Musical Mondays
It’s hard to believe, but our musical Mondays are about to come to an end. Our youth handbell choir has worked hard this summer, building their music reading and bell playing skills.
We are celebrating our hard work with a trip to see the Raleigh Ringers in Albemarle, NC on August 27. We will leave the morning of August 26 and travel to Union Lutheran Church in Salisbury, NC. We will have a handbell clinic with the youth handbell choir at Union on the Saturday, staying overnight at the church, and playing in worship on Sunday morning. After lunch Sunday we will head to Albemarle for a Raleigh Ringers concert. This is such an amazing opportunity for our youth ringers.
Thank you to everyone who provided meals this summer for Musical Mondays. Your help is so appreciated.
Chancel Choir
Chancel choir rehearsals will begin Wednesday August 30. Please check upcoming bulletins for more information. It is never too late to join the choir. Please come add your voice to ours as we sing praises to God. No prior experience needed!
Worship Service Archive
Choir Notes
Posted September 11, 2023 By adminVBS 2023
Posted July 10, 2023 By adminOur Summer VBS is now complete, and we had a great week of fun and learning that following Jesus changes everything. Thank you to all our volunteers and participants.
Posted May 25, 2023 By adminJoin us for VBS! It is all about Twists and Turns. We are celebrating how following Jesus changes the game. Spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, and play to win! We will jour ney with Peter and his relationship with Jesus. Don’t miss the fun. Plan now to experience our Twists and Turns.
• When: Monday, June 19-Thursday, June 22
• Meal in Fellowship Hall at 5:45 PM
VBS 6:30 – 8:00 PM
VBS Volunteers Needed: Will you volunteer to make a difference in our children’s lives at VBS? Please contact Donna Fulmer or Sherrie McTeer to let them know how you will serve. It is all about the Twists and Turns and how following Jesus is a game changer.
Pentecost Sunday—May 28
Posted May 23, 2023 By adminThe Sunday of Pentecost falls on May 28 this year. It is the day when the Church of Christ celebrates God’s giving of the Holy Spirit. Traditional rites and celebrations included at Pentecost are Confirmations and Baptisms. This year we are pleased to celebrate with Isabelle the occasion of her confirmation. It is also traditional within the Lutheran Church that worshipers wear the color red on Pentecost.
The Easter Cross
Posted April 4, 2023 By adminThe Easter Cross will be placed standing outside of the Narthex. We encourage everyone to bring some cut flowers to place on the cross on Easter.
Join Us for The Celebration of Easter
Posted March 31, 2023 By adminHoly Week Schedule
Palm Sunday April 9 – 10:00AM
Maundy Thursday April 6 – 7:00PM
Good Friday April 7 – 7:00PM
Easter At St. Jacob’s
Sunrise Service April 9 – 7:00AM
Easter Breakfast Following Sunrise Service
Resurrection Festival Service April 9 – 10:00AM
A Journey of Stones
Posted March 3, 2023 By adminThe season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22. Each Sunday during Lent, Pastor David will be preaching a series of sermons titled “A Journey of Stones.” When Moses brought the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments to the people of Israel, he found them to be in grievous sin worshiping a golden calf. In his anger he threw down the stone tablets, breaking them into pieces. Each Sunday, we will clutch the metaphoric stones of the tablets in our hands, contemplating the hardness of our hearts and the weight of our sin as we journey to the cross. During the Hymn of the day worshipers will cast their stones down at the foot of the cross where Christ won the ultimate victory over sin and death.
The journey of stones is an impactful and contemplative series. All are encouraged to attend each Sunday during Lent so as to participate and hear the entire series. Below is an outline of the Journey of Stones Lenten Series.
Feb. 26—Written in Stone; Ten Commandments
Mar. 5—Rejected Stones: Mark 12:1-12
Mar. 12—Stick and Stones; John 8:1-12
Mar. 19—Hearts of Stone; Luke 11:37-52
Mar. 26—Built on This Rock; Matthew 16:13-20
Apr. 2 (Palm Sunday)—Crying Stones; Lk 19:29-40
Worship at Generations
Posted March 3, 2023 By adminWorship services at Generations Assisted Care of Chapin have made a great difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church. St. Jacob’s members are invited and certainly encouraged to share this experience with our friends just down the road. Our next worship opportunities will be on Sunday, March 5th and March 19th at 1:00PM. Join us in the lobby at Generations.
Lenten Prayers
Posted March 3, 2023 By adminDuring Lent, Christians all over the world focus on the disciplines of faith. One central and powerful discipline we can all engage in is prayer. This Lenten season, all members of St. Jacob’s are encouraged to deepen their prayer life by setting aside time each day to pray. Pray for your neighbors, pray for our congregation, pray for your family, and lastly, pray for yourself. Holy Scripture has much to say about God’s command for his people to pray.
Psalm 77:1 – “I cry aloud to God, aloud to God, and he will hear me.”
James 5:16 – “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”
Matthew 7:7 – “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
During Lent, everyone is encouraged to lift your prayers to God. Below are some daily prayers you may consider in these remaining days of Lent. The dates in bold we will pray as a congregation during worship special prayers for those who are listed.
March 1 – Pray for our church council and their families
March 2 – Pray for our church staff and their families
March 3 – Pray for our ministry team leaders and their families
March 4 – Pray for our church family; homebound, disconnected, and away from home
March 5 – Pray for our choir and musicians
March 6 – Pray for the pastor and his family
March 7 – Pray for our Sunday school
March 8 – Pray for our NALC Bishop Dan Selbo
March 9 – Pray for the NALC Staff
March 10 – Pray for our Dean, Pastor David Tholstrup
March 11 – Pray for our local emergency personnel (Police, Fire, EMT)
March 12—Pray for Doctors, nurses and medical assistants
March 13 – Pray for our President and Governor
March 14 – Pray for our Senators and Congressional Representatives
March 15 – Pray for the homeless in our community
March 16 – Pray for those who feel alone
March 17 – Pray for those who grieve lost loved ones
March 18 – Pray for those who are afraid
March 19 – Pray for parents
March 20 – Pray for people living in abusive relationships
March 21 – Pray for all caught in the wake of natural disasters
March 22 – Pray for married couples
March 23 – Pray for those going through divorce
March 24 – Pray for the recently retired
March 25 – Pray for people considering the adoption of children
March 26 – Pray for anyone suffering from addiction
March 27 – Pray for the elderly of our community
March 28 – Pray for those who suffer from hunger
March 29 – Pray for those who suffer from depression
March 30 – Pray for missionaries all over the world
March 31 – Pray for those who hurt your feelings or caused you distress
April 1 – Pray for your spouse or significant other
Holy Week
April 2 (Palm Sunday) – Give thanks for Jesus and His public ministry
April 3 – Just as Jesus cleansed the temple, pray for correction with in the Christian Church
April 4 – As Jesus taught in the temple, give thanks for teachers, librarians, and all educators
April 5 (The Day of Preparation) – Give thanks for the opportunity to serve others
April 6 (Maundy Thursday) – Give thanks for Holy Communion
April 7 (Good Friday) – Ask God for forgiveness, give thanks for His grace
April 8 (Holy Saturday) – Give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit
Holy God, Give us the will and the desire to come to you in prayer. Hold us in earnest as we pray for all those included within this list, and especially for all whom we may have failed to include. Into your hands, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy through your Son Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Worship at Generations
Posted February 1, 2023 By adminEvery other Sunday, Pr. David leads worship for the residents of Generations Assisted Care of Chapin. This ministry has made a great difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church. The congregation is invited and certainly encouraged to share this experience with our friends just down the road. Our next worship opportunities will be on Sunday, February 5th and February 19th at 1:00PM. Join us in the lobby at Generations.