Archive for January, 2020

Spring Retreat

Posted January 30, 2020 By admin

St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Spring Retreat is scheduled for April 24th – 26th at beautiful Camp St. Christopher on Seabrook Island, SC. Our theme is “Living and Growing as Disciples of Jesus Christ.” Members and friends of St. Jacob’s are invited to study together, strengthening their faith while enjoying a time of rest and rejuvenation.

Camp St. Christopher offers participants a place where they can enjoy a private beach, watch dolphins swim and play, hike along wilderness trails, and enjoy a Friday night campfire.

Retreat topics will include: What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? How do I share my faith? And, What does it mean to take up the cross?

The cost for the retreat is $150.00 per person. Further details are included on the registration form which is located in the narthex. You may also send an email to Pastor David or to the Church office requesting a registration form. Deadline for registration is February 2nd.

Read The Bible In One Year

Posted January 30, 2020 By admin

With the New Year comes an opportunity to once again read through the Bible in one year. Several members of our church family have taken up this reading plan already. If you have not yet done so, you may pick up a reading plan brochure in the narthex. If you have done this already, well, why not read the Bible again?

Beginning on February 2nd, Pastor David will lead an afternoon discussion and take questions on the first Sunday of each month from those members who are participating or anyone else who would like to attend. Come join the group. Encourage one another to deepen your knowledge of the scriptures. Read the Bible in one year. You will certainly be glad you did.

St. Jacob’s Church Facebook

Posted January 30, 2020 By admin

Entering the new year, we wanted to remind everyone who uses Facebook, that St. Jacob’s has a page. We are becoming more active with photos, devotions, and reminders of events!

It is a great way to connect with our church family online. We post Pastor David’s Sunday sermons on there as well. You can search @StJacobs.Chapin to find us!

Music Update

Posted January 30, 2020 By admin

As we begin the discernment of our music program and embark on a search for a new Music Director, it should go without saying that our two Sundays during which our congregation sang everything without benefit of the organ or piano were simply wonderful examples of our ability to sing. St. Jacob’s is filled with people who, when all singing together, are able to make a very joyful sound as we sing God’s praises.

We are blessed in that we do have supply organists scheduled for our upcoming weeks. Our services of worship will be enhanced by each one. I do pray that, even as we welcome musicians to accompany us, our singing will continue to be cheerful and bold. For me as your pastor, as I stand in the Chancel each week, there is no sound so sweet as the sound of the congregation singing the hymns and liturgies of the church.

In the times ahead, I will do all I can to keep the congregation up to date as to the progress of our search for a new music director. In the meantime, pray for the Staff Support Team, our choir and other musicians as we all work together to identify the one God has chosen to lead us musically.

Youth Director and Family Ministries

Posted January 30, 2020 By admin

In 2020, I made it my goal to try to do new things, to get out of my comfort zone. I want to encourage you all to do that as well. One of my favorite things about St. Jacob’s is Sunday School. I love that we take the time to be together, study scripture, and prepare our hearts and minds for Worship. “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage; then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” Romans 12:4-8

We all have different gifts, perspectives, and experiences to bring to the table. I would love to encourage you that if you are not in a Sunday School class, consider joining one. If your child does not regularly attend Sunday School, bring them, I guarantee they will benefit greatly from it. The first leap is always the toughest; but in the long run, you will thank yourself.

“Are you and your family involved in Sunday School classes? If not, why not give it a try? Sunday School provides a structure for teaching God’s Word to specific age groups. As a parent, you teach your children in your home and they learn not only from the Scriptures you teach them, but they learn from your actions. In a Sunday School class, they can hear the same teaching from others and that builds their trust in what you say and teach them and helps them to build trust in the teachers and pastor. And Sunday School classes give all of us, regardless of the age group, a time of fellowship with other believers, an opportunity to share our faith with each other, and we learn to pray with and for others. It helps us to become disciples of Jesus whether we are three or onehundred and three years old. If you will only give it a try, you might find that you get more from it than you ever imagined. Come and see.” Larry Shull

“Come join us as we JOURNEY together in FAITH and FELLOWSHIP. The Journey Class meets in the church office conference room each Sunday beginning at 9:15 AM for fellowship and our lesson begins at 9:30 AM. We are a group that enjoys lively discussion and a deep desire to understand God’s Word and its application to our lives. Our current study is focused on the Lessons and Gospel that are read as part of our worship each week. A strength of this class is the friendship and prayerful support that has developed among the members as we journey through life’s challenges and obstacles together. We welcome ALL to come and experience this JOURNEY with us!” Susan S. Shealy

“I like Sunday School because it’s not just one activity. We play games and crafts and learn about God.” Cora Wallace

Sunday School classes for children and teens is located downstairs starting at 9:15 AM. We look forward to seeing some new faces!

Grace & Peace,


From the Pastor’s Heart

Posted January 1, 2020 By admin

While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 19And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:18-19

 Fishermen, they are the ones whom Jesus picked out of the crowd. Fishermen. Jesus didn’t choose prominent figures. He didn’t choose the leader of the synagogue. He didn’t choose a rich land owner, civic leader or well-known businessman. He chose fishermen as his first disciples. It would seem highly unlikely that one who came to rescue God’s people from worldly powers that defy God would chose such a band of brothers to become the first members of his followers, but he did.

 What is even more curious to us in these so many years after Jesus walked the earth is why Simon, Andrew, and later James and John left their nets, their families and even their lives behind and followed this unknown Jesus. Jesus wasn’t well known at this point. He wasn’t famous. As far as anyone knew, he was a carpenter from Nazareth. But indeed, they did follow and they became the builders of the church Jesus instituted so that the world could learn of God’s salvation through the death and resurrection of his Son.

Now here we are in the year 2020 and Jesus is still calling disciples to build up his church so that all who have not heard the name Jesus may hear the truth of the Gospel. Jesus calls all Christians to be disciples, to take up their cross and follow, just as he called Simon, Andrew, James, and John. Our Lord calls us to learn from him, do the things he did, and live for the sake of others that they might be saved. The only things left to consider is will we follow? Will we leave behind all that hinders us, all that keeps us from being about the work of Christ? Will we learn to cast our nets and fish for people?

Being disciples and making disciples is central to the ministry of the NALC. Since the beginning of our denomination nearly ten years ago, we have heard the call to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. Slowly, gradually, I have begun bringing this movement to St. Jacob’s. For the past twelve months, a handful of church family members and I have studied together and explored the life of discipleship. Now, as we begin this new year, more church family members will engage in this discussion and study until our congregation as a whole has the opportunity to follow our Lord on this journey of faith. We will be learning more about being disciples of Jesus and finding ways to make disciples for him as we share our faith with our community. What we will one day recognize is a change in the culture of our congregation. One where worship is paramount, fellowship is increased, and prayer becomes central to what we do as we engage more deeply in the mission of the church.

Dear friends, living as disciples of Jesus is something all Christians are called to do. Casting our nets and fishing for people is the work our Lord Jesus has given not only to us, but all of his followers. I pray that as you read this, you will become curious as did Simon and Andrew. I pray that you would become eager as did James and John. And I pray that our church family, all of us together, will become fishers of people, following our Lord Jesus as his disciples on a journey of faith.

Grace to you and peace,

Pastor David Nuottila

Pastoral Devotion for January

Posted January 1, 2020 By admin

What Makes You Tick?

Read: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9

 If you want to know what a person is really passionate about, just listen to them as they speak. It doesn’t take very long to figure out what makes them tick; it’s that one thing they continue to bring up repeatedly. The apostle Paul was relentless in sharing the Gospel of Christ throughout the world. Being among God’s people and rejoicing in the promise of life in God’s kingdom is certainly what fueled Paul’s fire.

 Paul endured hardship, imprisonment and even shipwrecks, yet nothing seemed to dampen his excitement for telling others about the power of God’s love made manifest in Christ’s victory over sin and death. The world was desperate to receive the good news of God’s salvation, and Paul was especially willing to proclaim it.

 Today, it is no secret that the world is desperate for God’s Word. As traditional values erode and the authority of Holy Scripture is not as widely recognized, the Gospel of Jesus Christ continues to be shared by those especially willing to proclaim it. Some endure hardship, others face persecution. But like Paul, they are relentless in their mission.

Most Christians do not face such difficulties. Still, being among the people of God, rejoicing in the promise of God’s grace, and sharing the good news of Christ makes many Christians tick. Listen, God is calling. He is calling Christians to follow the example of Paul, to speak with passion, His promise of grace and peace to a world so desperate to receive it.

Prayer: Almighty God, make us bold in our proclaiming your message of grace through Jesus Christ. Amen.