Pastor David will preach a sermon series during Lent titled “The Two Roads”. Following lessons from our lectionary, the series will be based on the poem by Robert Frost, “The Road Less Taken”.
Our Mid-week services during Lent will be a presentation of dramatic readings from Sola Publishing: Pilate’s Investigation: Who Is This Jesus? Join us each Wednesday during Lent for an evening meal at 6:15 PM Our Lenten services will follow at 7:00 PM.
Lenten Meals will be held each Wednesday, March 13th until April 10th.
Lenten meals will be provided by the following groups: March 13th—Lutheran Women,
March 20th—Lutheran Men, March 27th—Youth, April 3rd—Church Council, and April 10th—Brandon and Marie.
Worship and Music Archive
Sunday Sermon Series And Mid Week Lenten Services
Posted February 28, 2019 By adminWorship and Music
Posted February 28, 2019 By adminThe Worship & Music Committee has been busy planning and preparing for the upcoming Lenten and Easter seasons. We begin the season of Lent with a service on Ash Wednesday, which is March 6th. On the following Wednesdays, please join us at 6:15 PM for a meal, followed by a brief service based on a Lenten drama from Sola Publishing entitled “Pilate’s Investigation: Who Is This Jesus?”
On Palm Sunday, we will gather in the sanctuary for the reading of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem; please make sure to pick up a palm from one of our youth as you enter the church. The reading of the Passion Gospel will transition us from the jubilance of the triumphant entry into the somber events of Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services will begin at 7 PM as in the past.
To continue the Pascal Triduum (The Three Days – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday & Holy Saturday), we will have an Easter Vigil service on Saturday, April 20th at 7 PM. For many of us, this will be a new experience and we hope a very meaningful one as we reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice. The Vigil is a joint effort with New Hope Lutheran Church, in which St. Jacob’s is hosting this year.
Easter Sunday will be a bit different this year. After much discussion, and taking many factors into consideration, it was recommended that we have one Festival Communion service for Easter Sunday. Breakfast will be at 8 AM, followed by the service at 9:30 AM. There will be no early service and no Sunday School.
We look forward to having you worship with us.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Posted February 4, 2019 By adminSt. Jacob’s Youth will lead the congregation in worship on Sunday, February 24th at 10:30 a.m. Please be sure to come support our youth members as they lead us in prayer and song.
Worship and Music News
Posted January 9, 2019 By adminOn December 2nd, the Children’s Choir sang “O Promised One, O Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, Messiah, come. May we see your Light and walk your way.” The adult choir followed by singing “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”, “Waiting for a King”, and “Waiting for the Promise” on the Sundays of Advent and “The Birthday of a King” on Christmas Eve.
The ancient prophesies that we read in the season of Advent tell us that the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. That great light, the light of the world, was born as a helpless baby in a lowly cattle stall in the tiny village of Bethlehem. No one knew the significance of that birth, except a few shepherds to whom the angels appeared. It wasn’t until later, 12 days later according to the calendar, that a visit from three men, who had studied the ancient prophesies and followed the guiding of a strangely bright star, revealed that this child Jesus was indeed the promised one … Emmanuel … the King of kings … the light for whom the dark world had been waiting.
On January 6th, we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, which commemorates the arrival of the Magi and the giving of their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the holy child. The combined choirs of St. Jacob’s and New Hope Lutheran Churches will present a mini-cantata at 9 a.m. at New Hope and 10:30 a.m. at St. Jacob’s. Following each of the scripture readings, a special anthem will be sung to tell the story … from ancient prophesy … to the birth of Jesus … to the Epiphany, which is the revealing of the Christ child as God incarnate, the light and salvation of the world.
Advent – waiting for the light and preparing for the second coming of Christ
Christmas – the birth of the light as a humble baby who would walk with us in this world
Epiphany – the revelation to the world that Jesus IS the light for whom we have waited
Soli Deo Gloria!
(To God alone the glory!)
Christmas Party for Children’s Choir and Christmas Program Party
Posted November 27, 2018 By adminPastor David and Angela are hosting a Christmas party for the children’s choir and Christmas program participants. We will gather in the fellowship hall after rehearsal on December 9th. All those participating in the Christmas program please join us for pizza, cookie decorating and Christmas fun.
Alter Guild is getting ready for 2019
Posted November 27, 2018 By adminMany times, members wish to provide the altar flowers in memory of loved ones or in honor of anniversaries, birthdays and other special occasions. As in the past, a flower chart sign-up sheet will be posted in the Narthex on Sunday December 2nd and will remain until Sunday, December 30th. If there is a particular Sunday YOU would like to furnish the altar flowers for the worship service, please indicate your choice by signing up for that Sunday. The Altar Guild will assign all open dates to other members of the congregation. NOTE: Remember artificial flowers are not to be used in the altar vases and pot plants are to be used to enhance services on Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, Pentecost Sunday and Christmas Services – not as altar flowers.
Children’s Choir Christmas Message
Posted November 27, 2018 By adminThe children’s choir is working hard learning music to help lead worship. We are talking a lot about Jesus as the light of the world. In Advent the children will call to Jesus, Prince of Peace, Messiah, to come show us the light that we might follow. At Christmas the children will ask us if we are ready for this light. Will we see Jesus as he comes to us? Will we see the person who needs our help? Will we reach out to those who are hurting? Will we be ready to follow wherever God leads us? And finally during Epiphany the children will announce, “Arise and shine, your light has come!” As we celebrate the seasons ahead we pray we will all be ready to let Jesus’s light shine through us. I encourage you all to talk to our children about ways in which you see Jesus in your day to day life and ways that we can all shine Jesus’s light on others.
Merry Christmas from the children’s choir.
Worship and Music News
Posted November 27, 2018 By adminDecember 1st is the beginning of Advent. It’s hard to believe 2018 is nearly over; I’m sure I only blinked a couple of
times! There are many worship opportunities in the coming weeks, including:
• Sunday services
• Wednesday evening Advent services, including a Longest Night service on December 19th (keep reading for information
on this special service)
• the Children’s Christmas program on December 16th (reception following)
• Christmas Eve Service at 7 pm
• Christmas Day Service at 10 AM
• a Service of Lessons and Carols on December 30th
• a Feast of the Epiphany special musical presentation by the combined choirs of St. Jacob’s and New Hope on January 6th
From Sola Publishing – Service for the Longest Night: The Seasons of Advent and Christmas can be a terribly lonely and difficult time for those who have lost loved ones. This service of the word and prayer is meant to provide a safe place to grieve and be comforted by God’s eternal love and light. It is often used on the night of the Winter Solstice, December 21st, the longest night of the year.
While the Children’s Program isn’t a worship service in the traditional sense, it is a time which allows the youngsters of the congregation to share the story of Christmas. “Come, Let Us Adore Him” promises to be a wonderful evening.
On Christmas Eve, you’re invited to arrive early – we will be singing carols starting at 6:45 as the pre-service music this year. The Children’s Choir will also be singing during the service. The Sunday after Christmas, December 30th, will feature even more carols as we respond to scripture with song.
And finally, we are very excited to partner with the choir from New Hope Lutheran to present a mini-cantata for the Feast of the Epiphany. It’s not often that the Day of Epiphany (January 6th, 12 days after Christmas and the commemoration of
the visit of the Magi) falls on a Sunday, so we hope that you will plan to join us for this special gift from our two choirs.
Please join us as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior this Advent and Christmas season.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Children’s Christmas Program
Posted October 31, 2018 By adminThis year’s Children’s Christmas Program will be Sunday, December 16 at 6 pm with a short reception following the performance.
The program, “O Come Let Us Adore Him”, is based on the hymn “O Come, All Ye Faithful.”
All children from kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to participate.
Practices will be on the following Sundays from 4 – 4:45 (immediately after Children’s Choir rehearsal): November 11th & 18th and December 2nd & 9th, with a dress rehearsal on Saturday, December 15th at 10 am.
Adult volunteers are also needed; please contact Angela or Laurie if you would be willing to assist us with this program. The deadline is to let us know is November 4th if your child(ren) will be participating; it will help us greatly in our
preparations for the first practice.
Worship and Music News
Posted October 31, 2018 By adminOne of the busiest times of the church year is rapidly approaching. Between now and the end of the calendar year, there are many special services in the life of the church:
- All-Saints Sunday on November 4th when we remember our loved ones who have passed to the Church Triumphant
- Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, November 21st at 7 pm when we pause to give thanks for all the gifts the Lord has given us
- Christ the King Sunday on November 25th which marks the end of the church year
- The season of Advent begins on Sunday, December 2nd with the Wednesday evening Advent services at 7 pm on December 5th & 12th; December 19th will be a Blue Christmas service (more to come in the December newsletter)
- Christmas Eve service at 7 pm on December 24th Day of Epiphany on Sunday, January 6th with a special musical offering presented by the combined choirs of St. Jacob’s and New Hope
Mark your calendars, make plans to join us for these services and invite friends to visit.
Soli Deo Gloria,