Our KFC group will meet on Sunday, November 7th and Sunday, November 21st at 4 PM. All our children in grades 1-6 are invited to come enjoy games, snacks and a time of learning how to become disciples of Jesus by serving others. We will also begin a new service project to help support We Care of Chapin. Come join in the fun as we gather in Jesus’ name and grow in faith as Kids for Christ.
Outreach Archive
St. Jacob’s Kids for Christ
Posted November 1, 2021 By adminChoir Notes
Posted September 30, 2021 By adminMark your calendars for 3 PM October 10th!
It’s Homecoming, and as we gather to worship God with a guest pastor and beautiful music, we will also celebrate the family of faith we have all found at St. Jacobs. Unfortunately, there are members of our congregation who are no longer able to attend Homecoming in person. So, let’s take Homecoming to them.
We will meet at the church at 3 PM and caravan to the homes of our shut-in members. Think Christmas caroling, only in October, and sharing some of the favorite songs and hymns of our faith. Join us in taking St. Jacobs home for these cherished members of our family.
Homecoming 2021
Posted September 30, 2021 By adminOur annual Homecoming celebration is scheduled for Sunday, October 10th. Having missed out on Homecoming in 2020 due to the pandemic, we can all look forward to a day of wonderful fellowship. Please invite members of St. Jacob’s past and present to join us. Our Homecoming guest preacher will be our old friend, Pastor Marty Ramey. Later that afternoon, church family members are invited to go sing for St. Jacob’s members who are not able to attend worship. We will share time with them singing some of those good old hymns that everyone loves to sing while visiting folks whom we have not seen for a while. Join us on October 10th at 3 PM. We will travel in cars and share the gift of the church’s music making a joyful noise unto the Lord. Please circle the date on your calendars and be sure to come enjoy this day of celebration.
From the Pastor’s Heart
Posted September 5, 2021 By adminIn March, I offered to the congregation what I call my Six-Point Vision to enhance our ministry and congregational life for the future of St. Jacob’s. The six points as they were presented in the March newsletter are:
1. Create an Intentional Disciple Making
2. Growing the Christian Education Ministries of our congregation.
3. Raising up Leaders for the Church.
4. Grow in our focus on Mission and Outreach.
5. Develop a welcoming and inviting culture.
6. Grow in our sense of Christian fellowship.
This month, I would like to speak to one of those points that I believe is vital to the future of our life together. Point #2, Growing the Christian Education Ministries of our congregation, is one that has been a generations old problem for many congrega-tions. It is no secret that participation in Sunday School, Confirmation, and Bible Studies have fallen off drastically since the day when many of us were eager participants.
Over my pastoral ministry spanning three congregations, Christian Education teams have been faced with the issue of having too few volunteers to teach classes and a dwindling number of students. The same questions have arisen over the years. “How do we encourage people to teach classes?” How can we get our children to participate?” Since my initial conversations with the call team four years ago, I understand, St. Jacob’s, has struggled with these same questions. Answers, I assure you, do not come easy.
In order to address this complex issue, I asked for the Christian Education Team to meet in August in order to discuss the present condition of our Sunday School Ministry. At the time of this writing and due to newsletter deadlines, the meeting has been scheduled but has not yet taken place. It is my hope that our discussion will prove fruitful and faithful as we speak to the need for Christian Education and
faith formation for all members of our church family.
During the Youth Ministry Workshop at our convocation in Texas, I began a conversation citing the challenges of Sunday school and found that St. Jacob’s has not been alone in facing this issue. More recently, I also began an online conversation among pastors and youth ministers which is leading to an understanding among the group that perhaps it is time to begin thinking creatively and unconventionally. On Thursday, August 26th, I participated in an online Zoom discussion centered upon the questions we all face regarding Sunday School. The information brought out during this conversation was astounding. So many congregations are facing dire circumstances when it comes to providing Christian education for our children.
All too often, discussions regarding Sunday School end up with committees and ministry teams suggesting that we turn the clocks back to a time when Sunday School participation was in its heyday, doing the things we did when we were kids. This seldom works given that times have changed, and approaches to teaching and communicating with children are much different. The lack of volunteers willing to serve as teachers is also an issue that remains constant.
Given all of this, there is something that we must never lose sight of. God commands us to teach the Scriptures to our children and to our children’s children. For the sake of our families and the generations that will follow, it is imperative that we take God’s command seriously. If we don’t teach our children and young adults the things God commands, the world will teach them the things that our sinful world demands. This is a concern that weighs heavy upon your pastor’s heart.
I pray that we are able to have a faithful and fruitful conversation and that any decisions we make will be in line with God’s expectations for our church family. Especially for the sake of our children and their families, I ask for your continued prayers and support of our Christian Education Ministry. I will do my best to be a teacher of the faith for you and for those in our community now and into the future. I also pledge to continue to seek God’s guidance leading our congregation to develop a greater desire to study God’s Word and pass it on to others.
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila
More About the Congo Mission
Posted August 30, 2021 By adminBy the time this newsletter is published and sent out, my mission partner and good friend Pastor Stéphane Kalonji will have returned from this year’s Congo Mission trip. With his return, the countdown to next mission trip has begun. Next July, as the Lord wills it, I will travel with my friend and brother in Christ to Kinshasa and embark on a three-week mission to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and minister to the people of the Bas-Congo region.
I am most anxious to return and see my friends in the cities of Boma, Tshela, and Matadi. These are people who have taken me in and treated me as one of their own. We share meals together, fellowship and a fairly good amount of laughter as we do the work of the gospel together.
One more aspect of next year’s trip is that Pastor Kaonji and I have invited someone new to go along with us. St. Jacob’s newest friend, Pastor Mathew Magera, who visited us with his youth group in July is prayerfully discerning our invitation to accompany us to Congo and work along side us as we engage Jesus’s Great Commission to make disciples. As a part of this invitation, I hope to travel to Zion Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh to provide information for his congregation. I expect this trip will occur in early September, perhaps as early as Labor Day Weekend.
Please pray for Pastor Mathew as he considers becoming one of our Congo Mission International Missionaries. I can truly attest to the fact that once one has met the people of the Bas-Congo region and shared life together with them, they will be a part of that person’s life forever.
In the coming months, I will ask our church family, our auxiliaries, and friends to once again support our missional effort by hosting fund raising events and sharing information concerning the Congo Mission within the greater Chapin community. The amount of funding it takes to complete our mission efforts each year can seem somewhat daunting, but God has and always will provide the means for his missionaries to extend the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the world. Until then, thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers, and support on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in a land so far away. I assure you; they pray for us continually that God would bless us in our ministry and proclamation of the Gospel. To God be the glory, Pastor David
The Congo Mission
Posted June 30, 2021 By adminOn July 6th, my mission partner to the Congo will depart on this year’s Congo Mission trip. Pastor Stephan Kalonji, whom several of you have met, will leave his family and congregation and fly to Kinshasa, arriving there on July 7th. This will be a very important trip as he and I resume our missional efforts to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of such humble means.
Of course, last year we did not make a mission trip to the Congo due to COVID-19. Normally, this would have been the year I would travel with Pastor Kalonji and serve with him. With this year’s trip, the countdown for my next mission trip commences. Plans are already in the works for our 2022 Mission trip next July. In the coming weeks and months, I will highlight the work we do in the name of Jesus. The Congo Mission is a very important part of my overall ministry and I am so grateful to God and to those who offer their prayers and support. Please keep Pastor Kalonji and his family in your prayers while he is serving in Africa.
Welcome Zion Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Posted June 30, 2021 By adminSunday July 18th is going to be a very special day here at St. Jacob’s. Not only will we welcome the President of the NALC’s seminary, but we will also play host to Pastor David’s friend Pastor Mathew Magera and the Youth of Zion Lutheran Church from
Pittsburg. Pastor Magera and Zion’s youth group will be making their way to Charleston for their summer mission trip and will make a pit stop at St. Jacob’s on Saturday, July 17th to rest from their travels. Members of Zion will spend the night, lock-in style in our Sunday school wing. Volunteers from our Men’s group will provide breakfast for our guests, and they will be joining us for worship Sunday morning. Please welcome our guests warmly as they travel to Charleston to do the work of the Gospel.
Vacation Bible School
Posted June 30, 2021 By adminThank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who volunteered with VBS (Concrete and Cranes). To all of the teachers, those who provided food & drink, or helped out in any way: THANK YOU. We could not have done it without all of you.
In Christ’s love,
Six-Point Vision Update
Posted May 28, 2021 By adminIn the March newsletter, I provided a six point vision for our near future ministries here at St. Jacob’s. This month, I would like to update the congregation concerning each of these ministry vision points.
Create an Intentional Disciple Making Culture
I have met with our Discipleship Ministry Team leader Lynn Shealy, and we are working on a congregational activity to help us begin growing a culture of discipleship and mission. We hope to invite the congregation to be a part of this at some point during the summer.
Growing the Christin Education Ministries of our Congregation
The goal of this vision point is to enhance our Christian Education Ministry for all ages. The beginning steps are working with the children. Progress toward this goal is happening through the efforts of Angela Nuottila and Rachel Shelton and their plan for Musical Mondays. Children will learn what it means to praise God throughout their life. I am also dedicated to continue posting daily morning devotions and conducting Bible studies using our St. Jacob’s Online Campus on Zoom.com.
Raising up Leaders for the Church I have had an initial meeting with a small group of church family members to help in discernment concerning St. Jacob’s as an NALC internship site. The cost of internship is steep, but there is assistance available through the Carolinas Mission Region. We will continue to meet and discuss the possibilities of hosting an NALC intern in the future. I am also in the process of inviting the president of the North American Lutheran Seminary to come visit with our congregation and provide more insight concerning the need to raise up candidates for ordained ministry within the NALC. Team members for discernment are: Susan, Judy, Michael, Danny, John.
Grow in our Focus on Mission and Outreach
In May, Rachel and I took a tour of the NALC Disaster Warehouse and spoke with the administrators and our NALC Bishop. We will be planning ways for our congregation to become greater supporters of this ministry as the need continues to grow.
Develop a Welcoming and Inviting Culture
This is something that St. Jacob’s has been good at throughout the years, but we need to remain very intentional in inviting others to join us for worship and to become a part of our life together. I hope to meet with the Worship and Music Team soon so, we can plan an “Invite a Friend Sunday” when we welcome friends and extended family members to come worship with us.
Grow our Sense of Christian Fellowship
Perhaps the greatest challenge for us is to overcome the sense of social distance following the COVID-19 pandemic. As restrictions are eased and more people are vaccinated against the virus, we are able to open up our congregation to more activities. I am hoping that our auxiliaries (Men, Women, Up and Going, Youth) will resume monthly meetings and enjoy time together.
Posted May 28, 2021 By adminCome and explore a world of concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers, and backhoes, and learn to build your faith on Jesus as we uncover the truth that ‘He who began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion’! St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church will host Vacation Bible School Monday, June 21st – Thursday, June 24th from 6:00-8:00 PM each night. Join us at 5:45 PM for a shared meal before we kick off each night learning about God through games, lessons, crafts, and music! There are classes for all ages, even adults! Come, fellowship, and learn about how to build a STRONG FOUNDATION of love, forgiveness, worth, and promises of Jesus! We cannot wait to see you there. If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, reach out to Rachel at rachelshel10@outlook.com.