One of the joys of my mission work in Congo is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with so many people who have not had the opportunity to worship or learn of God’s saving grace through reading the Scriptures. Bibles are hard to come by for most people living in the outlying and remote areas surrounding Mbuji-Mayi. For this reason, I am encouraging everyone at St. Jacob’s to participate in this year’s mission in a unique way. I invite you all to “adopt a Bible” that would be provided to church members in Mbuji-Mayi and Merode.
Bibles printed in the tribal languages in Congo are available in Kinshasa (the capitol city), but not in the remote areas in which we serve. Pastor Kalonji hopes to fill a suitcase with Bibles to take to the Lutheran congregation in Mbuji-Mayi and have them distributed to families by local pastors. Each Bible printed in the local languages cost about $25 each. If you would like to provide one for a family in Congo, simply add that amount to your church offering and designate the amount given “Congo Mission Bibles” on your envelope where it says “other.”
Thank you so much for your consideration and generosity as we continue to minister to God’s people in such a far-off place. This year’s mission trip is scheduled for July 8-21