Worship Service Archive

From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted September 1, 2019 By admin

The reward for humility and fear of the LORD is riches and honor and life.  5 Thorns and snares are in the way of the crooked; whoever guards his soul will keep far from them.  6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:4-6  

 Within the Rite of Holy Baptism, parents of small children, sponsors and congregations promise that we will lead the child into a healthy life of faith in Christ Jesus.  We promise that we will bring the child to God’s house for worship, teach them the Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments and the Creed.  We promise to place the Holy Scriptures in their hands and help them learn from them by reading the Bible together.  We promise to provide for their instruction in the Christian faith so that they would live in the covenant of their baptism and in communion with God’s people.  Parents of the newly baptized children especially bear responsibility for these promises; promises their parents first made on their behalf years ago.

 The Proverb above speaks to the importance of such promise keeping.  Usually, when the Proverb is spoken of, it is verse six that stands alone; “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”  But when we read this verse in its fuller context, we soon realize the importance of a young life being provided a strong foundation of faith.  The world is filled with powers that defy God, temptations that are overwhelming and so many of the devil’s false promises. We all want our children to have a good life, a full life, one that brings pleasure to their selves and to others.  But as we read in Scripture, and know through our experience, the devil and his minions set thorns and snares along the pathways of God’s people.  On our own, we are no match for them.  Left to fend for ourselves, we will fall deeper into sin without even realizing it.

 For several decades now, there has been a worsening condition permeating the Christian Church, one by which we have seen ever increasing numbers of our younger members fall away from faith.  I believe it is so important to address this condition that I have devoted my doctoral studies to develop resources for pastors, congregations and families to bring about faith formation for our children and children’s children.

 I think we can all agree that we would love to see more of our young people in worship and Sunday school.  The trouble is that so often we don’t know how to encourage them.  Instead, we sometimes inadvertently enable them in their staying away.  Truth being told, children, especially teens, earnestly desire to have a healthy relationship with church families, one centered upon Jesus Christ and one that shares a desire to grow in relationship with God and his people.

 Over the years, I have ministered to parents whose children have fallen away from the church.  I have ministered to grandparents who faithfully bring their grandchildren to worship often (and that’s a good thing).  I have also heard questions from such children that ask, “If mommy and daddy don’t have to go to church, why do I have to go?”  This is a heartbreaking question because at the root of it lies a deeper and more central question, “Why don’t mommy and daddy WANT to go?”

 Jesus says, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:16).  The riches, honor and life the Proverb speaks of is a life lived eternally in the presence of God.  When we fail to keep our baptismal promises, we hinder our children; we keep them from growing in a life of faith in Christ.  And not only that, first and foremost, we break the promise we initially made before God and one another.

People of God, I know this is a sensitive issue.  I myself have had to face this truth in my own life.  I know first-hand the difficulties of keeping such promises, especially when children grow older and become more independent.  That is precisely the time when parents should strive to keep the promise they made to their child.  Train them up in the way they should go.  Encourage them when they are older, and faithfully come to God’s house together and enjoy a life lived among God and his people. Doing so will bring us to the reward God has in mind for all his people; life in his kingdom forever.

 Grace to you and peace, Pastor David Nuottila

Worship And Music

Posted August 28, 2019 By admin

We had an AWESOME choir workshop on Saturday, August 17th!  It sure feels good to have already looked at and worked on music for Advent and Christmas, so that when things get really busy after Thanksgiving, we’ll be ahead of the game.  We also had time to work on the upcoming fall anthems, because September seems to sneak up on us when we’re on summer break (wonder how that happens?) 

Angela and I have worked on the schedule and musical selections for the Children’s Choir and we’re very excited about what’s coming up this fall.  From getting new choir robes to helping the children discover and develop their talents, it is shaping up to be another great year for our youngsters (and us two young-at-heart-ers!)

 The Handbell Choir will be taking an extended break for the foreseeable future.  I will be using this time to assess and reevaluate the role of handbells in our worship services and discern the path forward. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated during this process.  As always, thank you to the congregation for your continued support of the music ministry at St. Jacob’s.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Creating A Vision For Ministry

Posted July 30, 2019 By admin

What is St. Jacob’s vision for ministry within our community and world? To be honest, we can’t say we have a clear vision. As a congregation of God’s people, we are all called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, follow him in faith and participate in the mission of God by doing the work of the gospel. In order to follow Christ, we must first understand God’s mission. We then must pray and discern which ministries to which God is calling us. And finally, we must create a vision, a clear understanding and strategy as to how we will engage in such ministries. For as Scripture teaches us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs, 29:18 KJV

 On June 30th, a small group of church family members met to begin this conversation. We introduced the process by which our church might discern those ministries God would have us do and then created a vision as to how we will do them. Yet this task is not simply for a small group. If we are to be serious about our faith and ministry, we will all need to take part.

Creating a vision for ministry does not happen quickly. In the coming months, there will be several seminars scheduled for St. Jacob’s church family members to come listen, learn and discuss the work God has set before us. Plan to attend these seminars as they are scheduled and be a part of St. Jacob’s participation in God’s mission.


Posted July 30, 2019 By admin

Our annual Homecoming celebration is just weeks away. On August 26th we will welcome Pastor Brad Hales, NALC Director for Domestic Mission as our guest preacher. Pastor Hales serves as the Pastor of Reformation Lutheran Church in Culpepper, VA., where he leads a vibrant Senior’s Ministry within his church and community. As Director of Domestic Mission, Pastor Brad works with the Assistant to the Bishop for Mission and with NALC mission teams to develop a vision and strategy for domestic mission work. As chair of the Carolinas Mission team, Pastor David Nuottila works with Pastor Hales in several of these instances.  

For Pastor Brad, it’s all about Jesus. He is known for his passion, excitement and joy in sharing the good news of God’s grace through Christ Jesus. He and his wife Lisa have been married for twenty-five years and have two daughters, Lydia and Abigail. Please welcome Pastor Brad to St. Jacob’s on August 26th and enjoy our Homecoming celebration.

Continue to watch your worship folders for updates and plans for the festivities.

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted July 30, 2019 By admin

With summer in full swing, most of us have gone on vacation (or plan to), spent extra time with our families, and hopefully got caught up on our sleep. Summer can be a very busy time of the year, but it can also be a time where we can prioritize rest. What exactly does this word rest mean? How do we do it?  What does the verse in Genesis mean when it says, “On the seventh day, God rested?” 

We don’t know exactly what God did when he rested, but we do know that He took the time to look all around at His great creation and felt joyful about the things that were in it. Have you ever heard the saying “stop and smell the roses?”   

That’s exactly what our rest should look like. In the midst of our busy lives, whether we are looking at a sunset over the ocean, animals on a farm on the side of the road, or our family members across the dinner table; we should sit back, take a moment to breathe, and pray to thank God for all that He has blessed us with. We can pause, reflect, and focus our mind’s on Jesus with all the evidence around us of His goodness. Summer break is the perfect time to begin a routine of spending time daily in prayer and in God’s word that will carry us into the next season with gratitude, peace, and joy.            

In Christ,

Rachel Shelton

Worship and Music

Posted July 30, 2019 By admin

As we head into the month of August and “enjoy” the heat and humidity of our area, Advent, Christmas and Epiphany are in the forefront of my mind.  It may seem as if those church seasons are far in the future, but time has a way of slipping by very quickly and before any of us are ready, November will be here.

The choirs and the handbell ensemble have taken time off this summer, as usual, but we will be          resuming regular practices in August and September.  Keep an eye on your bulletins and newsletter         calendars for the most current information.

As in the past, I’d like to extend an invitation to singers in the congregation to join the choir during Advent and Christmas.  I know that time-constraints and prior commitments may prevent some people from being a part of the choir on a full-time basis; if this is true for you, but you’d like to sing with the choir during December, please plan to attend our workshop on August 17 from 9 AM to 12 PM.  We will be working on Advent and Christmas music and I will provide lunch for everyone who attends.

In the Wild, Vacation Bible School

Posted June 26, 2019 By admin

Our 2019 VBS, “In the Wild”, was held Monday, June 17th through Thursday, June 20th. We started each night with a delicious meal and then off to our encounters in the wild and with Jesus. We studied animal habitat, sounds, camouflage and learned some animal facts. Most importantly….we experienced Amazing Encounters with Jesus.

Our class rotations included lessons, music, crafts and games. Games included dodge ball, kick ball, golf, baseball, anything with a ball and running. Everyone played including the teachers.

On Monday night, we encountered Jesus in the Temple. We made traveling tic-tac-toe boards and in music, we started learning the song – “Why He Came”. Our younger children started to learn “Jesus Knows My Name” and “I Hear Stories of Jesus”.

On Tuesday night, we continued to travel with Jesus. This time we met him at the Jordan River where John baptized Jesus. In music, we started a new song, “What God Has Done” as we continued to work on “Why He Came” and the younger children continued learning their two songs. During crafts, we tie dyed our animal shirts – tiger, zebra and giraffe.

On Wednesday night, we met Jesus on the water again. But this time during a storm he walked on the water to his disciples in the boat. We made balancing butterflies in crafts and continued to learn our songs in music.

On Thursday night, we encountered Jesus at the empty tomb as he spoke to Mary and she ran to tell the disciples – “I have seen Jesus! He is alive!” In crafts, we made happy, trumpeting elephants as we celebrated and rejoiced that Jesus is Risen!

We celebrated our 2019 VBS on Thursday night, with family and friends as we presented our songs, stories, and crafts and closed with ice cream and cookies.

A very special thank you to our teachers and cooks. Without them, VBS would not have been possible for our 71 attendees who were ready and willing to experience some amazing encounters. Thank you to our parents and grandparents for sharing your children with us. We had some amazing adventures on the Wild Side! See you at VBS 2020!

In the Wild Vacation Bible School

Posted May 30, 2019 By admin

Our 2019 VBS is “In the Wild!” Come join our adventure in God’s creation on this wilderness ride and experience amazing encounters with Jesus! It will be Monday, June 17th thru Thursday, June 20th. A meal will be served at 5:45 PM. Class rotation will start at 6:30 PM and end at 8:00 PM. Class rotations include lesson, crafts, music and games. Classes for all ages! Join the wild side and share the Good News! Come and see Wally!!!

Rite of Confirmation

Posted May 30, 2019 By admin

On Pentecost Sunday, June 9th, five of our youth members will affirm their Baptism and become confirmed members of St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church. Jay, Tommy, Tyler, Dixon and Rion have studied the New Testament and Luther’s Small Catechism with Pastor David and David Kibler and are ready to make public affirmation of the promises they received on the day of their Baptism. We rejoice with them on this occasion and promise our continued support along their journey of faith. A reception will follow the service of worship to honor these confirmands

Evening Light Wednesday Service

Posted May 30, 2019 By admin

Extending Christ’s mission of the gospel. St. Jacob’s now invites our community and those who are not able to worship on Sunday morning to worship each Wednesday evening in a relaxed atmosphere. Even members of our church family who were in attendance on Sunday will find this service to be a nice addition to our worship schedule. Wednesday evening services begin at 6:30 PM. Please plan to attend as you are able and invite your friends and neighbors to join us. Share this information freely with those whom you meet so that we may share the treasure entrusted to us, the gospel of Jesus Christ.