From the Pastor’s Heart

Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how.” Mark 1:10-11
This text from Mark’s gospel should be a familiar one for most of us. It comes from the Gospel lesson we had on June 13th. During the weeks following Holy Trinity Sunday, in the year in which we primarily read from Mark’s Gospel, we hear several parables from Jesus concerning the seed of God’s Word. This text teaches us that no matter the situation we might find ourselves in, God’s kingdom is bursting forth all around us. It may not always seem like it, for we all know there is plenty of trouble and misfortune to go around. Still, since Christ took the weight of humanity’s sin to the cross, those who believe and are baptized are blessed with the peace of Christ, in that our sins are forgiven, and we have the promise of everlasting life.
God’s kingdom is so vast, so wide, the Word of the Lord will fill the hearts and minds of people no matter where they may stand. So why might it be that today’s Christians are not as apt in sharing God’s word with others? Why are so many Christians reluctant to do the work of evangelism? Well, to borrow a word from Jesus, truly, I say to you that it is likely because we live in a culture base on individuality rather than community. Humanity has wandered so far from God’s precepts that even those who desire to have a relationship with the Lord desire to have one defined by their own human standards and not God’s standards.
Case in point, take a look at how much our society has tried to redefine sin so that it doesn’t seem so shameful. At nearly every turn, traditional expressions of Christian faith have become viewed as offensive and exclusive. So, what is a Christian to do when it comes to living in the world but not of the world? What does it mean that we are to be dwellers and proclaimers of God’s kingdom as
Christ continues to establish his reign on earth? The short answer to this question is, “share the Gospel.”
The world is filled with problems, issues and distractions that grab our attention and attempt to fill our hearts and minds with worry, doubt, and anxiety. It is so easy to focus on the headlines of our lives and forget that we do in fact have good news that satisfies the hunger deep within our hearts and souls. Everywhere we go, there are people who have a hunger and thirst for the Gospel of Christ Jesus. As children of God, we are called to proclaim this good news, even when we think people don’t want to listen. The power of the gospel is such that once the seed is planted, growth will occur. We may not realize how or when the good news takes root, but God assures us that even as we plant the seed of his Word, the Holy Spirit will most certainly cause it to grow.
Sharing our faith with others, especially those who have not heard the Gospel of Christ, is the calling of every Christian. God gathers us in worship, shares his Word through song, reading and preaching, and then feeds us from his table of grace, so that we are enabled and equipped to tell others about Christ. God sends us out as witnesses to the power of God’s love and the abundance of his grace.
It doesn’t matter if one turns away when you share your faith with them. The seed is still planted. It doesn’t matter if another shuns you as you bring God’s message of salvation. What matters is that each one of us takes up the cross of Christ, and bears witness to our Lord Jesus whose mercy and forgiveness is eternal and whose kingdom meant for all people. Only when we do this will we bring the good news to those who long to be a part of God’s eternal kingdom.
As you ponder this message, think about those instances when you might share the Gospel with a stranger. Then pray for confidence and clarity in your proclamation. Pray for those with whom you share your faith. God’s Word will not return empty, of this you can be sure.
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila