Good Things for November 2022
- The Up and Going Thanksgiving dinner and meeting.
- Abundance of good desserts provided for The Hub Thanksgiving meal.
- NALC health kit collection and assembly along with the Chili Cookoff meal
- Good participation to put up Chrismon trees and decorations.
- The Council received the Pastor’s report. The new Administrative Assistant, Jean started with SJLC on December 1, 2022. The Pastor will be away from the office Jan. 27-28 for the Congo Mission meeting in Rosenberg, TX, and also Jan. 29 – Feb 3 at the Clergy Convocation & Bishop’s Ministerium in San Antonio, TX. Elders will lead worship services on Feb. 3, 2023.
- Bob provided the treasurer’s report. The church has spent 79.97% of the 2022 budget. The Estate Gifts and Bus Sale accounts will remain open in 2023. The Council approved using the following funds for the purchase of green paraments and alter clothes: Amazon Smiles, Holiday Giving, Memorial Fund and Facility Rental donations.
All ministry team reports were received by the council. Notes of interest were as follows:
- Staff Support: The Administrative Assistant position has been filled by Jean effective December 1, 2022. The Youth and Family Minister position remains open. The Staff Support committee will recognize all staff at Christmas with gift cards.
- Christian Education: Sherrie McTeer will continue to teach both of the children’s classes through December 2022. There is a need for assistance beginning in January of 2023. There will be no Sunday School on Christmas Day.
- Congregational Care: Pound cake donations provided for The Hub Thanksgiving meals were very appreciated. There was enough donated to provide for 400 meals.
- Discipleship: There continues to be a need for food donations and/or funds to provide meals for We Care. The Up and Going collected and delivered more than 50 pounds of food to We Care in November.
- Property: no report
- Stewardship: The Audit team met on Nov. 14, 2022 to review the youth account and all records were accepted as presented. There was a request from the Finance Committee to move this account to general funds; however, the Council approved to keep the Youth Fund Account open so that funds will be available when needed.
- Worship and Music: The Sanctuary was decorated for Christmas.
Old Business:
- Fresh Eyes for Mission Summit: The Council approved moving forward with planning of the Fresh Eyes for Mission Summit and will discuss further in January.
- The Nursery Attendant position was tabled.
- Review of the Safe Sanctuary policy was tabled.
New Business
- Council discussed the time of the Christmas Eve Service and the possibility of having an earlier service; however, after a brief discussion, we will continue with the 7:00 p.m. service for Christmas Eve this year.
- There was discussion regarding leaving the offering plates at the back of the Sanctuary and discontinue the passing of the plates during Sunday morning service; however, after discussion, it was decided to continue to pass the plates.
- The Executive Committee will have a Mutual Ministry meeting with Pastor David on Thursday, December 15th at 3:00 p.m.