Psalm 104:33 I will singto the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
Chancel choir news
We have a great selection of music ready for the beginning of the choir year. The notebooks are filled with all of the music to take us through the end of December, and a new cantata is ready for rehearsal. All we need now are members willing to serve God and bless our congregation with the gift of music. We will kick off our new choir season on Wednesday, September 4th at 5:30 in the church office with a covered dish dinner. The meat will be provided, please bring either a side or dessert to share. After our meal and time of fellowship, we will dig into the collection of music for the new year. Please come join us. It’s sure to be a great year. Children’s choir has started. We meet each Sunday from 3-3:45 in the downstairs music room.
Children’s choir is for children in K-4 grade.
Youth handbells meets at 4pm in the music room downstairs.
Worship Service Archive
Music Notes
Posted September 10, 2024 By adminVBS
Posted August 12, 2024 By adminThank you to all of our volunteers for making VBS a success! Thanks to all of our participants for spending your nights with us at VBS as we studied “Truth comes from God”, ”God’s Plan is Best”, “Everyone Sins and needs a Savior”, “Everyone Needs Jesus”, and “Jesus is the only way!”.
Welcome Pastor Gary BloBaum
Posted July 8, 2024 By adminPastor Gary Blobaum will serve as our supply Pastor while Pastor David is away on his mission trip to Congo. Pastor Blobaum is a retired Pastor of the NALC. He previously served as Pastor for Immanuel Lutheran Church in Sumter, SC. Please welcome him as he brings the Gospel message to St. Jacob’s on July 14 and 21.
Worship at Generations
Posted July 6, 2024 By adminEvery other Sunday St. Jacob’s offers worship with Holy Communion for the residents of Generations Assisted Care of Chapin.
This ministry has made a great difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church.
The congregation is invited and certainly encouraged to share this experience with our friends just down the road.
Our next worship opportunities will be on Sunday, July 7th and July 21st at 1:00 PM. Join us in the lobby at Generations.
First Holy Communion
Posted July 4, 2024 By adminChloe, Bella, and Owen completed their first Communion instruction and received their first Holy Communion on June 23. It is a joy to welcome these three young church family members to God’s table of grace where they take their place in receiving their Lord as he comes to us in this Holy Supper. It was a meaningful day in the life of each of these three, and certainly in the life of their church family.
Posted July 3, 2024 By adminBreaker Rock Beach
June 24-27
VBS began at Breaker Rock Beach on Monday, June 24th. Dinner was served nightly and there were classes for all ages! God’s voice was heard – “Truth comes from me. My plan for you is even better. Everyone sins and needs a Savior. Jesus is the only way to get to heaven.” Fun and fellowship was enjoyed by all.
Thanks to all our VBS 2024 volunteers! YOU make VBS happen! Many thanks from the Christian Education Team.
More Youth Group News
Posted June 17, 2024 By adminJust as the Carolinas Mission Region Convocation had an emphasis on Youth Ministry, this edition of our newsletter focuses on the activities of our St. Jacob’s Youth. Our youth are certainly a busy and active bunch. They enjoy providing music for our congregation, engaging in mission events, and leading worship on the last Sunday of those months with a fifth Sunday. Our Youth members will lead worship again on June 30th. Please support our youth members with your prayers and congratulate them by commenting on their dedication and love for the ministry here at St. Jacob’s.
Worship at Generations
Posted June 15, 2024 By adminOur worship services at Generations of Chapin continue to be a welcome time together with our neighbors down the road. St. Jacob’s has several members residing at Generations and several who are on the Generations staff. Residents include Lucy and Stanley Slice, Shirley Nuottila, and Ramonia Lindler and they enjoy having members of their church family present for this time together. Many of the long time residents have also made this a regular part of their faith life, and several of the newest residents have found it to be a welcome time of prayer and worship.
St. Jacob’s offers worship with Holy Communion at Generations every other Sunday. Thank you to regular helpers Tommy Faulk and Angela Nuottila for your ongoing support and participation. Our Youth Hand Bell Choir has also come along to provide music. Of course, we would always enjoy having more members of our church family join us. Please plan to attend and share some time with those who have adopted St. Jacob’s as “their church.” Our worship opportunities for June are on Sundays, June 9 and June 23 at 1:00P.M.
St. Jacob’s Youth Hand Bells
Posted June 14, 2024 By adminOur Youth Hand Bell Choir was honored to play the prelude during the Communion service for the Carolinas Mission Region Convocation. Many attendees remarked on the talent of our young members and were very thankful for their participation. Hats off to Angela Nuottila and the Youth hand Bell Choir for their dedication and hours of practice. They truly have become ambassadors for the Gospel of Christ and for St. Jacob’s.
VBS is Coming
Posted June 13, 2024 By adminLet’s meet at Breaker Rock Beach! VBS begins on Monday, June 24. Dinner will be served at 5:45 and we will enjoy some VBS beach time starting at 6:30 PM.
There will be classes for all ages as we hear God say – “Truth comes from me. My plan for you is even better.
Everyone sins and needs a Savior. Jesus is the only way to get to heaven.” You don’t want to miss the fun and fellowship. Mark your calendars now and join us June 24-27!