Worship Service Archive

Call To Prayer

Posted January 5, 2023 By admin

Pastor David is calling all members of St. Jacob’s to pray for St. Jacob’s spiritual health, vision, and growth. Everyone who is willing to gather for Prayer, or come at a time when you can be alone, is encouraged to do so each Monday afternoon or evening in January.  Beginning on January 9th, the Church sanctuary will be open
from 12:00PM to 5:30PM.  You may simply enter the nave, take a seat in the
pews and lift up your prayers to our God who promises to hear you. As the evangelist writes in the book of James, “The prayer of a righteous person has
great power as it is working” (James 5:16).

Choir Notes

Posted January 3, 2023 By admin

What was that hymn?
I’m sure there have been weeks when you left church wondering where on earth did that hymn come from, and some weeks we sing everyone’s favorites. There is a pattern to the hymns that we sing each week. I would love to pick my favorite hymns each week, but the hymns are chosen based not only on the season of the church year but the lessons for the day. Our opening hymn prepares us for worship. It invokes God, the Holy Spirit, to dwell with us as we gather and hear God’s word. It often addresses our need to enter into worship with open hearts and confessing our need for our savior.

The hymn of the day, which we sing just after the sermon, is chosen by the pastor to support the message for the day. All of the lessons and the psalm tie together to support the theme of the day. The prayer of the day just before the children’s  sermon usually gives an idea of how the lessons all tie together. The hymn of the day does the same. We also sing hymns during communion.

As I stated in a previous article, the church body joins as one when it raises its voice in song with all the saints on earth and with the heavenly hosts gathered around the throne of God. As one we come forward to receive the body and blood of Christ. Although many think of communion as a very personal experience, just as its name suggests, it is a communal act. We gather as the first Christians did, and as Jesus and his disciples in the upper room, and we confess our sins and are fed with the body and blood of Christ. We join our voices in song at communion to join with each other for the feast. These hymns are almost always about Jesus our savior.

Finally, the closing hymn is a hymn of praise. We have been forgiven of our sins, God’s word has been opened for us just as Jesus did for his disciples on the road to Emmaus, and we have received the body and blood of Christ. We leave the church praising God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and profess our commitment to go into the world and share his good news.

The hymns we sing each Sunday are chosen very carefully to reflect all the elements I have listed above. I often find it helps to read the hymns without singing to truly get the full message of the words. I encourage you to pay attention to the words we are singing. What is it that we are saying through our music. We are not simply enhancing our worship with music. We are speaking to God as we lift our voices in song. If you are not familiar with a particular hymn and are having difficulty singing it, read it to yourself as the congregation sings. What are the words saying to
you and to God?

Through the centuries we have been blessed with a rich abundance of hymns. There are many like Amazing Grace, that we can sing by heart, but there are also many hymns we are less familiar with that can enrich our worship and our under-
standing of the Word.

Starting this month we will have a hymn of the month to help us learn some of these less familiar hymns. This hymn will be sung at communion and we will sing this same hymn each week for a month. Please sing along with us and learn the music that God has blessed us with.
In Christ,


Thank You!

Posted January 3, 2023 By admin

Thank you to all who shared their musical gifts and talents with our church family during our Christmas Prelude and worship services on Christmas Eve. Your music truly beautiful and greatly enhanced our worship

Advent at St. Jacob’s

Posted December 5, 2022 By admin

At St. Jacob’s we will celebrate Advent in traditional ways. Sunday worship services will focus on the lessons prescribed by our lectionary. Our mid-week services will feature dramatic readings and the Vespers liturgy from the Lutheran Book of Worship.

On Wednesday, December 21, we will include a special prayer and candlelight hymn as we worship on the Longest night of the year. Traditionally called “Blue Christmas” worship on the longest night reminds us that through Christ, light has come into the world, and the darkness shall not overcome it.

Advent service begin each Wednesday in December at 6:30PM. Further information will be shared in the weekly worship bulletins. Note: There is no Holy Communion shared as we use the Vespers liturgy.

An Advent Message from Pastor David

Posted December 5, 2022 By admin

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Genesis 1:1-3

Have you seen something wonderful today? Have you noticed the beauty of God’s creation all around you? The world we live in is filled with beautiful things, trees, lakes, rivers, animals; the list goes on. All of these and everything is the result of the creative love of God. Sometimes I wonder if we can even imagine the conditions before God said “Let there be…” We humans cannot begin to understand the formlessness and void of creation in the beginning. Yet God said, “Let there be…” And it came to be.

As Christians all over the world begin to observe the Advent of our Lord Jesus, we do so by recalling the history of our salvation through Christ, which begins of course, in the beginning. As we read Holy Scripture, we believe Christ was present in the creation of all there is. The opening verses of the Gospel according to John teach us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:1- 4).

The Creation narrative teaches us that apart from God there is no life or light. Still, even today so many continue to discount God’s creating love. Many people also deny the presence of God in the world or even in their lives. Yet, the simple fact remains, without God there is nothing. Without God humans have no purpose. Without the love of God in Christ Jesus, the people of the world walk in the darkness of their sin and their reality is such that they have no hope for salvation.

Jesus is the light of the world; he is the one in whom we find hope. Through Christ, God’s Word incarnate, the people of God are able to walk in the light of God’s mercy and grace. Our lives are no longer formless, they are not void, rather, they are filled with the purpose of proclaiming the gospel and the vocation of love for our neighbor. Today, as we find ourselves at the beginning of Advent, we find ourselves as sinners awaiting the celebration of our Savior’s entrance into earthly life in order to rescue God’s people from sin and death. In Advent, we find ourselves at the beginning, the beginning of new life in Christ. We believe that Christ’s presence at the beginning of Creation proves the creative nature of God’s faithful and redeeming love.

People of God, Christmas is just around the corner. As a disciple of Jesus, invite someone to worship with us at Christmas, and in the beginning of the new year, perhaps God will work the miracle of faith within their hearts and minds so that, they too may experience a new life in Christ; a life that was meant for them from the beginning.

Thank you God, for this beautiful world in which we live. Thank you for each person you have created in your image. Most of all, thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is our light and our life. Amen.

Worship at Generations

Posted December 5, 2022 By admin

Every other Sunday, Pastor David leads worship for the residents of Generations Assisted Care of Chapin. This ministry has made a difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church. The congregation is invited and certainly encouraged to share the love of Christ Jesus in worship with our friends just down the road. Our next worship opportunity will be: Sunday, December 11 with a service of Christmas Lessons and Carols. We begin our worship at 1:00PM in the lobby. Join us as you are able and bring a smile to those whom God loves.

Thanksgiving Eve at SJLC

Posted November 20, 2022 By admin

Our annual Thanksgiving Eve service of worship will be held at 6:30PM on Wednesday, Nov. 23. Everyone at St. Jacob’s is encouraged to attend as we worship and give thanks to our loving God for the many blessings he pours out upon us. Gather with your church family for this special evening.

Advent Begins November 27

Posted November 20, 2022 By admin

It’s hard to believe, but in a few short weeks the season of Advent will be upon us.

“Advent” comes from a Latin word meaning “coming” or “arrival.” Within the traditional Church, the season of Advent is the season of waiting and anticipation of the coming of Christ. Not simply the coming of Christ as the child born in a manger, but also His second Coming to usher in the kingdom of God in its fullness. This dual meaning of Advent has been celebrated by Christians since the 6th century.

At St. Jacob’s we will celebrate Advent in traditional ways. Sunday worship services will focus on the lessons prescribed by our lectionary. Our mid-week services will feature dramatic readings and the Vespers liturgy from the Lutheran Book of Worship.

On Wednesday, December 21, we will once again offer a Blue Christmas Service: Worship on the Longest Night. Further information will be shared in the weekly worship bulletins leading up to this date.

Celebrating Advent leads worshipers to greater spiritual depth in the midst of a secular season of distraction that pulls us farther from the very meaning of Christmas. Like a powerful magnet, using images of bright lights, festive decorations, and beautifully wrapped gifts, the world seeks to draw Christians away from the expected hope of Christ and toward a life shaped by earthly cultural traditions.

Join us for worship during Advent and experience God working in your spiritual life as you join the Christian family in the waiting, expectation, and contemplative reflection of pondering the grace of God and the ultimate gift of CHRISTmas.

Time and Talent

Posted November 4, 2022 By admin

How might you participate in the life and ministry of St. Jacob’s? It is the time of year when all church family members are asked to ponder this very question. As you consider ways in which you might become or continue to be involved, please be sure to fill out the Time and Talent Sheet for 2023. Every member of St. Jacob’s (all ages) is encouraged to fill out a time and talent sheet.
Blank sheets will be included as an insert to the worship bulletin each Sunday through November 13th. Begin with prayer and then check the ways in which you are willing and able to serve our Lord and his church.

Worship at Generations

Posted November 1, 2022 By admin

Every other Sunday, Pastor David leads worship for the residents of Generations Assisted Care of Chapin. This ministry has made a difference in the lives of many folks who are not able to attend worship at their home church. The congregation is invited and certainly encouraged to share the love of Christ Jesus in worship with our friends just down the road. Our next worship opportunities will be:
Sunday, October 30
Sunday, November 13
Sunday November 27
We begin our worship at 1:00PM in the lobby. Join us as you are able and bring a smile to those whom God loves.