Outreach Archive

Pastoral Devotion for May

Posted May 4, 2021 By admin

The Great Deception
Read Matthew 28:11-15
From Galileo to Columbus, the world has had difficulty accepting things that challenge long held belief. The earth is the center of the solar system and the world is flat. When challenged, these long held truths found support by kings and emperors. Pope Urban VIII even had Galileo stand trial because he dared question these perceived realities. One might think that the Church would be open to new possibilities, especially since it is the Church which was born out of such a discovery. After all, once crucified and buried, dead men do not escape the grave.
After making their report to the authorities, the guards assigned to Jesus’ tomb were paid to keep the story from spreading. After all, if the resurrection were real, then everything Jesus said and taught would also be true. The priests and Pharisees would have some explaining to do. Better to keep it quiet.
Since that first Easter day, the world has tried to do just that; keep news to the resurrection quiet. All sorts of stories and theories have been offered, the oldest one being concocted by the temple authorities claiming the disciples stole his body. Some asserted that Jesus did not die, and when he was taken from the cross was revived. Still others say Jesus wasn’t crucified at all; it was an imposter who hung on the cross. Try as they might, such claims cannot be substantiated because they are not true.
God sent his Son into the world to save people from their sin and that’s just what he did. All who believe and are baptized are saved. Just as the world is PASTORAL DEVOTION FOR MAY round and the earth revolves around the sun, God’s people are raised to new life through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There really can be no point in raising new questions, defending old assertions and supporting the notion of life without Christ, unless one intends to live apart from God.

Prayer: Almighty God, fill us with your truth, that we may tell others the news of Christ’s victory.

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted May 4, 2021 By admin

Spiritual gifts are specific ways the work of the Holy Spirit is manifested in our lives. These gifts – on top of our interests, hobbies, abilities, likes and dislikes join together to form who we are and how we participate in the work God is doing all around us. We all have needs, and when you put us all together to make up a church, those needs become the church’s needs. As we hear the Gospel, it changes our hearts. Our attention will begin to turn away from ourselves to those around us. Galatians 6:10 says “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” You can see the Gospel through the local church all across the world. Our church is sustained by faithful volunteer service. The church is people who love Jesus parking cars, holding babies, reading the Scriptures together, pouring tea and lemonade, and opening their homes. The Lord can use anybody. All you have to do is be willing to answer the call. This seems so small, but it really does require a change of heart. A good measure of our spiritual health is our depth of concern for other people. A phrase my friends used to say in college was “love finds a need and meets it.” We are all of the same body, brothers and sisters, and there is no doubt that we love each other here at St. Jacob’s. There is no better way to show love than to let God work in and through us by helping one another. If we learned anything this past year, it’s that we don’t want to do life alone. We’re not made for that. Even the most introverted people need to know that someone is in their corner. As we begin to open up, welcome people back, and begin having events, I want to encourage you to participate. There is so much to do and so many people to catch up with. I don’t want to ever take for granted how blessed we are to have each other here. Don’t be afraid to reach out to try something new or attend something new. We need to trust that God will equip us, guide us, and give joy for the work.
In Christ,

When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. Mark 16:2
Writing this installment of my monthly letter to you, I cannot help but reflect upon our celebration of Easter 2020. Being somewhat naïve in our response to COVID-19 last year, we had hoped that after only three weeks of online worship only, the church would be filled with people on Easter Sunday. In hindsight, we certainly understand how wrong we were. Still, as Chris tians are called to do, we proclaimed the resurrection of Christ to the best of our ability for all to hear.
And now here we are about a year later. The COVID-19 pandemic is still a reality, but once more the church will proclaim the resurrection of our Lord to the best of our ability. For truly there is nothing that can defeat the power of the Risen Christ. So once more we hear the sweet refrain, “Alleluia, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!”
These are such wonderful words for a child of God to proclaim. Because Jesus offered his life as ransom for our sin, God has forgiven all who believe in him. And because Christ died and was raised to new life, the power of death is destroyed and all those who confess Jesus as Savior and Lord have the promise of eternal life. It’s no wonder that the sweet refrain “I know my Redeemer lives” is such sweet music to sooth our souls.
For over forty days, the Church has made its annual metaphoric Lenten pilgrimage to the city of Jerusalem where we are witnesses to the Passion of our Lord Jesus. His saving work is there for all to see. Lifted high on the cross bearing the weight of our disobedience, the victory over sin, death and the power of the devil is made sure. Still, even now, the events of Good Friday are difficult to bear for those who realize that it’s our sin that led to Jesus’ crucifixion. I can’t even begin to imagine the heartbreak and sorrow of those who witnessed it firsthand.
Mark’s account of the resurrection of Jesus seems to convey the gravity and power of the cross. Early in the morning, just as the sun breached the horizon, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome made their way to the tomb to finish the burial rite. Still reeling from the sight of Jesus’s death, theirs was a mission of duty according to Jewish custom. There is no doubt they loved Jesus; their devotion toward him was true. No amount of fear could keep them from completing that which was proper according to their law.
How would you feel if all of these things occurred before your eyes, and it was incumbent upon you to fulfill the duties of these women? Roman guards were on high alert. The temple authorities were tuned in to the activities of anyone who would claim to be a follower of Jesus, and the actions of his disciples would have most certainly been scrutinized closely. And when you finally make your way to the tomb…it is EMPTY!
Such were the circumstances for these women according to Mark. Fear had seized them and the thought of telling anyone seemed unlikely at best. Still, the angel’s words are clear and concise; “Go and tell the disciples and Peter.”
The good news of Jesus’ resurrection, as told to the women by the angel, was confirmation that God indeed has kept his promise to redeem that which was lost; to save his people from their sin and to reconcile all of creation unto the One who created the heavens and the earth. This good news of God’s salvation is still the sweetest refrain ever sung. As the psalmist writes, “The right hand of the Lord has triumphed!” People of God, the good news of Easter is the treasure God has entrusted unto you to share with the world around you. Christ has won the victory; through him sinners are forgiven and those who believe in him and are baptized into his death and resurrection will be saved. Do not be afraid to share this Easter joy. Take it to heart, proclaim it to those near and far. Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified is risen. And because he lives, we shall live also. Christ is risen; he is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted March 31, 2021 By admin

Sunday School Teachers
If you’ve ever thought about teaching Sunday School, now is your chance! We are now opening our classrooms again to new volunteers. There is only one class for our younger members, and it is a great opportunity to serve and have some fun! The lessons will be given to you two weeks in advance so you will have plenty of time to look over them before your scheduled date. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Narthex. We are currently scheduling through the end of the year so there are many dates available. If you have any questions, contact Rachel or Sherrie McTeer. We would love to assist you in any way that we can.
VBS Teachers
It’s that time again, St. Jacob’s! It is very exciting to say that we will be having VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL this summer. The dates will be June 21st -24th. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 CDC guidelines, things will look a little different this year, but we will make the best of it and remain safe while doing so. If you would like to volunteer in any way (crafts, teaching, decorating, etc.) please contact Rachel. There is something for everyone to do – just looking for your willingness and excitement. There will be more information given as we get closer to the date.
As we continue to livestream our services each week, we are in need of volunteers who would be interested in joining the audio/video team. The system is easy to learn and even easier to work with during the services. If you have the gift of understanding technology, this is a great opportunity for you to serve. A member of the team will gladly work with you until you feel comfortable and confident to do so alone. Reach out to Rachel, Angela, or Brandon with any questions.
We are still in need of Nursery assistants for both services, as we begin to welcome back our younger children. Our Nursery Director, Kelly, is downstairs but we adhere to the “Two-Adult Rule.” The service is streamed downstairs so you will still be able to participate in Worship. To sign up, contact Kelly or Sherrie.
Easter Egg Hunt
Thank you to all who helped with the Easter Egg Hunt this past weekend. Events like this could not happen without the servant hearts of St. Jacob’s members and the participation of the parents. All pictures taken are posted on our Facebook page!
Go check them out!

Where there is no prophetic vision the people perish but blessed is he who keeps the law. Proverbs 29:18 KJV
During the most recent NALC Convocation, Bishop Dan Selbo shared his vision for the future of the North American Lutheran Church. The 2020 Vision, as he called it, is a ten-point vision of what and where he sees as the next set of building blocks for the NALC as we grow into the future of our mission and ministry. Reflecting upon Bishop Dan’s vision, I spent time in prayer and study concerning a vision of what and where I believe God is calling us at St. Jacobs to be as we grow into the future of our mission and ministry here. What follows is the fruit of this prayerful study. I hope and pray that our church family is willing and able to embrace this six-point vision for our future so that we truly become faithful participants in God’s mission for the sake of the world. I am convinced that each point within this vision is central to the future growth and ministry of St. Jacob’s. As with the bishop’s 2020 vision, each vision point carries with it an associated goal for the future.

Point #1 – That St. Jacob’s develops an intentional Disciple Making Culture. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is more than simply calling yourself a disciple. Disciples continually learn from their teacher. They embrace a way of life where one lives in the world but not of the world. It is my hope that St. Jacob’s develops a culture where our church family members learn the importance and benefit of living as disciples of Jesus Christ. Becoming students of God’s Word through reading Scripture daily, engaging in Christian education opportunities of the church on a regular basis. This vision includes helping people develop an intentional prayer life, teaching church family members how it is they might share their faith with others outside St. Jacob’s, and growing in a deeper, more personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. The Goal: That St. Jacob’s would develop a small group ministry dedicated to assist members as they grow in discipleship and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Point #2 – Growing the Christian Education Ministries of our Congregation. It is becoming more and more common that children do not know the great stories of the Bible. This is an issue that has not just popped up overnight, it has happened because all too often parents have not stressed the importance of Sunday school and Christian education. It has been increasingly difficult to provide Christian Education for people of all ages due to a lack of willingness of adults to serve as Sunday school teachers for our young people. My vision for St. Jacob’s Christian Education includes classes where I might help equip and empower adult members of our Congregation to become faith leaders for our children. This is why I have begun the St. Jacob’s Online campus. Learning more about the Biblical narrative will provide others with the confidence needed to relate the biblical story to our life today and help our children to grow in faithfulness and love for the Lord. The Goal: That the majority of church family members embrace Christian learning and become active participants in studying the Scriptures together in Bible studies and Sunday school.

Point #3 – Raising up Leaders for the Church. While St. Jacob’s does support our NALC Seminary system through benevolent giving, I believe we are well equipped to help the NALC raise up the next generation of Pastors. The evidence for this is how the congregation welcomed and provided a place for NALC Candidate Philip Sandi to come and begin developing skills and confidence as he discerns his call to ministry. St. Jacob’s has previously served as an internship site and would provide an excellent contextual education opportunity for an intern of the NALC to come and learn and growinto the vocation of pastoral ministry. The Goal: That St. Jacob’s would discern the importance of this ministry and become an internship site for the NALC.
Point #4 – That St. Jacob’s would Grow in our Focus on Mission and Outreach. One of the CORE Values of the NALC is that the NALC is a Mission Driven Church. Since its founding by the apostles, the Church of Jesus Christ has existed for the sake of her neighbor. In Matthew 25, Jesus calls his followers to minister to the poor, the needy, hungry, sick and marginalized. The North American Lutheran Church calls upon congregations to engage this mission by participating in Local ministries, NALC mission partnerships, and at least one global ministry. Certainly, we do these things through our benevolent giving, but participating through “hands on” projects will help us grow in our sense of mission and ministry. We have plenty of resources at our disposal for use in active participation within several ministries such as NALC disaster response, WE CARE of Chapin and, Congo Mission International. The Goal: That St. Jacob’s church family members would lend their talents to working on mission projects regularly and the Outreach Team would become leaders in Mission projects throughout the year.

Point #5 – That St. Jacob’s develops a Welcoming and Inviting Culture through which the surrounding community is able to come and hear the Gospel and find a community of believers that shares their life together in Christ Jesus. So many studies have been conducted in recent years that point to the fact that most people come to a new church because they were personally invited by its members. Another study by the Barna group points to the issue that average Christian today only invites 1.2 people annually to their church for Sunday worship. As Chapin continues to grow in population and diversity, I believe we are uniquely situated to provide a community for worship for so many who do not have a church home of their own. When is the last time you invited someone to come to worship at St. Jacob’s? You might just want to begin with those family members who have been missing for a number of months or years. The Goal: That St. Jacob’s becomes known as an inviting congregation throughout Chapin and the surrounding community.

Point #6 – That St. Jacob’s grows in our Sense of Christian Fellowship. When I first came to St. Jacob’s, I was told that I shouldn’t go hungry because we are a congregation that likes to eat. This is music to the ears of those who enjoy a robust time of fellowship with family and friends. Sadly, even before the pandemic, fellowship opportunities at St. Jacob’s have been fewer and farther between. I’m not sure why this is the case, but it goes without saying that a congregation that enjoys lively Christian fellowship also enjoys a healthy relationship and life together. The Goal: As we emerge from the global pandemic, St. Jacob’s schedules frequent events during which we would enjoy fellowship among our church family.

I believe these vision points are central to the mission and ministry of St. Jacob’s future. With God’s help we will grow and become a house of prayer for many to call their church home. As the proverb says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” I believe living as a disciple of Jesus Christ is the key. If we attempt to build our ministry on our own, we will surely stumble. This vision for our congregation is not something That I offer on my own, but it is offered to you as I have prayed for God’s guidance in leading St. Jacob’s into the future of our life together in Christ. Having a vision for ministry is crucial to any congregation. We need to understand the direction in which we are traveling, that is if we are traveling at all. The desire here is to help us move forward. If we don’t know what it is that we are moving toward, it will be increasingly difficult to recognize the destination when we finally arrive.

Thank you for indulging me in this rather lengthy installment of my monthly column. I ask you all to prayerfully consider each of these ministry points and discern your role within them.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila

Pastoral Devotion for January: Faithful and True

Posted January 29, 2021 By admin

Read: Revelation 19:11-16
If you were asked to describe Jesus how would you? What physical attributes could you mention? John takes up the task in the nineteenth chapter of Revelation. I would imagine, however, that our descriptions of Jesus would likely fall seriously short of John’s. Who among us could capture the true essence of Christ better than John?
Christians are one week removed from celebrating the Nativity of Our Lord. This celebration lends itself to peaceful images of shepherds, angels and a baby lying in a manger. Yet, the power and purpose of this child is captured in John’s vision of the one sitting atop of a white horse whose name is Faithful and True. He commands armies of angels. From his mouth comes a sharp sword which cuts down evil and rules the nations with a rod of iron. His name? The Word of the Lord.
Our Lord Jesus, God’s Word made flesh remains faithful and true. Christ is the same yesterday, today and always. He is Lord and Savior. He came to save we who are neither faithful nor true. His mercy is revealed through the truth of his Word and his grace is sufficient in all circumstances. Turn to the Lord. Call upon his name and receive the free gift of salvation through the one who is King of kings, Lord of lords.
Prayer: Most holy God, keep us in faith, that we would be ever thankful for your mercy and grace. Amen.

We Care

Posted December 30, 2020 By admin

Please continue to bring your donations of nonperishable items for We Care. You may bring your donations to worship with you on Sunday morning, or drop them off at the church office Monday – Thursday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. When the list changes, it will be posted on the Bulletin Board in the Narthex.

From the Pastor’s Heart by Pastor David Nuottila

Posted December 29, 2020 By admin

I seldom make New Year resolutions, but this year I believe I will be making an exception. As we begin our fourth year together and look forward to continuing our ministry of the Gospel, I’m personally looking forward to working with our ministry team leaders and their respective teams. I believe we have reached a point in our time together where God is calling us to a wider vision and to a greater purpose as a congregation and church family.
For starters, it will be interesting to find where God is leading us in our worship and music program. The COVID pandemic will not last forever and soon it will be time to reassemble our choirs. We might ask, “Where do we encounter the risen Christ and how do we make his presence known through the music of St. Jacob’s?” “Where is God in our Children’s and Adult choir rehearsals and anthems?” How will we glorify God through hand bell choirs, guitars and other instruments?” These are good questions, and our Worship and Music ministry team will play an important role in listening for God’s answers.
And what of our Outreach Ministry team? There are important questions surrounding our love and care for our neighbors in their physical and spiritual needs. It is time to discern the ways in which we might make Christ known in the lives of others. Are we following Jesus as he leads us into the world? How is it that each one of our church family members is actively participating in the ministry of St. Jacob’s? Feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, giving aid to the poor and welcoming the stranger are all everyday tasks within the Christian vocation. It is what Jesus means when he says “take up your cross and follow me.”
What is the goal of our Christian education program? God calls us to go into the world making disciples, teaching all that he has commanded. Is this the Great Commission we understand when we gather to make plans for the next Vacation Bible School or Sunday school curriculum? Or are we simply satisfied to maintain the status quo and do things we have always done them? Where is God when we offer Bible studies or workshops? Is he calling you to greater participation? God calls us all to grow in faith through hearing His Word. Perhaps some might consider (and I hope you will) becoming a teacher of the faith or a disciple in training.
Then we have our youth program. Where is God as we raise our youngest members in faith? Certainly, God calls each one of us to be mentors for our children, and we promise we will do these things as we baptize. We are all called to be teachers of the faith, mentors helping them grow and supporters of their mission and efforts as they find their purpose in God’s kingdom. Where is God as we help our children grow as disciples?
Finally, how do we acknowledge God’s presence as we do the work of leadership within our congregation? When we make decisions that involve our time, talent, and treasure, are we making them with God’s purposes in mind? Or are we simply trying to figure out the best way of doing things as simply as possible without causing too much disturbance while keeping a close eye on the budget? As we perform maintenance and repair, make plans for future upgrades or simply preserve that which we already have, we are to accomplish our work while understanding every corner, nook and cranny of St. Jacob’s is the temple of God set aside for worship and prayer. How do we use every inch of what we have, on both sides of the street, to proclaim Christ crucified and risen? Truly I tell you, it makes a difference. Asking “Where is God in all this?” brings all of us to the point of realizing that nothing we have actually belongs to us. God is the Creator and Owner. Our gracious God blesses his people with everything imaginable to accomplish the task he sets before us. Asking “Where is God in all this focuses people on the very point that our mission is to do God’s mission.
It is the beginning of a new year, the onset of another chapter in the life of our congregation. More than this, it is time to begin preparing St. Jacob’s for a greater purpose and presence in the life of Christ’s church on earth. I’m looking forward to seeing these days unfold. I’m excited at the possibilities we have before us. Where is God in all this? He is right here in our midst. God is the one equipping and empowering us with gifts beyond measure, that we might show others the wonders of his love in Christ Jesus. Happy New Year everyone, and may God continue to bless us as his servants of the gospel. Grace to you and peace,

Pastor David Nuottila

We Care

Posted November 27, 2020 By admin

Please continue to bring your donations of non-perishable items for We Care. You may bring your donations to worship with you on Sunday morning, or drop them off at the church office Monday – Thursday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. When the list changes, it will be posted on the Bulletin Board in the Narthex.

1. Jelly/Jam
2. Corn Muffin Mix
3. Pancake mix
4. Chili Beans
5. Chunky Soup
6. Progresso Soup
7. Canned Sweet Potatoes
8. Shampoo/Conditioner
9. Shaving Cream
10. Cleaning Supplies
We also ALWAYS need any cleaning supplies, paper products and personal care items.

Up And Going News

Posted November 27, 2020 By admin

The Up and Going held a short meeting on Nov 15th after Church services with 11 members present. Sure was good to see all of you. Get Well cards were signed for Davis and Leon. During August, a memorial was sent to St. Jacob’s Cemetery Fund in memory of Gloria Dugan; a memorial was given to the Monts family in memory of Landon, grandson of Sandra and Davis; a memorial was given to the Lindler family in memory of Jamie, granddaughter of Frances. Birthday cards and get well cards have been sent to appropriate members. Members are reminded to bring non-perishable food items as is our custom in November and December for We Care. The December Meeting will be held after Sunday Church Services on a chosen Sunday in December. Watch Sunday bulletins for date or updates. Take care of yourself and Be Safe. Love to all.