So many wonderful things to talk about from the last month! The weeks leading up to Christmas are always rather hectic for a church musician no matter how much advance planning is done; but looking back at everything we did together as a church family in December and early January, I am amazed at the depth of spirituality that came out in every worship service.
A huge thank you: to Angela for all her hard work with the children for the Christmas program; to the youth who read the scriptures for the program; to the parents who brought their children to all the practices and to those who helped with costumes and props. “Come Let Us Adore Him” was a beautiful presentation of the Christmas story made possible by everyone working together.
To Wade, Kathy, David, Evan and John for the instrumental music on Christmas Eve – it adds so much to the service and brings joy to the congregation. To all those who attended the Christmas morning service – what a blessed, holy time that service was; a moment to take a deep breath and reflect on the birth of our Savior.
Many, many thanks to Pastor David and to Pastor James from New Hope for the guidance and support for our combined choirs’ Epiphany cantata. I’ve had so many positive comments from both choir members and parishioners, as well as suggestions for doing similar presentations in the future.
And now, I look forward to what the year 2019 will bring to the music program at St. Jacob’s.
Soli Deo Gloria!
(To God alone the glory!)