Worship Service Archive

Fellowship In The Shade

Posted September 30, 2020 By admin

Christian fellowship is an important aspect of congregational life. Yet during this time of pandemic, fellowship has been difficult. As a way of making time for this important part of our life, everyone is invited to a time of visiting each Sunday following our 10:30 AM worship service. Bring your lawn chairs and gather underneath the shade trees in the lawn in front of the church office. While social distance must be observed, we can meet and share.

Online Sunday School

Posted September 30, 2020 By admin

In order to provide Christian education for our children and families during this time of pandemic, several of our church family members have begun producing recorded video lessons to be used as an online Sunday School. These lessons are uploaded to our church website weekly and are also shared on our St. Jacob’s Facebook page. The current list of lessons focuses on several familiar Bible stories of the Old Testament. Please enjoy these and other St. Jacob’s online offerings such as Bible studies and devotions as you are able.

Welcome Our New Organist

Posted September 30, 2020 By admin

October 1st is a wonderful day in the life of our church as we welcome Dr. Sarah Masterson to St. Jacob’s. Sarah is on the faculty of Newberry College serving as Associate Professor of Piano and Music Theory. She also is the Director of the Department of Social Media and the W. Darr Wise Piano Competition. Please be sure to introduce yourself to her as you are able. We look forward to Sarah sharing her musical gifts with us in worship.

The Blessing Basket

Posted September 30, 2020 By admin

Before the COVID-19 virus caused us to suspend in person worship, children would come forward for a brief children’s sermon with me. As they came, they would bring their offerings and put them in what you have known as the “Pickle Jar.” The premise was that the monies collected could be used for people who find themselves “in a pickle.” During the past several months, I have thought about what we might be teaching our children concerning providing for those in need. To make this more memorable and to apply bible teaching for our children, I have retired the Pickle Jar and replaced it with the “Blessing Basket.”
You will recall that as Jesus fed the 5000 multiplying the loaves and fishes, twelve baskets full were collected after everyone had eaten their fill. These baskets teach us about the abundance God provides even through the smallest of gifts.
Our children’s offerings resemble those loaves and fish. They are modest offerings to be sure. To think such a small amount can make a difference in someone’s life just doesn’t add up. But you know what? God’s math never adds up…it multiplies!
On October 4th, we will resume children’s sermons during the 10:30 AM service. I will use the Blessing Basket to collect the children’s offering as they come forward. Each month there will be a specific ministry that the children’s offering will support. At the end of the month, we will add it all up and see just what God has multiplied. October’s ministry will be We Care. Together, we can teach our children how God provides loaves and fishes and how his disciples distribute them to those in need of God’s blessing.

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted September 30, 2020 By admin

Welcome Sarah Masterson

I’m excited to announce our first fellowship event post COVID-19. As you all know, we will be welcoming our new Organist, Sarah, on October 4th. In order to welcome her to our Church family, please join us for a cookout following the 10:30 AM service. We will all have the opportunity to meet Sarah and fellowship with one another after being apart for so long. All food and drinks will be provided and social distancing will be observed. Thank you for joining me in welcoming Sarah to St. Jacob’s. I look forward to seeing you there!

Trunk Or Treat

Our new youth committee met together for the first time in September. Moving forward, we will work together to plan events and share ideas for the advancement of our youth and family ministries. While planning for the remainder of the year, we have decided that October would be a great time to start meeting again as a church family! I would love to invite you to join us on October 31st from 5—7 PM for TRUNK OR TREAT at ST. JACOB’S! Anyone participating needs to be at the bus shed parking lot between 4 and 4:30 PM. Come, decorate your car, and fill it with candy.

Grace & Peace,


Volunteers Still Needed

Posted August 30, 2020 By admin

Volunteers are needed for Sunday morning to serve as communion assistants, ushers and lay readers. We could also use a few volunteers who would help for a few minutes to wipe down and set-up the church for worship following the 8:30 AM service. Anyone who would like to help in this capacity should contact Pastor David.

September marks the fourth month of our return to in-person worship services at St. Jacob’s. It is good to see the many faces of our church family members who are present each week. It is also good to know that those who are not yet to a point where they are ready to return have kept themselves healthy and safe during this pandemic. Thanks be to God that we are able to live stream and record our worship services for those who watch it from their homes. As time goes by, we continue to find ways to improve our online worship experience.

There is one thing that bears reminding. We do have a face mask policy that remains in effect. While masks are not required for entry into the building, they are required during those portions of our service that include singing. All persons in attendance should have a mask in their possession. Masks are available upon entry to the Fellowship Hall and Church Nave. Please pick one up if you did not bring your own to worship. We want to be respectful of others and keep a healthy environment, especially for our more senior church family members who are in attendance.

Reminders Concerning Worship During Covid-19

Posted July 29, 2020 By admin

The congregation is reminded to follow a few simple changes during worship to help keep from spreading the coronavirus. Entrance into the building is through the Fellowship Hall only. As you enter, please use the hand sanitizer provided and wear your mask if you have one. Masks are not required but strongly suggested. Remember to keep at least six feet physical distance between you and your neighbor. Only occupy those pews that are marked for seating.

Now that we have resumed singing in worship, worshipers are asked to please remain seated while singing. Those seated in the pews should wear a mask while singing. This includes singing the liturgy and Psalm. Also, as we share the peace of Christ, we do so without physical contact (immediate family members may disregard). Waving, peace signs, or other gestures should be used as well as a vocal greeting.

Upon leaving at the conclusion of the service, please take your worship bulletin and any other debris with you. Do not leave it in the pews. Offerings and record of worship cards are placed in the basins on the table at the narthex doors. Please do not linger or visit within the church nave. Simply depart and vis-it outside so volunteers can begin preparing for the next service.

Precautions And Changes During Worship

Posted June 29, 2020 By admin

Now that we are worshiping in our building once again, you will likely notice there are a few things that are being done a bit differently. Several changes have been made to promote a healthier and safer environment. During worship, we are no longer passing items through the pews such as friendship registers and collection plates. Record of worship and communion cards are inserted in the weekly bulletins. Offerings are placed in the alms basin located by the narthex door. This is to reduce the chance of spreading the coronavirus and other sicknesses as well.

Another change has been made for the confidentiality of St. Jacob’s family and friends. We will no longer be using the prayer board to list prayer concerns. Instead, the old suggestion box in the narthex will now be used for prayer concerns. Please fill out the cards located near the box and drop them in. Remember, you must have express permission from the person whose name you are adding to the prayer list to do so.

Now that we are live streaming our worship service on Facebook and YouTube, along with providing a recording of the entire service on our website, we will no longer be reading the full names of those on our member’s prayer list. They will be listed in the bulletin, but only first names will be read out loud. Again, this is to protect the privacy of those whose names are being read out loud during the prayers of the church.

If you have any questions about these matters, you can contact Pastor David Nuottila by phone or email.

Online Devotions

Posted June 29, 2020 By admin

The following is the new schedule for St. Jacob’s online activities:

  • 10:30 AM Sunday – Live stream of worship service
  • 9:30 AM Monday and Friday Mornings – Morning devotions and prayer
  • 7:00 PM Tuesday and Friday Evenings – Evening devotions and prayer
  • 7:PM Wednesday evening – Vespers

Please join us online as you are able at the St. Jacob’s Facebook page.