Archive for May, 2018

What is your favorite hymn?

Posted May 30, 2018 By admin

What is your favorite hymn? Haven’t heard it sung lately? Wish we’d sing it more often? Well, here’s your chance. This summer, we’d like to sing YOUR favorite hymns as anthems. Put the title of the hymn (or lyrics if you’re unsure of the title) into the box in the narthex. Then, one of the children will draw a hymn from the box and that hymn will be the anthem for the following Sunday. So don’t be shy – tell us those favorite hymns!

Congo Missions

Posted May 30, 2018 By admin

The monies received in the pickle jar each week will benefit the orphan children in Congo as we provide food and other necessities.

The Children’s Choir

Posted May 30, 2018 By admin

The Children’s Choir will practice on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month, from 5-6 pm, in the church. Also, we will continue to have a short, 10-minute music session at the beginning of Sunday School from 9:15 to 9:25 AM in the nave of the church, after which your children will be accompanied to their classrooms.

Coffee Talk

Posted May 30, 2018 By admin

As a means for communication and information, once per quarter, Pastor David, will be sharing thoughts and insights with our church family, and answering a few questions along the way. This “Coffee Talk” will take place during our coffee hour every third month. Following the worship service on June 3 make plans to attend. The session will last about 30 minutes in the fellowship hall.

Worship and Music News

Posted May 30, 2018 By admin

I want to give a huge shout-out to the Children’s Choir! They are a fantastic group of young Christians (and believe me, they know how to spell that word!) and I am enjoying every minute I have with them.

To the congregation, thank you so much for your support of this ministry. To the parents and grandparents who bring the children to practice, thank you for encouraging them to participate. To those who have volunteered to assist at the practices, your presence is invaluable; it doesn’t just help me out, it also shows the children that you see the Children’s Choir as an important part of ministry at St. Jacob’s.

Just a reminder that you still have time to put your favorite hymn in the box in the Narthex. To fill all the anthem spots for June, July and August (except for Homecoming, which will have its own special music), we need 12 hymns! Hopefully, there will be more than 12 hymns in the box, in which case, we will use any remaining ones as communion hymns this fall. The box will be in the Narthex all summer, so you can drop a hymn in at any time.

Soli Deo Gloria,


From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted May 1, 2018 By admin

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:4

When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all in one place. Who were they? In the first chapter of Acts, Luke tell us it was Peter, the rest of the apostles, the women who accompanied them, and Mary the mother of Jesus. They were gathered together in Jerusalem, devoted to prayer and Holy Scripture. On that day, Jerusalem was crowded with people attending the Feast of Weeks. Jerusalem was also a large city serving as a center for trade. With all the commotion, we can imagine relatively few people were paying attention to those gathered together in one place, but that would change
soon enough. In a moment, the Holy Spirit would come and the city would surely take notice.

We are not much different than those who gathered in Jerusalem waiting for the Spirit. We assemble in God’s name each week on the Lord’s day, gathered in prayer and fellowship. What would we do if the Holy Spirit were to come and blow the doors of our church wide open and fill us with the same gifts as the disciples? Guess what…he already has! Each week we hear the same gospel Peter preached to the people in the streets of Jerusalem. We hear the same good news, that Jesus, God’s Word made flesh, came to dwell with his people. How he was mighty in words and deed yet, because of our sin he was handed over and crucified. But God raised him from the dead and he reigns forever. Through this same Jesus Christ, God forgives our sins and makes us inheritors of his kingdom.

I am so glad God has called me here to St. Jacob’s to proclaim this good news to you. I am even more glad that he has called us all to this one place that we may share this gospel truth with our community and world. I hope you feel this same excitement. I pray that you all sense God’s calling our congregation to be about the exciting work of sharing the good news of his Son Jesus in ways that we have not considered before. This is what Pentecost is all about.

It isn’t about wearing your red dress or red shirt to church on Sunday. It isn’t about confirming our youth as they complete their initial study of the catechism. Pentecost is about the Holy Spirit of God blowing through the hearts and minds of believers, filling us with all the confidence, strength, excitement and assurance the disciples had so long ago.

Think about all the times where you were at your wit’s end and didn’t know where to turn. Think about those times of uncertainty when God’s peace suddenly filled your heart and you realized you were not alone in your struggle. Now, think about the world around you, the things you have heard and seen. Don’t’ you think the world needs to hear this good news of great joy? This is what Pentecost is all about. It is about disciples of Jesus Christ going into the world sharing the good news of salvation with our neighbor.

Family of St. Jacob’s, we are Pentecost people. Jesus calls us to share the gospel with the world around us. He calls us to love our neighbor, meet the needs of others, carry their burden, and shower them with the love of God. This is what Peter and the apostles did in Jerusalem so long ago. The same Holy Spirit fills us, and though his gifts, we are also well equipped to do the work of the gospel. May we all be diligent in sharing our faith with others.

Grace and peace,

Pastor David Nuottila
From the Pastor’s Heart

New Bible Study Upcoming

Posted May 1, 2018 By admin

Pastor David will be conducting (two) six-week study sessions on The Lord’s Prayer beginning May 9.

This is a study you will really want to engage in so mark your calendars.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study will be at 9:30 AM in the fellowship hall.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study will be at 6:30 PM in the church office.

Lutheran Women News

Posted May 1, 2018 By admin

Our Congregational Luncheon Fundraiser will be held on May 6 following the church service. We hope all of you will come and enjoy the delicious spaghetti dinner prepared by the Lutheran Women with all the trimmings. Don’t forget about the fellowship. The Lutheran Women will meet at 9 AM on Saturday, May 5 to set up. Please bring your spouse to help with the tables. This fundraiser is being done in order for our group to help those in need whether it be a church member or someone outside our church family. The names will be kept secret and can be handled through our Pastor.

NOTE: The Mother-Daughter/Friend Tea Party is now a Mother, Daughter, Friend, Cousin, or Sister Brunch and the time has also changed to 11 AM on June 23. The menu will be quiche, cheese, fruit, fancy spinach salad, cheese cake squares and croissants drizzled in honey butter with peach and regular tea. Tickets will go on sale on June 3 following the service in the fellowship hall. Cost will be $5 per person and children 3 years and under are free. Please remember to bring food items for We Care. School will soon be out and they will be feeding many families. The boxes for drop off are located in the fellowship hall.
Phyllis, Leader

Lutheran Men News

Posted May 1, 2018 By admin

The Lutheran Men’s next meeting is May 20 at 6 PM in the fellowship hall. Lynn has devotions and all men are requested to be here to assist with the cooking. All ladies are requested to attend that evening for A Ladies Night Hamburger Cookout sponsored by the men. Come enjoy a hamburger and fellowship with the church family. (Be watching worship folders for information on our upcoming BBQ.)

Worship and Music News

Posted May 1, 2018 By admin

Music speaks to our souls and can touch us
in unexpected ways during our lives. If you’re like
me, there are songs you grew up singing, songs that
had a deeper meaning to you than the mere words
on the page. Perhaps it was a song that you just
happened to hear or sing at a time when you needed
to be reminded of the truth written in those words.
This summer – from the first Sunday in June
through the 3rd Sunday in August, you have the
opportunity to choose what the choir sings for the
offertory anthem. We’d like to know your favorite
hymns: ones from old hymnals, spirituals, gospel
songs, children’s songs, camp songs – anything that
is appropriate for worship service.

There will be a box in the narthex along with
paper and pencils for you to write down those
favorites. You don’t have to look up a hymn number;
simply write the title of the hymn. If you aren’t sure
of the title, but know the lyrics to the refrain, write
that down. You don’t have to write your name on the
paper but please be aware that if there is any
difficulty in locating the hymn you requested, I would
not know who to contact for additional information.

Each summer Sunday, starting May 27th,
during the children’s sermon, one of the children will
draw a hymn out of the box. That hymn will be the
anthem on the following Sunday. And if there are
any members of the congregation who would like to
come to the choir loft during the sharing of the peace
to sing that hymn with the choir, this is your

Soli Deo Gloria,
