Youth Director Archive

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted December 29, 2020 By admin

Last month, I was reading a blog and it sparked an idea within me. It really hit home as I was trying to think of a schedule and plan for the next year. With so much uncertainty, it almost seemed impossible to put anything on the calendar but after praying about it, something popped into my mind and I wanted to share that with you. It is the idea that smaller groups of people meeting together for fellowship and Bible study isn’t a new concept in churches. In fact, we see in Acts chapter two that the first-century church relied on it “every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house (Acts 2:46). Most churches today allow people to be a part of some version of a small group. Here at St. Jacob’s we have many options: discipleship groups, Sunday school, Wednesday morning Bible study, Lutheran men/women, Up + Going, KFC, etc. No matter what the group is called, the goal has primarily stayed the same from the early church: to disciple fellow believers to be more like Christ through Biblical community and the study of God’s Word. We’re now at a turning point in history where one major shift must happen for churches to be able to thrive in the “new normal.” As you know, churches can no longer offer large events or even in our case, one worship service due to capacity restrictions. Even as restrictions lift, we may never be the same as we once were- packing into the pews on a Sunday morning. One good thing to come of this is the fascinating idea that the church can be brought back to what she was designed to be. We can use this circumstance as an opportunity to disciple and equip people for ministry- more than ever before. I have a passion for small group ministry not only is it what I am used to but I really do believe that it is the history and the future of the Church! I believe that God has each of us in an auxiliary or on a ministry team for a reason and I feel like this is the time to utilize that group. This is the time to really press into that small group and invest your time, service, and heart. I promise it will not return void. I want to encourage you that as these small groups begin to meet again, if you’re comfortable, please attend. I believe that there is so much that can come of this “down time” whether it be joining Bible study for the first time (and maybe reading a book you’ve never gone through before), finally joining that ministry team that you feel God has gifted you to serve on, or finding a need and helping to meet it alongside a few others. There are so many ways to utilize this time and we can do so remembering the fact that, God wastes nothing.

Grace + Peace, + a Happy New Year!


Annual Children’s Christmas Program

Posted November 27, 2020 By admin

You’re invited! Please join us on December 13th at 6 PM for our annual Children’s Christmas program. As you know, our Children’s Choir has been learning to play the hand chimes and this will be our first performance. The program will be live streamed if you want to participate from home. Come listen to the scriptures, sing the hymns, and celebrate the birth of Jesus with our church youth! You won’t want to miss it!

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted November 27, 2020 By admin

Heavenly Father, we bring to you our loved one Caleb as he prepares to leave for training in the United States Armed Forces. You have guided him in pursuit of this goal, and we pray that the good work You have begun in Caleb will be over-seen with Your supervision and love as he leaves to complete this training. We ask you to help him in every expectation the military has. We ask You to make all things possible for him as he faces the standards and goals that the military has for him. If anything seems impossible to him, we ask You to strengthen him with Your power in order for him to achieve whatever is expected. We pray that You will put Caleb in the company of Godly influences. We pray that You will use these people to impress upon him the importance of following and obeying Your rules and laws to be successful as a member of the Armed Forces and as a child of God. We turn Caleb completely over to You. We trust that our prayer in the Name of Your Son, Jesus, by His power, by His Spirit and by His Blood will be answered to Your glory as we await Caleb’s graduation and his official recognition as a member of the Armed Forces in service to You and our country.
Our Love and Trust is in You, Father. Amen. *Caleb’s address will be available for anyone who would like to send him a card/letter as soon as we receive it. I think it would be wonderful for him to receive mail from his church family knowing that we are praying for him especially during the holidays!
Grace & Peace,

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted October 29, 2020 By admin

I want to write about something that has become extremely relevant in my life over the past couple of months. I love sharing what I’m learning and walking through in hopes that it can give you some insight to my life and maybe even find similarities to what you are learning. I want to talk about “cancel culture.” If you don’t know what this is, it is the idea that someone can be “cancelled” by others based on something they said or have done. This can be something based on morals, politics, social actions, even economics -really anything. Usually it looks like the extremity of cutting someone off because they don’t hold the same value or opinion as you do. People can spend their entire lives doing good but can get cancelled over one small thing they have said. Matthew Chapter 18 answers the question of ‘how many times should we forgive?’ and Jesus says ‘70 x 7’. Our responsibility is to extend forgiveness, restore, and believe the best. We release the demand for justice to God and forgive as Christ forgives us. We don’t have to accept or endorse; we are called to love.
We as believers need to be careful of cancelling things in culture that we need to contextualize. We cannot write off culture as a whole, but the idea that there are things in this world that cannot be redeemable for the sake of the Gospel. We need to prioritize faithfulness to God regardless of circumstance. Whether it be a pandemic, an election, or even an argument with a friend. We can shift our idea from ultimate abolition to ‘life is too short for me to spend my time hyped up on what is going on here.’ This is what I would call a redeeming culture, being able to use the world around us to point to the Gospel rather than writing off every idea that we don’t immediately agree with. Don’t let this world have you thinking that the ‘cut off game’ is better than the power of reconciliation. Of course, there are always exceptions. In this case, anything that violates God’s Word should be “cancelled” but we can advocate in a way that is lawful, peaceful, and courageous. We can ask ourselves how can trends, controversies, assumptions, intentions, actions, etc. be used to bring God glory?
A great example is in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. Paul lets you know right away that he is no longer under any obligation and ownership to the enemy or of any human beings. Therefore, his commitment to people is not based on anyone’s preferential desire of him to be a specific way. Paul is saying that he is not driven by the self-interest of others or to please man/culture. He even goes as far as using language that the Corinthians would understand by calling himself a slave in order to be faithful to the one thing that cannot be cancelled the truth of the Gospel and our calling as Christians in this world. Understanding that there is a difference between reaching people and trying to please them. The Gospel will always offend for the right reasons, never the wrong ones. We must learn to be wise missionaries to the world and utilize culture rather than writing it off. This means being in the world but not of the world. God would never cancel or give up on a relationship with His people.
Our thinking must be fueled, formed, and anchored on God’s word rather than what a society starved for controversy says we should be upset about. We should take every thought captive and conform it to the truth letting God be the filter of how we think not social media, not Hollywood, not the news. Asking ourselves ‘What is the Biblical response?’ or even ‘Am I wrong in this situation?’ (and learning to normalize it.) What are you living for? The approval of God or of the world around you?
Grace & Peace,

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted September 30, 2020 By admin

Welcome Sarah Masterson

I’m excited to announce our first fellowship event post COVID-19. As you all know, we will be welcoming our new Organist, Sarah, on October 4th. In order to welcome her to our Church family, please join us for a cookout following the 10:30 AM service. We will all have the opportunity to meet Sarah and fellowship with one another after being apart for so long. All food and drinks will be provided and social distancing will be observed. Thank you for joining me in welcoming Sarah to St. Jacob’s. I look forward to seeing you there!

Trunk Or Treat

Our new youth committee met together for the first time in September. Moving forward, we will work together to plan events and share ideas for the advancement of our youth and family ministries. While planning for the remainder of the year, we have decided that October would be a great time to start meeting again as a church family! I would love to invite you to join us on October 31st from 5—7 PM for TRUNK OR TREAT at ST. JACOB’S! Anyone participating needs to be at the bus shed parking lot between 4 and 4:30 PM. Come, decorate your car, and fill it with candy.

Grace & Peace,


Pizza With The Pastor

Posted August 30, 2020 By admin

On September 6th , we will have our first KFC meeting after Children’s Choir practice enjoying pizza and fellowship with one another and talking about what’s to come for the remainder of the year!

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted August 30, 2020 By admin

As a church, we are proud to support Chapin Middle School as they provide their students the best education possible. As the school year begins, we want to ensure that all students have the tools and resources they need in order to succeed, as well as anything they may need to remain safe and healthy in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The theme for the school year is “Shine Your Light” and what better way for us to show Jesus’ love in our community by shining our light and loving our neighbor. I am excited to announce SUPPLY SEPTEMBER, for the month of September. We will be collecting donations in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays or in the church office during the week from 9 AM-2 PM. All supplies will be delivered to CMS on September 27th. I have attached a list of supply items that students have been asked to bring this year. I am so excited to partner with you all in assisting students and their families, as we are able. Also, if you are unable to go make a purchase, we will have a box on the table for any monetary donations and we will gladly purchase more supplies.
#2 Pencils
Composition Notebook (Not spiral)
Colored Pencils
2-Pocket Folders
Dry Erase Markers
8 ½ x 11 Spiral 3 Subject Notebook
Tissues Hand Sanitizer
Glue Sticks
Lysol Spray
Disinfectant Wipes
Mini Deodorant
3×3 Post It Notes
Small Toiletry Kits
Calculators (Ti 30X & Ti 84 Plus)
Toothbrush Kits
Loose Leaf Paper
$5-$10 Gift Cards (Fast food, Walmart, etc.)
Graph Paper
1 inch Poly Binders
3-Ring Binder with Dividers
Five Notebook Divider with Pockets

On behalf of Chapin Middle School, we appreciate your continued support! Thank you for “Shining Your Light” on our students. -Lacey Hallman, CMS School Counselor

Grace and Peace, Rachel

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted June 29, 2020 By admin

Look up the scriptures below that are about freedom. Find the missing words. Input (first word is the answer; the rest of the line is the clue)

[Pick from these words: Slavery, Flesh, Freedom, Evil, Truth, Indeed, Spacious, Mastered]

1. Psalm 118:5 – When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; he brought me into a _________________ place.

2. 1 Peter 2:16 – Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for _________;

3. 2 Corinthians 3:17 – Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is __________.

4. Galatians 5:1 – It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let your-selves be burdened again by a yoke of _____________.

5. Galatians 5:13 – You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the _________;

6. 1 Corinthians 6:12 – I have the right to do anything—but I will not be _____________ by anything.

7. John 8:32 – Then you will know the ___________, and the truth will set you free.

8. John 8:36 – So if the Son sets you free, you will be free _____________.

In Christ love,


Bible Study

Posted May 28, 2020 By admin

Pastor David and Rachel Shelton continue to host an online Bible study at our regular time each Wednesday morning at 9:30 AM. The lesson is sent out via email the day before if we have an email address for you so you can prepare. You may follow along on our St. Jacob’s Facebook page for this live and interactive study. Participate by making comments in the comments section. Please give Facebook a try so you can participate. We might just find that there is room for online Bible study as a part of our future ministries.

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted May 28, 2020 By admin

“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” Ephesians 6:14-18 (NIV)
I have taken many lessons out of quarantine, a few examples: always having hand sanitizer on hand, gratefulness for face-to-face conversations, and many new meals that I can cook; but the most important lesson I bring out of this is the importance of the Word of God. I have always loved reading scripture, from early on in my life to studying it in college courses. It has always fascinated me and given me so much. With so much uncertainty in our world today, we should be clinging to the Truth. Our only source of life, peace, and comfort—Jesus. With all of the extra time, I was excited to be able to read some books that have been on my shelf for a while and to also revisit some of my old favorites; but I had to remind myself that although those commentaries and stories are great and helpful, they cannot take the place of Scripture in my daily routine. My daily worship has looked a lot like Psalm 119:105-112, which we studied last Wednesday, a prayer for a person who wants to dedicate themselves to the Word of God. It’s no secret that there is a lot going on right now and this is to be expected – since sin entered the world. God has given us the tools to have strength and hope even during times like these. In Lamentations Chapter 3, Jeremiah is sit-ting in a cave overlooking Jerusalem. If you know the story (or if you don’t, check it out), he is sitting in the ruins of the city amongst death and destruction. Jeremiah is at an all-time low, and similar to many of the Psalms we have read over the past two months, feels like even God has turned against him. BUT, the best part is found in Verse 21, “but this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope.” It goes on to say “because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compas-sions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “the Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him…” Jeremiah shifted his thinking from himself to thinking about God. He remembered the promises of God. The only thing that was able to carry him through. Even though it didn’t look like it at that moment, he knew that God was merciful, compassionate, and faithful. We have the same option every day to believe this to be true or not. Jeremiah kept the Word of God at the forefront of his mind and recalled it during times of trouble. I want to reach for God before I reach for anything else, when I’m bored, when I’m uncomfortable, when I need answers or entertainment, and when I’m lonely. Help us, God.
Miss you all,