Outreach Archive

Online Sunday School

Posted September 30, 2020 By admin

In order to provide Christian education for our children and families during this time of pandemic, several of our church family members have begun producing recorded video lessons to be used as an online Sunday School. These lessons are uploaded to our church website weekly and are also shared on our St. Jacob’s Facebook page. The current list of lessons focuses on several familiar Bible stories of the Old Testament. Please enjoy these and other St. Jacob’s online offerings such as Bible studies and devotions as you are able.

We Care

Posted September 30, 2020 By admin

As our Lord Jesus traveled the countryside of Galilee, he had compassion for so many people in their time of need and never failed to share God’s love with them. As disciples of Jesus, we have had that same opportunity here in Chapin. The response to our support for We Care has been very positive. Over the last few months, we have become regular donors of food and other personal items for those who are in need. As summer fades into autumn, the one thing that doesn’t fade is the fact that there are still so many in need. Please continue to provide your donations of non-perishable foods and personal hygiene items. Thank you again for all you provide in the name of Christ. Truly, St. Jacob’s is a congregation Serving Jesus, Loving Community. Supply listing is on the bulletin board in the Narthex.

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted September 30, 2020 By admin

Welcome Sarah Masterson

I’m excited to announce our first fellowship event post COVID-19. As you all know, we will be welcoming our new Organist, Sarah, on October 4th. In order to welcome her to our Church family, please join us for a cookout following the 10:30 AM service. We will all have the opportunity to meet Sarah and fellowship with one another after being apart for so long. All food and drinks will be provided and social distancing will be observed. Thank you for joining me in welcoming Sarah to St. Jacob’s. I look forward to seeing you there!

Trunk Or Treat

Our new youth committee met together for the first time in September. Moving forward, we will work together to plan events and share ideas for the advancement of our youth and family ministries. While planning for the remainder of the year, we have decided that October would be a great time to start meeting again as a church family! I would love to invite you to join us on October 31st from 5—7 PM for TRUNK OR TREAT at ST. JACOB’S! Anyone participating needs to be at the bus shed parking lot between 4 and 4:30 PM. Come, decorate your car, and fill it with candy.

Grace & Peace,


Pizza With The Pastor

Posted August 30, 2020 By admin

On September 6th , we will have our first KFC meeting after Children’s Choir practice enjoying pizza and fellowship with one another and talking about what’s to come for the remainder of the year!

Bible Study

Posted August 30, 2020 By admin

Don’t forget our Wednesday Morning Bible Study that is being held each week. All information will be emailed to the congregational members no later than Tuesday afternoon. If you have trouble logging on to Zoom, please contact Rachel Shelton or Pastor David for assistance.

The Courage Center

Posted August 30, 2020 By admin

Council voted to open our doors to The Courage Center (TCC) so that they could establish a meeting place in Chapin. What is The Courage Center? The Courage Center provides a safe, supportive, recovery-focused setting for young people and families on their journey to recover from substance misuse or substance use disorder. There was a need for a meeting location in the Chapin area. Many families in the Chapin/Newberry to Chapin/Dutch Fork/ Irmo vicinities were traveling to Lexington. During the midst of the COVID crisis and the civil unrest, The Courage Center saw some real, tangible signs that there are families in greater need of support and assistance.
• Overdose incidents in Lexington County are higher than the state average at 15 per week.
• The Lexington County Coroner’s office shared that although there was a 40% reduction in fatal overdoses from March through May 2019 compared to 2018. During that same time period in 2020, there was a 200% increase.
• Fatal overdoes, of young people under 30 years old, have seen a 50% increase over 2019.
St. Jacob’s is meeting this tremendous community need. The Courage Center meets in our Fellowship Hall each Thursday at 7:00 PM. As we have posted, no one with symptoms in the past 24 hours or knowingly been in contact with anyone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19, can enter into the building. They use a no-contact digital forehead thermometer, nitrile gloves, face masks, and hand sanitizers upon entrance into the fellowship hall. All participants have to complete the Safety Precaution Form to attend the meeting. They have plenty of room to social distance. All PPE supplies are provided by TCC. After the meeting, they wipe down and sanitize the chairs, doorknobs, etc. in the Fellowship Hall before leaving. We ask that you lift The Courage Center and families in prayer.
Sherrie McTeer
Council President

Youth Director & Family Ministries

Posted August 30, 2020 By admin

As a church, we are proud to support Chapin Middle School as they provide their students the best education possible. As the school year begins, we want to ensure that all students have the tools and resources they need in order to succeed, as well as anything they may need to remain safe and healthy in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The theme for the school year is “Shine Your Light” and what better way for us to show Jesus’ love in our community by shining our light and loving our neighbor. I am excited to announce SUPPLY SEPTEMBER, for the month of September. We will be collecting donations in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays or in the church office during the week from 9 AM-2 PM. All supplies will be delivered to CMS on September 27th. I have attached a list of supply items that students have been asked to bring this year. I am so excited to partner with you all in assisting students and their families, as we are able. Also, if you are unable to go make a purchase, we will have a box on the table for any monetary donations and we will gladly purchase more supplies.
#2 Pencils
Composition Notebook (Not spiral)
Colored Pencils
2-Pocket Folders
Dry Erase Markers
8 ½ x 11 Spiral 3 Subject Notebook
Tissues Hand Sanitizer
Glue Sticks
Lysol Spray
Disinfectant Wipes
Mini Deodorant
3×3 Post It Notes
Small Toiletry Kits
Calculators (Ti 30X & Ti 84 Plus)
Toothbrush Kits
Loose Leaf Paper
$5-$10 Gift Cards (Fast food, Walmart, etc.)
Graph Paper
1 inch Poly Binders
3-Ring Binder with Dividers
Five Notebook Divider with Pockets

On behalf of Chapin Middle School, we appreciate your continued support! Thank you for “Shining Your Light” on our students. -Lacey Hallman, CMS School Counselor

Grace and Peace, Rachel

Mission Stimulus

Posted July 29, 2020 By admin

In July, the Carolinas Mission Region (CMR) Mission Team sent each Carolinas NALC congregation a Mission Stimulus check to encourage engagement in the mission of the Gospel. Congregations were asked to use these funds ($160.00) for a new mission project or to add them to an ongoing mission effort. The funds received by St. Jacob’s were used in our ongoing support for We Care of Chapin.
Pastor David Nuottila serves as the CMR Mission Team chair.

Bible Study

Posted June 29, 2020 By admin

Our Wednesday morning Bible study has moved to Zoom.com. All information will be emailed each week to congregational members no later than Tuesday. If you have trouble logging on to Zoom, please contact Rachel Shelton or Pastor David for assistance.

In Home Visits

Posted June 29, 2020 By admin

Following recommended social distancing guidelines from the CDC and SCDHEC, Pastor David will continue to refrain from in home visitation. Best practices for scheduling and distribution of Holy Communion to St. Jacob’s members who are not yet attending worship are being worked out. Please be patient. Information will be passed along as soon as possible.