Up and Going Archive

Up and Going News

Posted April 30, 2019 By admin

April 11th was a bright and beautiful Spring Day. Eighteen Up and Going members and guests gathered for a busy meeting. The tables were beautiful with bright green table cloths and white Easter Lilies, compliments of Joan and Gary. Helen conducted the business session. A gift of $60 for the Flood Mission Project was received by donations. Helen gave devotions, reading from Luke 24:50-53 and the story behind the hymn, The Old Rugged Cross. We sang together the first verse and refrain and verses 2, 3 & 4 were read. Prayer and the Blessing for lunch was given. Everyone contributed to our Easter Brunch and the food was delicious and the fellowship was a treasure. Hospice Easter Bags where prepared as Joan gave directions and each person took their place in the assembly line and work began. Cello bags were opened, stuffed with Easter grass, candy, nuts, more candy and more candy. When filled the bags were tied with beautiful bows attached to handwritten notes. Bags were then placed in carry-bags for distribution. Joan and Gary delivered 80 bags to PRISMA Hospice, 65 bags to Lutheran Hospice and 5 bags were hand delivered to Hospice Friends for a total of 150 bags. This was a wonderfully blessed Up and Going Easter Meeting. Special thank you to each of you for your contributions.

The May Up and Going Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 9th at 11 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be a covered dish meal so bring your favorite dish to share. Nicki will be here to teach us Art Appreciation. Please bring an old shirt, smock or apron that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Up & Going News

Posted March 28, 2019 By admin

Our group had an awesome time on March 14th making bows for the hospice bags. It took awhile but we thoroughly enjoyed our sandwich luncheon and fellowship time with each other. Go ahead and mark your calendar for the next meeting on April 11th at 11 AM in the fellowship hall with a surprise luncheon. Please remember to bring candies and goodies for the hospice bags as we will be putting them together to be taken to the patients.
Anyone that would like to participate is welcome to come.

Up and Going News

Posted February 28, 2019 By admin

Twenty-one members and guests gathered on Feb 14th in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy a Valentine’s Day Party. Lunch was Turkey Stew with lots of trimmings, sandwiches and desserts. Lunch was delicious. Assistant Team Leader Ann lead the business session. Ray gave the devotions on loving and forgiveness and reminded everyone to daily wear our Faith on our sleeves. The program on Spring Gardening was given by Ray, who is a member of the Laurens County Master Gardeners. Each person was given a tomato plant or aloe plant to take home. Many thanks to Ray for an interesting and timely program.

March Meeting will be held on March 14th at 11AM in the Fellowship Hall. Betty Ann is in charge of devotions. Gloria and Joan will direct us in making bows for Easter Hospice Bags. Lunch will be a festival ofsandwiches, trimmings, and desserts. Please bring items to share. A sign up list will be posted.

Up and Going

Posted February 4, 2019 By admin

The January Up and Going Meeting was our annual “Soup Pot Lunch”. Eighteen members and guests gathered at 11AM on Thursday, Jan 10th to cook and enjoy a pot of soup. Each person brought something for the soup pot or sandwiches, cornbread, crackers, pimento cheese or a dessert. Once the beef and vegetable soup was ready, the business was conducted with the Treasurer’s report given. Frances gave the devotions; topic was new year, new beginning. We then enjoyed our soup lunch after which Bob quizzed us with several games on new testament trivia. He sent us home amazed with what we knew or thought that we knew. Thank you to all who brought canned goods for We Care. Good food, good fun and good fellowship.
What a wonderful way to start the New Year and spend a cold, windy day.
The February Meeting will be held on Feb 14th at 11AM in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be Turkey Stew and trimmings.

Ray will have devotions and a program on Gardening. We will be making bows for our Hospice Bags.

Up and Going News

Posted January 9, 2019 By admin

Up and Going members and guests gathered on Thursday, Dec 13th, in the Fellowship Hall at 11AM to enjoy the annual Christmas Party. Business was conducted. The Treasurer’s Report was received.
Juliette offered prayer for Gloria Livingston, a long time traveler with the Up and Going. Gary read Christmas Bible verses and the group sang responding Christmas Hymns. Joan lead in playing several Christmas Carols with each of us playing chimes. This music was very pretty and all enjoyed playing the Chimes.
Gary gave the meal blessing. The food tables were heavily laden with containers of delicious Holiday foods and desserts. Each person brought their special dish for our enjoyment. Thanks to each of you for this special meal.
Gary and Joan passed out BINGO cards and we played until each person had won a “white elephant” gift and
candies. Much laughter and many comments were made as each won in bingo and then opened their chosen gift; especially if one tried to steal another’s gift. So much fun for us all!
The January Meeting will be held at the home of Bob and Gloria on Thursday, January 10th at 11AM. We will cook a pot of soup. Sign up on the Bulletin Board your choice of soup item to bring. Frances will have devotions and Gloria will have the program. Each person is asked to bring 3 cans of food for We Care. This is a good way to start the New Year since We Care’s pantry will be low.

Up and Going Meeting for January

Posted January 9, 2019 By admin

Please make plans to attend our soup pot luncheon on Thursday, January 10th at 11 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Everyone is asked to bring 3 can goods per person for WE CARE.

Up and Going Meeting for December

Posted November 27, 2018 By admin

We will meet December 13, 2018, in the Fellowship Hall. Joan and Gary have devotions, the program, and entertainment. Please bring Holiday finger foods to share for lunch, drinks will be provided, and 1 white elephant gift per person (a gift you have at home and would like to get rid of) for fun exchanging. Our Christmas Party is always so much fun. Look forward to seeing you there.

Up and Going News

Posted October 31, 2018 By admin

The Up and Going made the annual Apple Run on  September 26.  Sandra boarded the bus and gave the devotions reminding us of 9/11 and God’s Love and Care.  Thirteen members including one guest had a delicious meal at the Golden Coral in Hendersonville, NC.  We went to the Lyda Farms and carefully chose apples, cabbage, tomatoes and other goodies.  This is such a pretty place to visit and shop.  We have been visiting Lyda Farms for 20 years.  It sure has grown and developed beautifully.  We made pictures and  enjoyed walking through the displays.  A storm was brewing so we loaded up and headed home.  The bus was filled with laughter and conversation as we traveled home via I-26.  Thankfully, we arrived at St. Jacob’s before the rain. We sincerely appreciate Gerald driving for us and helping load and unload our purchases.


Up and Going News

Posted September 25, 2018 By admin

The August Up and Going Meeting was the 4-Churches meeting held on August 23, 2018 at 11:30 a.m. Mt. Tabor hosted the meeting. There were 15 members and guests from St. Jacob’s. President, Eloise welcomed the group. We gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag. Devotions and the Blessing were given by Carolyn. She reminded us that our homes are like gardens. We should strive to plant and nurture seeds of kindness, love and peace. These are gifts from Jesus and we should give them to others. A delicious meal was enjoyed by all.
Entertainment was provided by Nikki from St. Paul Lutheran Church. She sang beautiful songs of faith and popular songs. There were drawings for gifts. On departing, everyone chose a plant or seeds to take home. We enjoyed a blessed time together with old and new friends. The 2019 4-Churches Meeting will be held at Holy Trinity in Little Mountain. The October meeting will be held on October 18th.

October is STEWARDSHIP month

Posted September 25, 2018 By admin

October is STEWARDSHIP month here at Saint Jacob’s, the time of year when we prayerfully consider how we can use our God given gifts of time, talent and possessions to serve God and our neighbors as STEWARDS of His Kingdom here on earth. The stewardship team has chosen this year to use the offertory prayer as our theme for STEWARDSHIP month.
Merciful Father, we offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us – ourselves, our time, and our possessions, signs of your gracious love. Receive them for the sake of him who offered himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
In these words, we declare to all that STEWARDSHIP is a way of life, not just something that we talk about, but something that we live out in our daily lives. These words declare our true belief that all that we have is a gift from God, and we give back to Him only a portion, asking Him to “receive them for the sake of him who offered himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord” – the GREATEST GIFT OF ALL!
There is much work to do and many ministries that require our time, talent and abilities here at Saint Jacob’s. We need teachers, grass cutters, cooks and dish washers, lay readers, acolytes and greeters, team leaders and council members, computer geeks, singers and musicians, bell ringers and bus drivers, prayer warriors and accountants. The list can go on and on, but you know what is needed, and you also know what you are capable of and willing to offer.
It has been said countless times by some, “I would like to do that, but I just don’t think I am the right person”, or “I would do that, but there are others here who can do it better than me.” You are a child of God, and He has given you one or many gifts. Remember, you are the STEWARD of that one, or those many gifts. Do not be afraid to use them in service to our Lord. Offer them with joy and thanksgiving!
We have provided a brief description of our teams, the name of the 2018 team leader, and the Council Representative for each ministry group. Please pray about how you will use your time and talents at St. Jacob’s in 2019 and fill out the Time & Talent form on the reverse and place it in the offering plate on any Sunday up to and including October 28th, the final Sunday of the month.

Thank you.
Your Stewardship Team


2018 Team Leaders & Council Representative

SHORT TERM MINISTRY TEAMS – Ministries that have specific goals to accomplish with definite beginning and ending time periods. These teams are active on an as needed basis – Council Rep: Don

Audit Team – Responsible for auditing all church expenses which includes all auxiliary groups (Lutheran Men, Lutheran Women, Up & Going and St. Jacob’s Youth). Team Leader: Frances

Building Team – Assists in the planning, evaluation and guidance needed in the call to build or expand the property of the church and its ministries. Team Leader: Don

Constitution Team – Reviews the church constitution and makes recommendations for amendments as needed. Team Leader: Robert

Historical Team – Maintains and stores historical books and records of St. Jacob’s. Team Leader: Kayla

MINISTRY TEAMS FOR WITNESS – Ministries that include community outreach and participation; and shares with the community what’s happening at St. Jacob’s – Council Rep: John

Outreach Team – Reaches out and shares God’s love and good news by organizing opportunities of Christian service within our community and beyond. Team Leaders: John and David

Publicity Team – Publicizes church news to make the congregation and the surrounding community aware of events and activities at St. Jacob’s. Team Leader: Walt

MINISTRY TEAMS FOR PARISH LIFE – Fellowship ministries for congregational members – Council Rep: Frances

Congregational Care – Responsible for demonstrating Christian love and providing for the well being and care of the congregation. Assists with congregational fun events including Homecoming, 5th Sunday Fun Night and 1st Sunday Coffee & Lemonade. Team Leader: Billy
Congregational Safety Team – Responsible for the safety of the church and congregation. Team Leader: Jeff

Other fellowship groups for our Congregation: Lutheran Men (Billy); Lutheran Women (Phyllis); Up & Going (Helen); and St. Jacob’s Youth

SUPPORT OF MINISTRY TEAMS – Ministry teams that support the financial and physical assets that belong to our church. – Council Rep: Barry and Brandon

Long Range Planning Team – Studies and evaluates the demographics, spiritual culture in our area and our ministries. Makes recommendations on how we as a congregation can respond to needs in ministry. Team Leader: AJ

Property Team – Responsible for the care and maintenance of all church property at large including all church buildings, the church bus, and cemetery grounds. Team Leader: Chad

Stewardship Team – Encourages the congregation to recognize all they have is a gift from God and to help them understand the Bible tells us a portion of what God gives to us should be returned to Him. Team Leader: Larry

Technology Team – Responsible for the care and maintenance of all office equipment and systems; manages the sound system for all worship events and ensures that the sermons are recorded. Team Leader: Brandon

STAFF SUPPORT MINISTRIES – Ministries that support paid staff – Council Rep: Kathleen
Staff Support Team – Works closely with Pastor to supervise and support all employed or contracted personnel (Music Ministers, Administrative Assistant, Youth Director, Cleaning Staff and Nursery Director). Team Leader: Susan

MINISTRY TEAMS FOR SPIRITUAL LIFE – Ministries to help us grow in our spiritual life and worship. Council Rep: June

Altar Guild Team – Responsible for preparation for Holy Communion; changing paraments; cleaning Communion vessels, linens and acolyte robes; acolytes, banner bearer, crucifer, and lay readers and notifying members of their assigned Sunday for altar flowers. – Team Leader: Brenda

Christian Education Team – Works closely with Pastor to provide opportunities for members of all ages to study and grow in understanding of Christian faith and life. – Team Leader: Open

Prayer Team – Assists in communicating prayer needs to the congregation – Team Leader: Bob & Gloria

Worship & Music Team – Works closely with Music Director and all music related groups: Hand Bells, Adult, Youth and Children’s Choirs. Assists in planning music for worship services. – Team Leader: Open