends in grades 6-12 are invited. Please let Pastor David or Angela Nuottila know if you are planning on participating. Parents, we will need volunteers to provide transportation. Holy Trinity is located along HWY 321 about two hours away. We should return to St. Jacob’s around 8:00 PM.

Up and Going

Posted October 29, 2024 By admin

The Up and Going met at 9:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall for devotions and a short business session before our trip to Batesburg to enjoy lunch at Shealy’s BBQ. Team leader Helen gave the devotion based on the reading that we are children of God and made in His image and so we bear His traits. We closed with praying together The Lord’s Prayer.
Fourteen members and guests traveled by car. We enjoyed a delicious lunch and enjoyable fellowship together. Thursday is liver-nip day and for those that like them, this was a special treat. For the rest of us, there were lots of other delicious foods available. Every dish is always a delicious treat and then there is the dessert bar. Oh…so good!!
November is our Thanksgiving meal at 11:00 AM on Thursday, November 14th. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board. Please sign up if you plan to attend and list what you will bring for our meal. This year we will gift The Oliver Gospel Mission with men’s socks and underwear. Everybody is asked to bring a pack of socks AND a pack of men’s underwear to fill our giving box.
Team Leader for Up and Going

Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat

Posted October 29, 2024 By admin

The Lutheran Women would like to thank all volunteers that came out to support our fall festival. A great time was had by all!

All Saints Sunday

Posted October 29, 2024 By admin

This year, All Saints Sunday falls on November 3rd. It is a time of remembrance and a time of thanksgiving. With the traditional candle lighting and prayer, we remember those who have entered the Church Triumphant and now rest peacefully in Christ. We also give thanks for the newest saints of Christ who are welcomed into the Church Militant through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Since our Previous All Saints celebration, several of our church family members have grieved the passing of parents. We have also welcomed three children into God’s family of faith through the waters of Holy Baptism. We give thanks to God for the Baptisms of Chloe Meetze, Tate Bise, and Samuel Dugan. We also acknowledge the St. Jacob’s members who joined the Church Triumphant, Kenneth Mostiler and Richard Shealy. We remember, as well, parents of several of our church family members who have passed during the last year. These include, Vera (Tina’s mother), Gerald (Tina’s father), Elizabeth (Joanie’s mother), Howard (Melissa’s father), Heyward (Jeff’s father), Beverly (Michael’s mother), and Nolan Berton (Bert) (John’s father). May God grant us peace and consolation as we commend our loved ones to his almighty and eternal care.


Posted October 29, 2024 By admin

Worship and Music will once again be accepting orders for Christmas Poinsettias to be placed in the church for our Christmas services in honor and/or memory of loved ones. This year the cost per poinsettia will be $13.00; checks should be made payable to St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church.

Additional order forms will be available on the Narthex Bulletin Board. If you would like to order a poinsettia, please submit your completed order form AND payment to Marie or Robin. If it is more convenient, you can text or email your order information to Robin.

The deadline for placing your order is Wednesday, November 6th. To guarantee delivery of the poinsettias, Worship and Music must place the order for St. Jacob’s on the deadline date. Please turn your orders in early as NO orders can be accepted after the deadline.