Pastoral Devotion for May

The Great Deception
Read Matthew 28:11-15
From Galileo to Columbus, the world has had difficulty accepting things that challenge long held belief. The earth is the center of the solar system and the world is flat. When challenged, these long held truths found support by kings and emperors. Pope Urban VIII even had Galileo stand trial because he dared question these perceived realities. One might think that the Church would be open to new possibilities, especially since it is the Church which was born out of such a discovery. After all, once crucified and buried, dead men do not escape the grave.
After making their report to the authorities, the guards assigned to Jesus’ tomb were paid to keep the story from spreading. After all, if the resurrection were real, then everything Jesus said and taught would also be true. The priests and Pharisees would have some explaining to do. Better to keep it quiet.
Since that first Easter day, the world has tried to do just that; keep news to the resurrection quiet. All sorts of stories and theories have been offered, the oldest one being concocted by the temple authorities claiming the disciples stole his body. Some asserted that Jesus did not die, and when he was taken from the cross was revived. Still others say Jesus wasn’t crucified at all; it was an imposter who hung on the cross. Try as they might, such claims cannot be substantiated because they are not true.
God sent his Son into the world to save people from their sin and that’s just what he did. All who believe and are baptized are saved. Just as the world is PASTORAL DEVOTION FOR MAY round and the earth revolves around the sun, God’s people are raised to new life through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There really can be no point in raising new questions, defending old assertions and supporting the notion of life without Christ, unless one intends to live apart from God.

Prayer: Almighty God, fill us with your truth, that we may tell others the news of Christ’s victory.