The Thursday of Holy Week begins what is known as the Triduum, or Three Days. The Triduum is one continual worship service spanning the three days of Christ’s suffering and death. The Triduum will commence with our Maundy Thursday service of worship beginning at 7 PM on Thursday, April 18th.
The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin “Mandatum” meaning mandate or commandment. On the night Jesus was betrayed, he gave the commandment that his followers are to love one another. On this evening, Christ also instituted the Sacrament of Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper. Christ himself promised his presence in, with and under the elements of the bread and wine and commanded his people to “Do this for the remembrance of me.” The Maundy Thursday service will conclude with the stripping of the altar and removal of all worship appointments. Everyone is invited and especially encouraged to attend this and all of our worship services.
Worship Service Archive
Maundy Thursday
Posted March 28, 2019 By adminThe Blessing of Palms
Posted March 28, 2019 By adminHoly Week for this year begins on April 14th with the celebration of Palm Sunday and reading of the Passion of Christ. The service will begin with a Blessing of the Palms. Upon entering the church, everyone will be given a palm branch which will be blessed at the beginning of our worship service. Following worship that day, you are invited to take your palm branch home and place somewhere visible, so it can be a reminder for you of Christ’s passion. The dried palms may be brought to the church next Transfiguration Sunday to be burned and reduced to ashes for Ash Wednesday. Following hundreds of years of Church tradition, the palms waved in celebration will become the symbol of our mortality for which Christ came to reconcile forever.
Sunday Sermon Series & Mid-Week Lenten Services
Posted March 28, 2019 By adminOur Lenten sermon series “The Two Roads” continues in April. Following traditional Lenten texts, “The Two Roads” is based on the Robert Frost poem “The Road Not Taken”. During this series, worshipers can reflect upon the ways we follow Christ as he journeys toward Jerusalem and the cross.
Our Mid-week services during Lent are a presentation of dramatic readings from Sola Publishing: Pilate’s Investigation: “Who Is This Jesus?” The Installments in April have us hearing Pilate discuss the person of Jesus with Judas Iscariot and the apostle Peter. Join us each Wednesday during Lent for an evening meal and worship. It all begins at 6:15 PM in the fellowship hall.
Lutheran Men And Lutheran Women News
Posted March 28, 2019 By adminThe Lutheran Men and Lutheran Women will not have a meeting in April due to their scheduled date falling on Easter Sunday.
The Lutheran Women will be conducting the service on Sunday, April 28th. Make your plans to attend.
First Communion
Posted February 28, 2019 By adminPastor David will be offering First Communion instruction for children whose parents believe their child is ready to begin receiving the Sacrament. One parent or guardian shall attend classes with their child. Classes will be held during the Sunday school period from Sunday, March 24th through Sunday, April 7th. Those participating will celebrate their first Holy Communion on Palm Sunday, April 14th. If you have questions concerning the readiness of your child, or other questions regarding Holy Communion, please contact Pastor David.
Sunday Sermon Series And Mid Week Lenten Services
Posted February 28, 2019 By adminPastor David will preach a sermon series during Lent titled “The Two Roads”. Following lessons from our lectionary, the series will be based on the poem by Robert Frost, “The Road Less Taken”.
Our Mid-week services during Lent will be a presentation of dramatic readings from Sola Publishing: Pilate’s Investigation: Who Is This Jesus? Join us each Wednesday during Lent for an evening meal at 6:15 PM Our Lenten services will follow at 7:00 PM.
Lenten Meals will be held each Wednesday, March 13th until April 10th.
Lenten meals will be provided by the following groups: March 13th—Lutheran Women,
March 20th—Lutheran Men, March 27th—Youth, April 3rd—Church Council, and April 10th—Brandon and Marie.
Ash Wednesday Service
Posted February 28, 2019 By adminMake plans to attend our Ash Wednesday Service on March 6th at 7 PM.
Worship and Music
Posted February 28, 2019 By adminThe Worship & Music Committee has been busy planning and preparing for the upcoming Lenten and Easter seasons. We begin the season of Lent with a service on Ash Wednesday, which is March 6th. On the following Wednesdays, please join us at 6:15 PM for a meal, followed by a brief service based on a Lenten drama from Sola Publishing entitled “Pilate’s Investigation: Who Is This Jesus?”
On Palm Sunday, we will gather in the sanctuary for the reading of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem; please make sure to pick up a palm from one of our youth as you enter the church. The reading of the Passion Gospel will transition us from the jubilance of the triumphant entry into the somber events of Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services will begin at 7 PM as in the past.
To continue the Pascal Triduum (The Three Days – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday & Holy Saturday), we will have an Easter Vigil service on Saturday, April 20th at 7 PM. For many of us, this will be a new experience and we hope a very meaningful one as we reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice. The Vigil is a joint effort with New Hope Lutheran Church, in which St. Jacob’s is hosting this year.
Easter Sunday will be a bit different this year. After much discussion, and taking many factors into consideration, it was recommended that we have one Festival Communion service for Easter Sunday. Breakfast will be at 8 AM, followed by the service at 9:30 AM. There will be no early service and no Sunday School.
We look forward to having you worship with us.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Posted February 4, 2019 By adminIn November, the Altar Guild purchased two new pouring chalices and a new wine flagon for use during Holy Communion. We have also received a gift of four new individual cup serving trays with two lids. With these new vessels, St. Jacob’s will become better stewards of the communion elements shared during our worship. With these new items will come a couple of small changes in how we serve the wine. The chalices that were purchased have a pouring lip and will be used to pour wine during the distribution. After receiving the bread, the communion assistant will pour an individual cup of wine for each person. Many of our communion assistants have been trained and found this to be a simple way to serve. The chalices are also much wider at the brim so communion by way of intinction will be much better as well.
One other change will be the frequency by which we receive communion in individual cups. Several have indicated their preference for individual cups rather than intinction. Beginning in February, we will have wine poured on the odd numbered Sundays of the month, and communion by intinction on the even numbered Sundays.
Thank you to all who have attended communion assistant training. Thank you also the members of our Altar Guild who continually work to ensure the preparation of our worship space and altar each week.
Posted February 4, 2019 By adminSt. Jacob’s Youth will lead the congregation in worship on Sunday, February 24th at 10:30 a.m. Please be sure to come support our youth members as they lead us in prayer and song.