Our congregation continues to make a difference in our community by providing meals for mobile delivery to the Chapin community and also in Jenkinsville, Prosperity, Newberry and Whitmire. The Mercy Bags are delivered specifically to families who do not have transportation to travel to a grocery store or who don’t have a grocery store near their home. Over the summer our congregation has provided over 40 Mercy Bags, each containing 3 meals, to We Care.

How can you help?
1. Shop for meal items and deliver them to the fellowship hall. The list for what is needed is located in the narthex. Meals are packed by teams on the first and third Sunday of each month and delivered to We Care on Monday morning.

2. Make a monetary donation designated for “Mercy Bags” and place it in the offering plate. The teams will use these funds to shop for the meal items to pack the Mercy Bags.

If you are interested in joining one of the Mercy Bags teams, contact Lynn.