Youth Director & Family Ministries

Musical Mondays has been such a huge success for our church and especially our kids. There was such a wonderful response when we first announced it to the congregation. Over the past five weeks, we have sang, danced, made tambourines and lyres, and played numerous games together. Yes, we have fun. Of course we do. But the real growth of these children has been in all that they have learned. We start our morning out with a time of devotion and a lesson for the day. Our main objective is to learn that no matter what situation you are in, no matter how you do it, and no matter what anyone else says – you are called to worship God. Worship is our joyful response for all that God has done for us. Throughout each week, we learn different ways that we can praise God – by doing crafts, by being silent before the Lord, by reading Psalms, or by being in God’s house with each other. It truly has been a wonderful experience, and we still have a few weeks left. Watch your worship folders for a MUSICAL MONDAY SHOWCASE to be held. We would love to see you there.
In Christ,