Carolinas Mission Region Convocation

The annual convocation of our mission region will be held on Friday, May 3rd and Saturday May 4th at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Little Mountain. The Friday session will focus on the various missions and ministries of the NALC and Carolinas kicks off at 6:00PM with presentations given by Awakening Lives to World Mission (video), Carolinas Lutheran Women, Carolinas Lutheran Men, Lutherans for Life, The Spiritual Orphans Network (SON), Lutheran Military Families and Veterans Ministries, India Transformed, and the Malawi Orphan Care Project.
Following a break for mission district meetings, presentations will be given by Carolinas Mission region ministries including; NALC Disaster Response, SMI Mission to Haiti, Congo Mission International, and Addis Hiwot Ethiopian Ministries. The Friday session concludes with the Compline (worship at the end of the day) at 8:45PM.
The convocation reconvenes at 8:00AM Saturday morning to welcome NALC Bishop Dan Selbo, conduct Mission Region business, reports on elections, and participate ion breakout sessions. Supper and Lunch are provided for those registered for the convocation and the worship services and Mission presentations are open to all. St. Jacob’s attendees are Pastor David Nuottila, Larry (Mission Region Council Rep) and delegate Brandon.