The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22. Each Sunday during Lent, Pastor David will be preaching a series of sermons titled “A Journey of Stones.” When Moses brought the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments to the people of Israel, he found them to be in grievous sin worshiping a golden calf. In his anger he threw down the stone tablets, breaking them into pieces. Each Sunday, we will clutch the metaphoric stones of the tablets in our hands, contemplating the hardness of our hearts and the weight of our sin as we journey to the cross. During the Hymn of the day worshipers will cast their stones down at the foot of the cross where Christ won the ultimate victory over sin and death.
The journey of stones is an impactful and contemplative series. All are encouraged to attend each Sunday during Lent so as to participate and hear the entire series. Below is an outline of the Journey of Stones Lenten Series.
Feb. 26—Written in Stone; Ten Commandments
Mar. 5—Rejected Stones: Mark 12:1-12
Mar. 12—Stick and Stones; John 8:1-12
Mar. 19—Hearts of Stone; Luke 11:37-52
Mar. 26—Built on This Rock; Matthew 16:13-20
Apr. 2 (Palm Sunday)—Crying Stones; Lk 19:29-40
Worship and Music Archive
A Journey of Stones
Posted March 3, 2023 By adminWorship at Generations
Posted February 1, 2023 By adminEvery other Sunday, Pr. David leads worship for the residents of Generations Assisted Care of Chapin. This ministry has made a great difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church. The congregation is invited and certainly encouraged to share this experience with our friends just down the road. Our next worship opportunities will be on Sunday, February 5th and February 19th at 1:00PM. Join us in the lobby at Generations.
Choir Notes
Posted January 3, 2023 By adminWhat was that hymn?
I’m sure there have been weeks when you left church wondering where on earth did that hymn come from, and some weeks we sing everyone’s favorites. There is a pattern to the hymns that we sing each week. I would love to pick my favorite hymns each week, but the hymns are chosen based not only on the season of the church year but the lessons for the day. Our opening hymn prepares us for worship. It invokes God, the Holy Spirit, to dwell with us as we gather and hear God’s word. It often addresses our need to enter into worship with open hearts and confessing our need for our savior.
The hymn of the day, which we sing just after the sermon, is chosen by the pastor to support the message for the day. All of the lessons and the psalm tie together to support the theme of the day. The prayer of the day just before the children’s sermon usually gives an idea of how the lessons all tie together. The hymn of the day does the same. We also sing hymns during communion.
As I stated in a previous article, the church body joins as one when it raises its voice in song with all the saints on earth and with the heavenly hosts gathered around the throne of God. As one we come forward to receive the body and blood of Christ. Although many think of communion as a very personal experience, just as its name suggests, it is a communal act. We gather as the first Christians did, and as Jesus and his disciples in the upper room, and we confess our sins and are fed with the body and blood of Christ. We join our voices in song at communion to join with each other for the feast. These hymns are almost always about Jesus our savior.
Finally, the closing hymn is a hymn of praise. We have been forgiven of our sins, God’s word has been opened for us just as Jesus did for his disciples on the road to Emmaus, and we have received the body and blood of Christ. We leave the church praising God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and profess our commitment to go into the world and share his good news.
The hymns we sing each Sunday are chosen very carefully to reflect all the elements I have listed above. I often find it helps to read the hymns without singing to truly get the full message of the words. I encourage you to pay attention to the words we are singing. What is it that we are saying through our music. We are not simply enhancing our worship with music. We are speaking to God as we lift our voices in song. If you are not familiar with a particular hymn and are having difficulty singing it, read it to yourself as the congregation sings. What are the words saying to
you and to God?
Through the centuries we have been blessed with a rich abundance of hymns. There are many like Amazing Grace, that we can sing by heart, but there are also many hymns we are less familiar with that can enrich our worship and our under-
standing of the Word.
Starting this month we will have a hymn of the month to help us learn some of these less familiar hymns. This hymn will be sung at communion and we will sing this same hymn each week for a month. Please sing along with us and learn the music that God has blessed us with.
In Christ,
Thank You!
Posted January 3, 2023 By adminThank you to all who shared their musical gifts and talents with our church family during our Christmas Prelude and worship services on Christmas Eve. Your music truly beautiful and greatly enhanced our worship
Choir Notes
Posted December 12, 2022 By adminStill, Still, Still,
Thy heart with joy I’d fill.
I’d sing thee a song and watch by thy manger,
Guard thee from harm and keep thee from danger.
Still, Still, Still,
thy heart with joy I’d fill.
As I am rushing around making sure everything is “perfect” for our family Thanksgiving celebration, this carol is running through my head. It is one that our choir will sing on Christmas Eve. I can just imagine the mother Mary singing this lullaby to her precious baby Jesus in the still of the night. The peacefulness and love she must have felt as she quieted her baby and sang him to sleep is a beautiful image.
But as I sing this carol I realize nothing in life feels still at the moment. There are so many bulletins to help prepare and proofread, a newsletter article to write, music to choose for bells and children and choir besides the fact that my house is a wreck. I am hardly prepared to welcome my family for Thanksgiving let alone the Christ child. But reflecting on the other meaning of still, not just peacefulness and calm but continuing, I realize that Christ still chooses to come to me in my chaos even though I am not deserving. He is still willing to come to me with forgiveness and grace and everlasting life. And suddenly all the chaos doesn’t seem to really matter anymore.
During this Advent season I recognize my need to be still and spend time with Jesus in my bible read[1]ing and in prayer. To meet him on “my road to Emmaus” on Sunday mornings as he opens the scriptures for me and feeds me with his precious body and blood that Mary once sang over. And in response I sing praise and thanksgiving that Jesus still comes to me.
Still, Still, Still,
Within thy holy will.
To thee, great God, my voice I’d raise,
With awe and wonder sing thy praise.
Still, Still, Still,
Within thy holy will.
We would love to welcome you to the choir for the Christmas Eve service. If you can’t commit full time to the choir but would like to add your voice of praise on Christmas Eve, we will be rehearsing on Wednesday evenings from 7-8 after the Advent mid-week service.
Christmas Caroling
Posted December 7, 2022 By adminTis the season! Please plan to join the members of our church family as share an evening of fellowship with our shut in members. We will go Christmas Caroling in the late afternoon of Sunday, December 11th. We will gather at the church at 3:30PM and caravan to several of our church family member’s homes and provide some Christmas cheer with songs and well wishes for a blessed Christmas.
Advent at St. Jacob’s
Posted December 5, 2022 By adminAt St. Jacob’s we will celebrate Advent in traditional ways. Sunday worship services will focus on the lessons prescribed by our lectionary. Our mid-week services will feature dramatic readings and the Vespers liturgy from the Lutheran Book of Worship.
On Wednesday, December 21, we will include a special prayer and candlelight hymn as we worship on the Longest night of the year. Traditionally called “Blue Christmas” worship on the longest night reminds us that through Christ, light has come into the world, and the darkness shall not overcome it.
Advent service begin each Wednesday in December at 6:30PM. Further information will be shared in the weekly worship bulletins. Note: There is no Holy Communion shared as we use the Vespers liturgy.
The NALC Fresh Eyes for Mission Summit
Posted December 5, 2022 By adminMany congregations struggle with decline in attendance and income, transitioning neighborhood and context, lack of coherent and appropriate vision for mission. Time and time again congregational leaders make efforts to re-tool and re-shape the congregation’s life and ministry, only to find resistance to change, lack of commitment and little positive result. One of the challenges to renewal and re-formation is our closeness to our congregation’s history, culture and current practices. As with any family system, we can be so involved that we are blinded to the reality of our situation, unable to see clearly God’s will for new direction and transformation.
In ongoing reflection and conversation, leadership of the North American Lutheran Church have been seeking an integrative approach to congregational assessment, evaluation and renewal. Working together, several member’s of the NALC Executive staff have developed such an approach, appropriately titled, the “Fresh Eyes for Mission Summit.
The goal of the summit is to involve appropriate leadership in the NALC, together with congregational pastor and leaders, praying first, “Lord, let our eyes be opened!” We then trust that the Lord will give participants fresh eyes to receive new insight and understanding, all aimed at new or renewed direction for mission and ministry as the congregation seeks to follow Jesus firmly and faithfully.
On Monday evening, November 21st, several members of St. Jacob’s met with Pastor David Wendel, NALC assistant to the bishop for ministry, to explore the prospects of our congregation participating in the “Fresh eyes for Mission Summit.”
One need only look around to see that St. Jacob’s is not the congregation we once were. In these days of declining church attendance and membership, the Fresh Eyes Summit is designed to help congregations such as ours take a critical look at how their ministry is going and what key factors should be addressed. Congregations engaging in the summit look at the community’s growth and other factors, and weigh their giftedness to determine the capacity each church has for mission and ministry.
Several NALC congregations in the Carolinas (including local congregations such as Holy Trinity in Little Mountain) have participated and come away with renewed energy and excitement about their church’s Ministry.
More information will be shared during our Congregation Meeting on December 4th.
Worship at Generations
Posted December 5, 2022 By adminEvery other Sunday, Pastor David leads worship for the residents of Generations Assisted Care of Chapin. This ministry has made a difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church. The congregation is invited and certainly encouraged to share the love of Christ Jesus in worship with our friends just down the road. Our next worship opportunity will be: Sunday, December 11 with a service of Christmas Lessons and Carols. We begin our worship at 1:00PM in the lobby. Join us as you are able and bring a smile to those whom God loves.
Time and Talent
Posted November 4, 2022 By adminHow might you participate in the life and ministry of St. Jacob’s? It is the time of year when all church family members are asked to ponder this very question. As you consider ways in which you might become or continue to be involved, please be sure to fill out the Time and Talent Sheet for 2023. Every member of St. Jacob’s (all ages) is encouraged to fill out a time and talent sheet.
Blank sheets will be included as an insert to the worship bulletin each Sunday through November 13th. Begin with prayer and then check the ways in which you are willing and able to serve our Lord and his church.