Happy New Year to you all. The Up and Going met on Thursday, January 9th for the annual Soup Pot Lunch and Bingo Party. Twelve members and guests attended. Helen, Team Leader, welcomed everyone. Get well cards were signed for Marie, Joan and Gary, Debbie and Mrs. Miriam.
Devotions Bible reading was 2nd Corinthians 5:17 and the reading “The Old Is Gone” from Portals of Prayer. Helen read a “Take Time” for a full life article and the Pastor’s Prayer for the New Year. Helen also read an article entitled “Don’t Waste It” from ICL magazine. Devotions ended with all praying together The Lord’s Prayer.
Business was conducted.
Everyone brought items for the soup pot and Ann Lindler turned them into a delicious pot of beef vegetable soup. There is absolutely nothing better on a cold day. Lunch was soup, miniature cornbread muffins, saltines, pimento cheese sandwiches, homemade pimento cheese and crackers, brownies and chocolate cake. Oh, so good.
Each person brought gifts for BINGO and our table of gifts filled quickly. After lunch, everyone quickly gathered to play BINGO. We played until all prizes were gone. Everyone won at least 3 times. Winning was fun but the laughter and fellowship was the best part. Thank you to everyone for everything you brought and for always helping to clean up and put everything back in order.
The February meeting will begin in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 AM with devotions and business. Afterwards we will travel by cars to have lunch at The Golden Bay Restaurant in Irmo. Then we will visit St. Andrews Plants and Ollie’s. Look forward to seeing you at our Valentine’s Day Lunch.
Team Leader for Up and Going