Youth and Family Ministries Archive

More Youth Group News

Posted June 17, 2024 By admin

Just as the Carolinas Mission Region Convocation had an emphasis on Youth Ministry, this edition of our newsletter focuses on the activities of our St. Jacob’s Youth. Our youth are certainly a busy and active bunch. They enjoy providing music for our congregation, engaging in mission events, and leading worship on the last Sunday of those months with a fifth Sunday. Our Youth members will lead worship again on June 30th. Please support our youth members with your prayers and congratulate them by commenting on their dedication and love for the ministry here at St. Jacob’s.

St. Jacob’s Youth Hand Bells

Posted June 14, 2024 By admin

Our Youth Hand Bell Choir was honored to play the prelude during the Communion service for the Carolinas Mission Region Convocation. Many attendees remarked on the talent of our young members and were very thankful for their participation. Hats off to Angela Nuottila and the Youth hand Bell Choir for their dedication and hours of practice. They truly have become ambassadors for the Gospel of Christ and for St. Jacob’s.

VBS is Coming

Posted June 13, 2024 By admin

Let’s meet at Breaker Rock Beach! VBS begins on Monday, June 24. Dinner will be served at 5:45 and we will enjoy some VBS beach time starting at 6:30 PM.
There will be classes for all ages as we hear God say – “Truth comes from me. My plan for you is even better.
Everyone sins and needs a Savior. Jesus is the only way to get to heaven.” You don’t want to miss the fun and fellowship. Mark your calendars now and join us June 24-27!

St. Jacob’s Youth

Posted June 12, 2024 By admin

Our Youth Members enjoyed a day of fun and fellowship with the youth groups of neighboring NALC congregations. Youth from St. Peter’s in Chapin, Holy Trinity in Little Mountain, and St. Paul’s in Pomaria joined with St. Jacob’s Youth in a mission project collecting Peanut Butter and Jelly for We Care of Chapin. More than 550 pounds of PB&J was collected by the for youth groups. The afternoon was spent getting to know one another and making new friends through games and singing, and of course, food. A taco supper was enjoyed by all! We look forward to future gatherings of our Dutch Fork NALC youth groups.

Solid Rock Day Camp

Posted May 5, 2024 By admin

The summer Solid Rock Day Camp will once again be hosted by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and St. Peter’s Lutheran Church beginning Sunday, June 9th and running through Friday, June 4th. Registration for the camp will be the same as last summer, $100.00 per camper. As we did last year, our Youth Fund will subsidize each camper $50.00 in order to encourage participation and keep costs down. The camp is open to youth members and their friends completing grades K-5. Those interested should contact Pastor David for registration information.

Music Notes

Posted March 7, 2024 By admin

Zephaniah 3:14, 17

Sing aloud, O daughter of Zion; Shout, O Israel!

Rejoice and exult with all your heart!


The Lord your God is in your midst,

A mighty one who will save;

He will rejoice over you with gladness;

He will quiet you by his love;

He will exult over you with loud singing.


I recently came across this verse during bible study and that last sentence immediately caught my attention. I can think of so many wonderful reasons to sing out to the Lord especially as we come out of this Lenten period of reflection on our need for a savior. God is with his us, he has saved us. What a beautiful message that he quiets us by his love, but then He exults over us with loud singing. I’ve never thought of God singing over us. I know that God loves our song. It appears in scripture so many times. But to think that God is singing over us thrills me. So this Easter morning as we rejoice again and give thanks for the most important gift we have ever been given let us raise our voices in song and sing aloud with the Lord.


Our youngest choristers have begun choir practice on Sunday afternoons preparing to sing on Palm Sunday. Children’s choir is from 3-3:30 every Sunday afternoon. We look forward to singing to the Lord Palm Sunday morning and in the future. Children’s choir is open to all children under 4th grade.



South Carolina Mission Region District Youth

Posted March 2, 2024 By admin

St. Jacob’s Youth met with the youth groups from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and St. Peter’s Lutheran Church at St Peter’s for an afternoon of fun and Christian fellowship. It was a great gathering and we look forward to even more as our Youth Groups begin meeting and working together in the mission of the church.

Choir Notes

Posted October 16, 2023 By admin

Youth Handbell Retreat
The youth handbell choir worked hard each Monday through the summer learning new handbell techniques, music reading skills and practicing new music. To celebrate all their hard work, we took a trip to Union Lutheran Church in Salisbury, NC for a handbell retreat.
We loaded up a 15 passenger van with all our gear on Saturday August 26th and headed north. Once at Union we met up with the members of Union’s youth handbell choir for a weekend of bell ringing, games and swimming. After some team building activities the two choirs got busy working on music and music skills. We rehearsed an anthem to play as a joint choir the next day in worship.
While not working on music the kids had a great time playing four square, ping pong and board games. Union church provided a great supper after which we went swimming at a church member’s house.
One more rehearsal and then we had vespers in the Union prayer chap el. After blowing up air mattresses and unrolling sleeping bags we had a late night movie and tried to get a bit of sleep in the fellowship hall.
Sunday morning we had an early morning rehearsal after breakfast and attended the joint summer Sunday school. The joint choir played the anthem All Creatures of our God and King arranged by Linda Lamb during worship as well as random ringing during the hymns.

After lunch together we headed to Albemarle, NC to see the Raleigh Ringers concert. Everyone was amazed by the number and size of the bells being rung. Bryleigh won one of the door prizes, a fleece blanket and each of the kids got a pair of tye-dyed Raleigh Ringer handbell gloves. After the concert the audience was invited on stage to meet the members of the Raleigh Ringers. We got to ring huge and tiny handbells. Emma received one on one instruction in the four in hand technique. We then loaded up the van and headed back home. It was an incredible trip. Friendships were formed and new skills were learned.
Christmas Cantata
Christmas cantatas have been an important part of the history of St. Jacob’s and we are bringing back the Christmas cantata this year to be presented Sunday, December 17th during the worship service. We need lots of assistance to put together this gift to God. We need volunteers to sing with the choir. This is a short term commitment to learn the cantata music. Please consider giving this gift of time and talent. We also need readers. I will be reaching out in the coming weeks to ask for your help. Please prayerfully consider how you can help make this service of praise a success. We will begin rehearsal in October.

Solid Rock Day Camp

Posted May 20, 2023 By admin

This June, St. Jacob’s is partnering with St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Chapin, and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Little Mountain to bring summer camp to Chapin. The Solid Rock Day Camp (June 11-16) is for elementary school aged children (grades 1-5). They will have the full camp experience of games, fun, food and make plenty of new friends, all in a Christian atmosphere. This is a great experience and blessing for our families. Please take advantage of this day camp opportunity which is sponsored by the NALC Carolinas Mission Region. Cost of the camp is $50.00 per child payable at St. Jacob’s. Anyone requiring assistance to cover registration fees should contact Pastor David Nuottila to make these confidential arrangements. By the way, the Solid Rock Camp Counselors will be worshiping with us at St. Jacob’s on June 11, so your camper will be able to meet them. Contact Pastor David for registration information as it is done via email. Hurry, the camp will fill up quickly.

Calling All St. Jacob’s Youth

Posted May 5, 2023 By admin

You are invited to participate in the Flood Bucket Mission Event at Advent Lutheran Church in King’s Mountain on May 20th. Several of the Mission Region Youth groups will be participating and it will be a great day of service to our neighbors in need. There is no cost for this event and it is guaranteed that it will be a good time. Join the fun! we will also be planning a few fun events for the summer so stay tuned.