Following our Confirmation classes on October 6th, the youth of St. Jacob’s are invited to a time of food, fellowship, fun and games. Since there will be no Youth Handbell rehearsals that day, our Youth meeting will begin upon the conclusion of confirmation class about 4:00PM. All St. Jacobs Youth and their friends in grades 6 and above are welcome. We will meet in the Church office.
Other Happenings Archive
St. Jacob’s Youth
Posted September 26, 2024 By adminSt. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting Briefs – September 3, 2024
Posted September 26, 2024 By adminGood Things at St. Jacob’s for August
• Started Confirmation classes with a large group of confirmands.
• The Journey Sunday school class continues to have good attendance.
• Fill material has been delivered for future use for the parking lot.
• The Youth Bible study continues to have a strong youth commitment to attending each Wednesday.
Ministry Teams
Staff Support: Susan
• Met with all staff for Annual Reviews in August.
Safety: Robert / Kevin
• Upcoming Plans: Begin the installation of interior and exterior cameras.
Christian Education: Sherrie
• Children’s Sunday school classes will be split K-5th grade (Kayla) and 6th grade and up (Sherrie).
• Sunday School Breakfast and Rally Day held on Sunday, September 15th at 9:00 AM. Congregational Care will assist with the meal.
• Council technology requests for three classrooms downstairs, for a computer and printer for the treasurer and for a new hard drive for Laurie’s computer.
Congregational Care: Billy / David
• Lay Communion Ministry teams visited and administered communion.
• Assisted family with various travel needs.
• The HUB asked St. Jacob’s to provide 250 slices of pound cake.
Discipleship: Lynn / Julie
• 18 Mercy Bags and 298 pounds of food were donated to We Care.
• 101 flood buckets have been donated.
• On October 12th there will be a Flood Bucket Day at Holy Trinity. SJLC will participate and a list of items needed from our congregation will be in the bulletin.
Property: Barry
• Will replace the exit door in the back of the fellowship hall and the exit door just outside the kitchen.
• Asphalt grinding has been placed in front of the church office to be used as fill for the new parking lot.
Worship and Music: Marie Slice
• Will place an order for new purple paraments. Only blue paraments remain to be purchased and the goal is to do this by the 250th anniversary of St. Jacob’s in 2026.
Old Business
Church Sanctuary: Susan
• Julie Stuck and Susan Shealy met with an interior designer and are waiting to receive the scope of work and cost for what she can do to assist with the sanctuary renovation.
Time and Talent Sheets: Sherrie
• Council approved the Time and Talent Sheet that will be distributed in the Sunday bulletin on October 13th and 20th.
Building Use Form: Pastor
• Council approved the Facility Request Form and Facility Use Form and it will eventually be available on the church website.
New Business
• The Temple Talk for September will be about the Spiritual Gifts Inventory.
Flood Bucket Challenge
Posted September 24, 2024 By adminNALC Disaster Response warehouses are in need of restocking. Our St. Jacob’s disaster response shed is virtually empty as Gerald Lindler and Pastor David loaded a truck to respond to hurricane relief efforts in Beaufort and Charleston. In order to be prepared for future needs, the Carolinas Mission Region is hosting a flood bucket build at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Little Mountain on Saturday, October 12th. St. Jacob’s is asked to supply fifty cans of scouring powder (Ajax, Comet, etc.) and fifty 1 quart bottles of Pine-Sol cleaning liquid. We are also asked to supply thirty buckets and lids (5 gallons each). Volunteers for all around the NALC Carolinas will gather to assemble the flood buckets and arrangements will be made to transport them to the warehouse in Kings Mountain, NC, or to our shed here in Chapin. We need volunteers to help in this project. Please plan on attending and helping to build flood buckets. This is always a fun filled event with plenty of good fellowship among our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Into Liturgy, part 1
Posted September 20, 2024 By adminThere is a statement often made during Bible Study when discussing the elements of worship and what might be their historical significance within the greater Lutheran Church. This month we will begin exploring the answers to some of these questions. As we do, we will look at the components of our worship services from start to finish in the order they appear. This month, we begin by discussing the service itself.
Historically, Lutherans have not used the term, “worship service” to describe the act of assembling on the Lord’s Day. In the Lutheran tradition, “Divine Service” is the reason for such assembly. Broadly defined, “Divine Service” refers to any service of the church. More narrowly defined it refers to the service of Holy Communion. In the 21st century, it is most common throughout the greater Lutheran Church for congregations to refer to worship in the narrow sense. Lutheran understanding of the purpose for worship is to “receive God’s good gifts.” The pouring out of mercy and grace through Jesus Christ is God’s “Divine Service” to his people. Through Divine Service, Christians are made children of God in Baptism, have forgiveness of sin through confession and absolution, and receive the gift of faith and salvation in the hearing of the Gospel. This is God’s Divine Service to his people.
Homecoming Celebration 2024
Posted September 17, 2024 By adminOur annual Homecoming celebration is scheduled for Sunday, October 6th. We will also be honoring our “Golden Agers” as a part of the celebration. A special presentation will be made to our most senior church family members, and we will again honor them with a congregation meal following worship. We will welcome our Homecoming guest preacher, Pastor Mark Metze, and his family. Please plan to attend this yearly event. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us.
Up and Going
Posted September 15, 2024 By adminWe gathered at Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church in Little Mountain at 11:00 AM on Wednesday, August 21st for the annual 4 Churches Meeting. Nineteen members and guests attended from St. Jacob’s.
Mt. Tabor’s Fellowship Hall was beautifully decorated in red and white with a vase of fresh red and white flowers, later given as door prizes. After registration each guest was given a red bird key chain or red bird ornament of their choice.
Welcome was presented by Janice Long. Carolyn Torrence gave the Devotions and the Blessing of the meal. We all enjoyed a bountiful and delicious meal prepared by wonderful Dutch Fork cooks. After the meal, Rev. Dr. Tony Metze presented a delightful magic show. He was most entertaining. Door prizes were presented to the lucky ticket holders. Many from St. Jacob’s were fortunate enough to win a prize. The Meeting closed with the singing of “God Be With You Till We Meet Again.” Mt. Tabor used the Red Bird and United in Faith as the themes of the day. Our thanks go to Mt. Tabor for making everything so special for our enjoyment.
The September Up and Going Meeting will be the annual Apple Run on Thursday, September 12th. Please be at the Church ready to depart at 8:30 AM. A sign up sheet will be on our bulletin board. Lunch will be at Harry’s BBQ and Miss Piggy’s Ice Cream Parlor.
Team Leader for Up and Going
Congo Mission 2024
Posted September 10, 2024 By adminReport Even though I was not able to travel to Congo with Pastor Kalonji, my heart overflows with joy that our shared mission work continues to bear fruit for the kingdom of God. With the help of so many congregations across the NALC, and especially St. Jacob’s, Pastor Kalonji was able to engage in a longer than usual mission trip to Kinshasa, Mbuji-Mayi, and the village of Merode.
Thank you to everyone here at St. Jacob’s who continue to contribute to the Congo Mission through your offerings and gifts. With help from your donations, forty-seven families welcomed home mothers and their newborn babies, fifty-six families and individuals who had no other access to the Scriptures received Bibles written in their local language, and over six hundred orphaned children enjoyed a healthy hot meal when they would not have otherwise had such a feast.
Of course, one of the projects that brings me much joy is the construction of the first Lutheran Church building in the province of Kasai-Oriental. Currently, all Lutheran Church worship and activity takes place outside, exposed to the weather. With grants from NALC Congregations, we have been able to purchase an acre of land and begin construction. The foundation is laid for the church. Soon, there will be a modest building rising up from the ground to serve as a school for children, education for women, and a house of worship for the surrounding community. We hope to provide for a well to be drilled since all water must be brought in from elsewhere. We trust that God will provide.
As this year’s trip is concluded, we leave behind funds for congregations that they may continue to feed orphans who remain in their care, eyeglasses for people who have such need, and the seeds of faith planted through the love of Christian brothers and sisters in Christ across the ocean. Thank you again for supporting this wonderful and exciting mission. I am so thankful we can all be a part of God’s work together for the sake of our fellow Christians in Congo.
Music Notes
Posted September 10, 2024 By adminPsalm 104:33 I will singto the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
Chancel choir news
We have a great selection of music ready for the beginning of the choir year. The notebooks are filled with all of the music to take us through the end of December, and a new cantata is ready for rehearsal. All we need now are members willing to serve God and bless our congregation with the gift of music. We will kick off our new choir season on Wednesday, September 4th at 5:30 in the church office with a covered dish dinner. The meat will be provided, please bring either a side or dessert to share. After our meal and time of fellowship, we will dig into the collection of music for the new year. Please come join us. It’s sure to be a great year. Children’s choir has started. We meet each Sunday from 3-3:45 in the downstairs music room.
Children’s choir is for children in K-4 grade.
Youth handbells meets at 4pm in the music room downstairs.
Making Melodies
Posted September 8, 2024 By adminDid you know that our Congregation President Tommy is a headline entertainer? Not only does Tommy assist with worship every other week, but each month he shares his gift of music with the residents at Generations of Chapin. Our friends at Generations are so happy to welcome Tommy as he brings his music and invites them all to sing along. Smiles are the order of the day and there is plenty of joy to go around. Thank you, Tommy for being such a blessing and Christian witness to the power of God’s love.
Lutheran Women
Posted September 4, 2024 By adminThe Lutheran Women will have a spaghetti meal fundraiser on Sunday, September 22nd following worship. The meal will be salad, spaghetti, bread and dessert and may be eaten in or taken to go. Adult plates will be $10 and child plates will be $5. The funds raised will be used to assist those in our church and community in need of financial assistance for medical issues. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Worship folder on September 8th and September 15th, or you can call Sandra. Please let us know if you plan to join us no later than September 15th.